Official documentations
- The ROSE manual has a chapter (Chapter 12 OpenMP Support) explaining the details. pdf
- A paper was published for the uniqueness of the ROSE OpenMP Implementation pdf
- A paper about the Accelerator support:
OpenMP Features
ROSE supports OpenMP 3.0 for C/C++ (and limited Fortran support) and has an experimental OpenMP Acclerator Model Implementation from OpenMP 4.0
Connection point to the frontend() is located in sage_support.cpp, via OmpSupport::processOpenMP() called by SgFile::secondaryPassOverSourceFile()
void processOpenMP(SgSourceFile *sageFilePtr) of ompAstConstruction.cpp // top level driver of OpenMP processing in ROSE
- Frontend parsing source files (ompparser.yy and ompFortranParser.C) are located under
- void build_OpenMP_AST(SgSourceFile *sageFilePtr) of ompAstConstruction.cpp // process pragmas and build AST for OpenMP
- void attachOmpAttributeInfo(SgSourceFile *sageFilePtr) of ompAstConstruction.cpp // find and parse OpenMP pragmas into OmpAttribute info.
- convert_OpenMP_pragma_to_AST() // convert attributes into dedicated OpenMP AST nodes
- void build_OpenMP_AST(SgSourceFile *sageFilePtr) of ompAstConstruction.cpp // process pragmas and build AST for OpenMP
- The transformation of OpenMP into threaded code is located in omp_lowering.cpp, under
- lower_omp()
- The OpenMP runtime interface is defined in libxomp.h and xomp.c under the same ompLowering directory mentioned above
- GCC's OpenMP runtime library, libgomp is used with this implementation.
- Optionally, other runtime libraries, such as Omni runtime library can be hooked with ROSE. But this support is not being actively maintained.
The OpenMP processing happens in void SgFile::secondaryPassOverSourceFile() of rose/src/frontend/SageIII/sage_support/sage_support.cpp. This pass collects extra information about the source file such as comments, preprocessing directives, etc.
Configuration: please always try to use --with-gomp_omp_runtime_library=/usr/apps/gcc/4.4.1/lib64/ when configuring ROSE. So the generated ROSE translators can automatically link with libgomp.a to generate executables for you. This will also allow the execution tests of the omp Lowering be executed to catch errors. Without this option, only the compile level tests will run.
Command line options
Like all other compilers supporting OpenMP, you have to explicitly turn on this support by using -rose:openmp:lowering, for example:
identityTranslator -rose:openmp:lowering your_openmp_code.c
This option tells a ROSE translator to recognize OpenMP pragmas and translate the input to use libgomp runtime library. Detailed command lines for compilation, backend compiler , and linking can be seen by using a verbose flag
identityTranslator -rose:openmp:lowering -rose:verbose 3 your_openmp_code.c
Three internal steps will show up in this verbose mode:
- ROSE translator's translation: identityTranslator -rose:openmp:lowering -rose:verbose 3 ...-DUSE_ROSE --c -D_OPENMP your_openmp_code.c
- Backend compiler compilation: gcc -DUSE_ROSE -D_OPENMP -I/export/tmp.liao6/workspace/masterClean/build64/install/include rose_your_openmp_code.c -c -o mg_your_openmp_code.o
- Linking: gcc your_openmp_code.o -lm /export/tmp.liao6/workspace/masterClean/build64/install/lib/libxomp.a /usr/apps/gcc/4.4.1/lib64//libgomp.a -lpthread
More command line option choices for OpenMP support
- -rose:OpenMP, -rose:openmp follow OpenMP 3.0 specification for C/C++ and Fortran, perform one of the following actions:
- -rose:OpenMP:parse_only, -rose:openmp:parse_only parse OpenMP directives to OmpAttributes, no further actions (default behavior now)
- -rose:OpenMP:ast_only, -rose:openmp:ast_only on top of -rose:openmp:parse_only, build OpenMP AST nodes from OmpAttributes, no further actions
- -rose:OpenMP:lowering, -rose:openmp:lowering on top of -rose:openmp:ast_only, transform AST with OpenMP nodes into multithreaded code targeting GCC GOMP runtime library
internal steps
- ./identityTranslator -I../../../../../../rose-develop/src/frontend/SageIII -I../../../../../../rose-develop/src/midend/programTransformation/ompLowering -I../../../../.. -rose:openmp:lowering -g --edg:no_warnings -c ../../../../../../rose-develop/tests/nonsmoke/functional/CompileTests/OpenMP_tests/pi.c
gcc pi.o -o pi.out -L../../../../../src/midend -lxomp /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.9//libgomp.a -lpthread -lm
- There are about 70 builtin execution tests (many have self-verification) in ROSE.
