< Radmind
ktcheck - verify and download command file and transcripts
ktcheck [-inrV] [ -q | -v ] [ -c checksum ] [ -K command-file ] [ -h host ] [ -p port ] [ -w auth-level ] [ -x ca-pem-file ] [ -y cert- pem-file ] [ -z private-key-file ]
ktcheck verifies a client's command file with the radmind server host. The command file is downloaded from host if it is missing or has the wrong size. With the -c option, checksums are also used to verify files.
Reading the command file line-by-line, ktcheck verifies each command file and transcript listed, downloading it from host if it is missing or out of date. ktcheck ignors blank lines and comments ( lines start- ing with '#' ). Included command files are read are verified using the same method.
Each special file listed in the command file is converted into a tran- script line in special.T with information provided by host. See rad- mind(8) for details of the STAT command.
If checksuming is turned on, the special transcript is verified using the checksum and file size. If either are wrong, the special tran- script is updated. If checksuming is turned off, the special tran- script is always updated.
Files updated by ktcheck must be regular files and the user must have access to modify them.
When run with the -n option, ktcheck verifies but never downloads the command files or transcripts. A tempory special.T is created for veri- fication and is removed on exit.
-c checksum enables checksuming.
-i force output line buffering.
-h host specifies the radmind server, by default radmind.
-K command specifies a command file, by default /var/rad- mind/client/command.K.
-n no files modified.
-p port specifies a port, by default 6662.
-q suppress all messages.
-r use random seed file $RANDFILE if that environment variable is set, $HOME/.rnd otherwise. See RAND_load_file(3o).
-V displays the version of ktcheck, a list of sup- ported checksumming algorithms in descending order of preference and then exits.
-v displays communication with the radmind server.
-w auth-level TLS authorization level, by default 0. 0 = no TLS, 1 = server verification, 2 = server and client veri- fication.
-x ca-pem-file Certificate authority's public certificate, by default /var/radmind/cert/ca.pem.
-y cert-pem-file Client's public certificate, by default /var/rad- mind/cert/cert.pem.
-z private-key-file Client's private key, by default /var/rad- mind/cert/cert.pem.
/var/radmind/client/command.K name of the default command file.
special.T name of the special transcript.
The following exit values are returned:
0 No differences were found.
1 Differences were found.
>1 An error occurred.
fsdiff(1), lapply(1), lcksum(1), lcreate(1), lfdiff(1), lmerge(1), twhich(1), radmind(8), RAND_load_file(3o).
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