How to vote
Step 1: Select the SmartChain identity with which you want to create your SmartChain election with. You can find your identities under the My Identities tab.
Step 2: Under the voting tab double click the election you want to vote on.
Step 3: In the dialog box, right click the entry you would like to cast and click “Vote for Selected Candidate”.
Step 4: Confirm your vote by clicking “Cast Vote”.
Step 5: Once you’ve completed these steps a pop-up will appear with the blockchain fee to be paid and details concerning your election. Hit “Ok” and wait 4 blocks for the election to confirm. You have now voted in a Radium SmartChain election!
How to setup a new election
Step 1: Select the SmartChain identity with which you want to create your SmartChain election with. You can find your identities under the My Identities tab.
Step 2: Under the voting tab click the button with the label “Create An Election”.
Step 3: In the dialog box which appears please enter the title (i.e. question), duration and description of your election.
Step 4: Enter candidate names (i.e. your poll choices) and click the “Add Candidate” button to add the name to your list of candidates.
Step 5: Once you’ve completed these steps click the “Create” button. A pop-up will appear with the blockchain fee to be paid and details concerning your election. Hit “Ok” and wait 4 blocks for the election to confirm. You now have an ongoing election on the Radium SmartChain!