- OpenMP parsing tests: tests/CompileTests/OpenMP_tests
- OpenMP translation and execution tests: rose/tests/roseTests/ompLoweringTests, need --with-gomp_omp_runtime_library=/usr/apps/gcc/4.4.x(or later)/lib64/ to link and run the tests.
Some benchmarks are used to test OpenMP support in ROSE in Jenkins (our regression test server)
- a22b-NPB-2.3-C-parallel: all 8 benchmarks pass
- a21-SPEC-OMP-64bit-parallel: 3 benchmarks pass.
- LULESH OpenMP version: download
For builtin test:
- source files are in:
- the test driver is defined in . See the list of files under C_TESTCODES_REQUIRED_TO_RUN .
You have to configure the path to GOMP if you want to them to be automatically executed when "make check" is typed. e.g. ../sourcetree ... --with-gomp_omp_runtime_library=/usr/apps/gcc/4.4.1/lib64/
Parsing OpenMP directives
Frontend parsing source files (ompparser.yy and ompFortranParser.C) are located under
- C/C++ directives are parsed using Flex/Bison:
- Fortran directives are parsed by a hand-written recursive descent parser
- The driver to call the parsers: void processingOpenMP(SgSoureFile*) from
- void attachOmpAttributeInfo(SgSourceFile *sageFilePtr) // call parse_fortran_openmp()
To recognize a new keyword, for example, a clause : target ()
- add a token name in ompparser.yy : %token TARGET
- parse the token in omplexer.ll: target {return cond_return ( TARGET ); }
- add grammar rules into ompparser.yy
openmp_directive : parallel_directive
| target_directive
target_directive: /* #pragma */ OMP TARGET {
ompattribute = buildOmpAttribute(e_target,gNode,true);
omptype = e_target;
The parsing results are stored into persistent AST attribute. A derived type called OmpAttribute is used.
./src/frontend/SageIII/OmpAttribute.h /.C
AST support for OpenMP
We define a set of dedicated AST nodes to represent OpenMP directives in your source code. For an example input code, you can view the AST using dotGeneratorWholeASTGraph
/* A kernel for two level parallelizable loop with reduction */ float u[100][100]; float foo () { int i,j; float temp, error; #pragma omp parallel for private (temp,i,j) reduction (+:error) for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) for (j = 0; j < 100; j++) { temp = u[i][j]; error = error + temp * temp; } return error; }
./dotGeneratorWholeASTGraph -c -rose:OpenMP:ast_only reduction_1.c
The generated dot graph will have the following nodes
- SgBasicBlock // the basic block of the function definition
- SgOmpParallelStatement // dedicated OpenMP parallel statement in AST
- SgOmpForStatement // dedicated Omp for statement. It has SgOmpReductionClause and SgOmpPrivateClause, obtained from ->get_clauses()
- SgForStatement // the actual loop affected by "omp parallel for"
- SgOmpForStatement // dedicated Omp for statement. It has SgOmpReductionClause and SgOmpPrivateClause, obtained from ->get_clauses()
- SgOmpParallelStatement // dedicated OpenMP parallel statement in AST
The combined directives like "omp parallel for " is split into two directives "omp parallel" and "omp for". All clauses are attached to the inner level directive as much as possible. This is to support simpler handling later on (like in OpenMP lowering).
- Note: there is no dedicated AST nodes for combined directives for now. But we can add them if necessary.
Omp Nodes
A list of the OpenMP AST nodes are (from
- SgOmpAlignedClause
- SgOmpAtomicStatement
- SgOmpBarrierStatement
- SgOmpBeginClause
- SgOmpBodyStatement
- SgOmpClause
- SgOmpClauseBodyStatement
- SgOmpCollapseClause
- SgOmpCopyinClause
- SgOmpCopyprivateClause
- SgOmpCriticalStatement
- SgOmpDefaultClause
- SgOmpDeviceClause
- SgOmpDoStatement
- SgOmpEndClause
- SgOmpExpressionClause
- SgOmpFirstprivateClause
- SgOmpFlushStatement
- SgOmpForStatement
- SgOmpIfClause
- SgOmpLastprivateClause
- SgOmpLinearClause
- SgOmpMapClause
- SgOmpMasterStatement
- SgOmpNowaitClause
- SgOmpNumThreadsClause
- SgOmpOrderedClause
- SgOmpOrderedStatement
- SgOmpParallelStatement
- SgOmpPrivateClause
- SgOmpReductionClause
- SgOmpSafelenClause
- SgOmpScheduleClause
- SgOmpSectionsStatement
- SgOmpSectionStatement
- SgOmpSharedClause
- SgOmpSimdStatement
- SgOmpSingleStatement
- SgOmpTargetDataStatement
- SgOmpTargetStatement
- SgOmpTaskStatement
- SgOmpTaskwaitStatement
- SgOmpThreadprivateStatement
- SgOmpUniformClause
- SgOmpUntiedClause
- SgOmpVariablesClause
- SgOmpWorkshareStatement
Please refer to the Doxygen documentation for the member access functions.
