< RadOnc Resident Wiki < Breast
Clinically node negative
Or T3N1, No T4
- BCS followed by RT ± boost
- Mastectomy
- RT
- pN2a RT (≥4 axillary LNs)
- Consider RT
- 1-3 LN+
- T3
- Margin <1mm consider RT
- RT
- NAC if does not qualify for BCS
For systemic adjuvant therapy see below, chemo comes before RT
Clinically node positive
≥N2 | T4 (not inflammatory)
- Response: Mastectomy or BCS + RT
- No Response: Individualize - more chemo, neoadj RT
For systemic adjuvant therapy see below, chemo comes before RT
Surgical LN Staging
- If cN+ after biopsy, all patients get axillary dissection lvl 1-2
- If gross lvl 2 or 3, dissect 3
- Negative - no further needed
- Positive
- If ALL are met, no further needed, otherwise ALND lvl 1+2
- ≤T2
- 1-2 +SLN
- Patient getting BCS + WBRT without NAC
- If ALL are met, no further needed, otherwise ALND lvl 1+2
- Not found: ALND lvl 1+2
Adjuvant systemic therapy
Mainstays of treatment:
- Hormone Therapy (HT)
- Chemotherapy (CT)
- Trastuzumab (T)
Algorithm for treatment
- ≤5mm - Consider HT
- >5mm | N1mi - HT
- Consider CT, Trastuzumab
- ≥1cm | pN1 - All 3
Aberrations of above algorithm:
- If group 2 and HR+, do 21 gene assessment, then group 1,2,3 as ≤18, ≤30, >30 respectively
- If HR+, Mucinous or Tubular histology
- ≤3cm Consider HT
- ≥pN1 HT consider chemotherapy
- If HR- no HT, if HER2- no T
Radiotherapy Methods (RT)
- Whole Breast RT (WBRT) or Chest wall RT (including reconstruction)
- Standard is 50Gy/25Fx [46-50Gy/23-25Fx]
- ±boost to cavity 10Gy/5Fx [10-16Gy/4-8Fxs]
- Hypofractionated
- Consider for >50yo, ≤T2N0, no NAC
- 40Gy/15Fxs [40-42.5Gy/15-16Fxs]
- ≥4 LN+: To all nodes (at risk axilla, IM, SCN)
- 1-3 LN+ strongly consider to all nodes or at least LVL 1-2
- T3 (>5cm) consider consider to all nodes or at least LVL 1-2
38.5Gy/10Fx BID or 34Gy/10Fx Brachy to tumor bed
- Needs to meet all criteria
- Suitable
- ≥50yo, -BRCA, ≤T2 (2cm), ER+, N0, no NAC, no EIC
- DCIS allowed if screen-detected, low - int grade, <2.5cm, margins >3mm,
- LCIS allowed
- Cautionary 40-49 yo + all above, or ≥50 with only 1 of below:
- 2.1-3cm invasive focus, T2, margins <2mm, limited LVSI, ER-, pure DCIS ≤3cm, EIC ≤3cm
- Suitable
Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NAC)
Breast Conserving Therapy (BCS)
aka lumpectomy
Contraindications (CI):
- Can't get RT: i.e. prev RT, scleroderma, pregnant
- Diffuse suspicious microcalcifications
- R+ surgery predicted
Not CI (however considerations):
- Young
- Non-biopsied MRI findings
- Systemic lupus
- High grade/Trip negative
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