< Rebol Programming
EMAILER /to target /subject what
Pops up a quick email sender.
EMAILER is a function value.
- /to -- Specify a target address
- target -- (Type: string email)
- /subject -- Specify a subject line
- what -- (Type: string)
emailer: func [ "Pops up a quick email sender." /to "Specify a target address" target [string! email!] /subject "Specify a subject line" what [string!] /local req ][ if block? lo [ lo: layout lo center-face lo lo/color: 160.180.160 ] if not alive? [ alert "Email cannot be sent when offline." exit ] if not all [system/user/email system/schemes/default/host] [ req: request [{Your email settings are missing from the network preferences. ^-^-^-^-Set them now?} "Setup" "Ignore" "Cancel"] if none? req [exit] if all [req value? 'set-user] [set-user] ] clear-all if to [f-to/text: copy target] if subject [f-subject/text: copy what] focus f-to view/new/title lo "Emailer" ]
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