AST Graph
To view the AST graphs of your input OpenMP codes, you should use either dotGraphGeneratorWhole of pdfGenerator .
One example dot graph is available at within .
Access OpenMP clauses and variables
Please refer to the Doxygen documentation for the member access functions of SgOmp* nodes.
Many helper functions are defined in the OmpSupport namespace, as shown in
The best examples of how to access those nodes' information are in the OpenMP lowering step of ROSE.
For example, to obtain the list of variable references in threadprivate clause, the code looks like
void transOmpThreadprivate(SgNode * node) { ROSE_ASSERT(node != NULL ); SgOmpThreadprivateStatement* target = isSgOmpThreadprivateStatement(node); ROSE_ASSERT(target != NULL ); SgVarRefExpPtrList nameList = target->get_variables (); for (size_t i = 0; i<nameList.size(); i++) { SgInitializedName* init_name = nameList[i]->get_symbol()->get_declaration(); ROSE_ASSERT(init_name != NULL); SgVariableDeclaration* decl = isSgVariableDeclaration(init_name-> get_declaration()); ROSE_ASSERT (decl != NULL); .... } .... }
Another example to check if a variable is within some OpenMP clauses' variable list
#include "rose.h"
#include "omp_lowering.h" // many helper functions are declared here
using namespace OmpSupport;
SgInitializedName* orig_var = ... ;
SgOmpClauseBodyStatement* clause_stmt = isSgOmpClauseBodyStatement(ompStmt);
// check if orig_var is within the specified clauses of an OpenMP statement (e.g. omp for)
VariantVector vvt (V_SgOmpPrivateClause);
if (isInClauseVariableList(orig_var, clause_stmt, vvt))
// another one: check if a loop index variable is already in private() or not
isPrivateInRegion = isInClauseVariableList(index_var, isSgOmpClauseBodyStatement(omp_stmt), V_SgOmpPrivateClause);
// add loop index variable into the private() clause
addClauseVariable(index_var,isSgOmpClauseBodyStatement(omp_loop), V_SgOmpPrivateClause);
Query data sharing attributes
There is an interface function to query data sharing attribute of a variable referenced in an OpenMP program, declared in
namespace OmpSupport { //! Return the data sharing attribute type of a variable, specified as a symbol and an anchor node //! (Must be the inner most node associated with the variable reference, e.g. a SgVarRefExp, SgVariableDeclaration, etc) //! Possible returned values include: e_shared, e_private, e_firstprivate, e_lastprivate, e_reduction, //! e_threadprivate, e_copyin, and e_copyprivate. ROSE_DLL_API omp_construct_enum getDataSharingAttribute (SgSymbol* var, SgNode* anchor_node); //! Return the OpenMP data sharing attribute type of a variable reference ROSE_DLL_API omp_construct_enum getDataSharingAttribute (SgVarRefExp* varRef); ... }
Test/Example code
#include <vector>
#include "OmpSupport.h" // this file includes several headers declaring OmpSupport namespace
using namespace std;
using namespace OmpSupport;
using namespace SageInterface;
class visitorTraversal : public AstSimpleProcessing
virtual void visit(SgNode* n);
void visitorTraversal::visit(SgNode* node)
if (SgLocatedNode* lnode = isSgLocatedNode(node))
//skip system headers
if (insideSystemHeader (lnode))
if (SgForStatement* forloop= isSgForStatement(node))
cout<<"for loop at line "<< forloop->get_file_info()->get_line() <<endl;
std::vector< SgVarRefExp * > ref_vec;
collectVarRefs (forloop, ref_vec);
for (std::vector< SgVarRefExp * >::iterator iter = ref_vec.begin(); iter!= ref_vec.end(); iter ++)
SgSymbol* s = (*iter)->get_symbol();
omp_construct_enum atr = getDataSharingAttribute (*iter);
// will redirect to a .output file to enable diff-based correctness checking
cout<<s->get_name()<<"\t"<<toString(atr) <<endl;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
SgProject *project = frontend (argc, argv);
visitorTraversal myvisitor;
return backend(project);
Testing command line:
./getDataSharingAttribute -c -rose:openmp:ast_only openmpcode.c
unparsing of AST nodes
They are defined in
Enabling OpenMP processing from your translator
Enabling OpenMP parsing and AST creation
The simplest and recommended way is to pass command line option "-rose:OpenMP:ast_only" to your translator.
- This will turn on parsing OpenMP directives and creating dedicated OpenMP AST nodes. Users have the choice of turning on/off of OpenMP parsing.
The 2nd option (recommended) is that you can push the option internally in your translator
// Option 2: recommended #include "rose.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { vector<string> argvList(argv,argv+argc); if (your-condition-meet) argvList.push_back("-rose:OpenMP:ast_only"); // the frontend will correctly handle OpenMP. // All internal flags will be automatically set correctly. // Several internal actions will be turned on in parsing, translation and the connection to the backend compiler SgProject* project = frontend (argvList); //... }
The third option (not really recommended), you can replicate all the internally handling in your translator, as shown in and
- this is a bit complex since you are now exposed to both Project and File level internal flags.
- you have to understand details of how several flags work together to control parsing, ast creation, and lowering.
- and explicitly call the OpenMP processing function
- and pass "-DOPENMP" to backend compiler if backend compiler is needed.
// Option 3: not really recommended due to the complexity involved. #include "rose.h" #include "ompAstConstruction.h" int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { vector<string> argvList(argv, argv+argc); // the default frontend does not handle OpenMP at all. SgProject* project = frontend (argvList); .. // optional // OmpSupport::enable_debugging = true; // We assuming one single input file at a time // You need to do this for all file if your translator accepts multiple files SgFile * cur_file = project->get_fileList()[0]; // set three flags related to OpenMP processing cur_file->set_openmp(true); // the top level flag cur_file->set_openmp_parse_only(false); cur_file->set_openmp_ast_only(true); cur_file->set_openmp_lowering(false); // process OpenMP directives within this file, based on the flag setting // At least two phases are involved: one is to do the parsing and AST creation // the other is to handle -DOPENMP when connecting to the backend compiler OmpSupport::processOpenMP(isSgSourceFile(cur_file)); AstTests::runAllTests(project); return backend(project); }
Enabling OpenMP Lowering
Sometimes it is desired to call OpenMP lowering from your own translator, not from the builtin frontend() of ROSE. Here is an example:
#include "rose.h" #include "ompAstConstruction.h" int main() { SgProject* project = frontend(argvList,frontendConstantFolding); .. OmpSupport::enable_accelerator = true; OmpSupport::enable_debugging = true; // We only process one single input file at a time ROSE_ASSERT (project->get_fileList().size() ==1); SgFile * cur_file = project->get_fileList()[0]; // set three flags related to OpenMP processing cur_file->set_openmp(true); cur_file->set_openmp_lowering(true); cur_file->set_openmp_parse_only(false); // process OpenMP directives, including omp target OmpSupport::processOpenMP(isSgSourceFile(cur_file)); AstTests::runAllTests(project); return backend(project); }
Instrumentation support
XOMP (ROSE's OpenMP runtime layer) supports a simple event instrumentation to collect timestamps of key OpenMP events. The data collected can be helpful for further analysis, such as investigating serial vs. parallel regions during an execution.
Environment variable to turn on this support
- XOMP_REGION_INSTR =0|1: simply expose this environment variable will turn on this support. This option is turned off by default to avoid unnecessary overhead.
- in BASH: type "export XOMP_REGION_INSTR=1"
Once this feature is turned on, use rose to compile your OpenMP code. The executable will generate a data file with a time stamp as its prefix, such as "2013_03_05_10_05_45.jacobi". This file will contain a time stamp, value 1 or 2, and file location for each change between serial and parallel execution.
Sample GNU plot script to generate a figure from the data file generated by XOMP
# cat set xlabel 'time stamps' set yrange [0:3] #set output "lulesh.eps" #set terminal postscript eps plot "sp.A.8threads" using ($1-1362509569.298380):2 with lines #plot "" using 1:2 with lines
Sample generated GNU plot figure: X-axis is the timeline, Y-axis is for the serial (value 1) vs parallel (value 2) execution


Relevant commits for this support
- , latest
-, earliest commit
How large is the implementation?
Data collected on July 7th, 2015
Directly source lines
[liao6@tux322:~/workspace/masterDevClean/sourcetree/src/frontend/SageIII]wc omp* 1900 6723 75176 ompAstConstruction.cpp 20 39 504 ompAstConstruction.h 1504 4821 45545 ompFortranParser.C 128 365 3361 omp.h 241 1171 9011 omplexer.ll 284 779 9714 omp_lib.f90 57 119 1784 omp_lib.h 17 76 647 omp_lib_kinds.h 1056 3010 40607 ompparser.yy 5207 17103 186349 total [liao6@tux322:~/workspace/masterDevClean/sourcetree/src/midend/programTransformation/ompLowering]wc *.h *.inc *.cu *.cpp *.sh *.c 152 702 7533 libgomp_g.h 51 208 1814 libompc.h 57 130 1885 libxompf.h 387 2424 17562 libxomp.h 212 1232 10559 omp_lowering.h 771 2841 38153 771 2841 35845 67843 103833 1891978 76291 143257 1761968 973 4246 35237 334 1921 13137 5939 26563 267555 omp_lowering.cpp 24 139 1021 21 101 736 45 163 1138 86 405 2709 156 584 4418 xomp_accelerator_sched_test.c 194 821 5919 xomp_accelerator_sched_test_v2.c 1823 6642 54788 xomp.c 156130 299053 4153955 total
Indirect support source files
[liao6@tux322:~/workspace/masterDevClean/sourcetree/src/midend/programTransformation/astOutlining]wc *.cc *.cc 576 1390 15514 175 539 4869 307 668 6188 371 1254 10678 97 537 3803 33 79 682 101 263 2611 219 1009 9306 1422 6803 61202 185 482 3563 63 131 1524 163 481 4711 785 3165 33825 149 484 4329 59 120 945 292 910 9030 64 176 1895 373 1299 12924 405 1416 12345 41 94 1191 102 357 3178 445 1373 14757 436 1352 12210 209 763 7185 33 85 893 293 1045 10043 712 3499 33690 424 1405 13887 576 1390 15514 175 539 4869 307 668 6188 371 1254 10678 97 537 3803 33 79 682 101 263 2611 219 1009 9306 1422 6803 61202 185 482 3563 63 131 1524 163 481 4711 785 3165 33825 149 484 4329 59 120 945 292 910 9030 64 176 1895 373 1299 12924 405 1416 12345 41 94 1191 102 357 3178 445 1373 14757 436 1352 12210 209 763 7185 33 85 893 293 1045 10043 712 3499 33690 424 1405 13887 17068 62358 593956 total [liao6@tux322:~/workspace/masterDevClean/sourcetree/src/frontend/SageIII/sageInterface]wc sageBuilder.C sageBuilder.h sageBuilder_fortran.C sageInterface.C sageInterface.h sageInterface_type.C 16842 64856 784120 sageBuilder.C 1489 8428 90956 sageBuilder.h 104 212 3408 sageBuilder_fortran.C 19213 71263 847054 sageInterface.C 2406 14864 128891 sageInterface.h 2208 7633 87896 sageInterface_type.C 42262 167256 1942325 total
The OpenMP implementation in ROSE supports OpenMP 3.0 and the accelerator (GPU) support in OpenMP 4.0. It has three components: a frontend, a middle end, and a runtime layer, with 4849, 6151, and 6203 lines of code respectively. In total, there are 17203 lines of code which are dedicated for implementing OpenMP.
In addition, two other supportive components in ROSE are used to help OpenMP implementation: 1) the AST outliner (extracting portions of code into functions) and 2) the AST interface functions (building and manipulating AST). The AST outliner has 17068 lines of code. The AST interface functions have 42262 lines of code. So the lines of indirect source files are 42262.
Counting both direct and indirect source files, there are 76533 lines related to OpenMP implementation in ROSE.
Using an online software construction cost calculator ( assuming a developer can write and maintain 500 lines of code per month. we estimate that the cost is 48 man-months (or 480K using a 10K monthly cost rate per person) for developing the dedicated OpenMP source files of 17.2K source lines. The total cost for both direct and indirect source files is estimated to be 228 man-months or 2.28 millions.
We have not tried to add the parsing and unparsing components in ROSE into this estimation. The roughly estimation is that there are around 1 million lines of code to parse input code and later unparse the source code as output.
- Chunhua Liao, Yonghong Yan, Bronis R. de Supinski, Daniel J. Quinlan, and Barbara Chapman. "Early experiences with the openmp accelerator model." In OpenMP in the Era of Low Power Devices and Accelerators, pp. 84-98. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.
- Chunhua Liao, Daniel J. Quinlan , Thomas Panas and Bronis de Supinski, A ROSE-based OpenMP 3.0 Research Compiler Supporting Multiple Runtime Libraries, the 6th International Workshop on OpenMP (IWOMP), June 14-16, 2010, Tsukuba, Japan. LLNL-CONF-422873