Quenya Translation by Helge Kåre Fauskanger.
Chapter 1
ñ- `B hÍR,R,R `V7U `H4#5$ t$5$j `C6 aFt$5-
1. I yessessë Eru ontanë Menel ar Cemen.
1. In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.
ò- aFt$5 5~V aJt5# `C6 j&81E= `C6 `Vs$ t^65%`V `N6 `B `M2&t$= 5#5 `V7U`N 8~Mj$ nTj°$ `N6 `B 5$5%-
2. Cemen né cumna ar lusta, ar engë mornië or i undumë, nan Eruo Súlë willë or i neni.
2. The Earth was [*né] void and empty, and there was darkness upon [or, over] the abyss, but the Spirit of God hovered above the waters.
ó- `C6 `VzF `V7U- «`V`C a~Cj$Á» `C6 `Vs$ a~Cj$-
3. Ar equë Eru: "Eä cálë!" ar engë cálë.
3. And God said, "There be light!" and there was light.
ô- `V7U aF5"$ iD `B a~Cj$ 5~V t~C7E= `C6 `V7U aGj1E5$ `B a~Cj$ `B t^65%`Vj°^-
4. Eru cennë sa i cálë né mára, ar Eru ciltanë i cálë i morniello.
4. God saw that the light was good, and God separated the light from the darkness.
õ- `C6 `V7U `V81E5$ `B a~Cj$ .D7R= `C6 `B t^65%`V `V81E5$8 j~Nt$- `C6 `Vs$ iG5Ì$= `C6 `Vs$ `C7T5= `B t%5Ì# .D7R-
5. Ar Eru estanë i cálë Aurë, ar i mornië estanes Lómë. Ar engë sinyë, ar engë arin, i minya aurë.
5. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And it became evening, and it became morning, the first day.
ö- `C6 `VzF `V7U- «`V`C 1Rj°&t# `V2$,F `B 5$5%`N5= `C6 aGj1UyE8 5~V5 5$5$j°^»-
6. Ar equë Eru: "Eä telluma endessë i nenion, ar ciltuvas nén nenello."
6. And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the middle of the waters, and it shall separate water from water."
÷- `C6 `V7U aD65$ `B 1Rj°&t# `C6 aGj1E5$ `B 5$5% `N6 `B 1Rj°&t# `B 5$5%j°^5 5& `B 1Rj°&t#- `C6 `Vs$ iG`V-
7. Ar Eru carnë i telluma ar ciltanë i neni or i telluma i nenillon nu i telluma. Ar engë sië.
7. And God made the firmament and separated the waters above the firmament from the waters below the firmament. And it was so.
ø- `C6 `V7U `V81E5$ `B 1Rj°&t# t$5$j- `Vs$ iG5Ì$= `C6 `Vs$ `C7T5= `B `C1'R`C .D7R-
8. Ar Eru estanë i telluma Menel. Engë sinyë, ar engë arin, i attëa aurë.
8. And God called the firmament Heaven. And it became evening, and it became morning, the second day.
ù- `C6 `VzF `V7U- «5# `B 5$5% 5& t$5$j 9Y81lD5$ t%5$ 5~Nt$,F= `C6 5# `B qE6aD 5~N6 a~V5%5#Á» `C6 `Vs$ iG`V-
9. Ar equë Eru: "Na i neni nu menel hostainë minë nómessë, ar na i parca nór cénina!" ar engë sië.
9. And God said: "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered in one place, and let the dry land appear!" and it was so.
ðñ- `C6 `V7U `V81E5$ `B qE6aD 5~N6 aFt$5= 5#5 `B 9Y81lD5$ 5$5% `V81E5$8 `V`C6- `C6 `V7U aF5"$ iD 5$8 5~C7E-
10. Ar Eru estanë i parca nór Cemen, nan i hostainë neni estanes Eär. Ar Eru cennë sa nes mára.
10. And God called the dry land Earth, but the waters [that were] gathered he called Sea. And God saw that it was good.
ññ- `C6 `VzF `V7U- «~C aHj$ aFt$5 iDjzF= `NjyE6 aD7Tj# `VuT= hÍ~CyEm#6 aHj%j# hÍ~CyR 5^81Ej$4#,F5= aFt$2$-» `C6 `Vs$ iG`V-
11. Ar equë Eru: "Á colë cemen salquë, olvar carila erdi, yávaldar colila yávë nostalentassen, cemendë." ar engë sië.
11. And God said: "Let the earth bear [forth] grass, plants making seeds, fruit-trees bearing [forth] fruit according to their kinds, in the earth." and it was [became? remained?] so.
òñ- aFt$5 aHj°$ iDjzF= `NjyE6 aD7Tj# `VuT= 5^81Ej$4#,F5= `C6 `Cm#6 aHj%j# hÍ~CyR hÍE,F `V`C6 `VuR4#6= 5^81Ej$4#,F5- `C6 `C7U aF5"$ iD 5$8 t~C7E-
12. Cemen collë salquë, olvar carila erdi, nostalentassen, ar aldar colila yávë yassë ëar erdentar, nostalentassen. Ar Eru cennë sa nes mára.
12. The earth bore grass, plants making seeds, according to their kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which their seeds are, according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
óñ- `C6 `Vs$ iG5Ì$= `C6 `Vs$ `C7T5= `B 5$j´# .D7R-
13. Ar engë sinyë, ar engë arin, i nelya aurë.
13. And it became evening, and it became morning, the third day.
ôñ- `C6 `VzF `C7U- «`V`C aDjt#6 1Rj°&t#,F t$5$j^ aGj1T`V5 .D7R j~Nt%j°^= `C6 5.DyE4$ 1E5"#6 `CiD7T`N5 `C6 .D7T`N5 `C6 aH7E5~C7T`N5-
14. Ar equë Eru: "Eä calmar tellumassë menelo ciltien aurë lómillo, ar nauvantë tannar asarion ar aurion ar coranárion.
14. And God said: "Let there be lights [or, lamps] on the firmament of the heavens to separate day from night, and they will be signs of times and days and years.
õñ- 5.DyE4$ aDjt#6 1Rj°&t#,F t$5$j^ aDj1T`V5 aFt$5"#-» `C6 `Vs$ iG`V-
15. Nauvantë calmar tellumassë menelo caltien cemenna." ar engë sië.
15. They will be lights on the firmament of the heavens to shine upon the earth." and it was [became?] so.
öñ- `V7U aD65$ `B `C1'E `Cj1R aDjt#6= `B `C5#j1E aDjt# 1U7T`V5 .D7R,F `C6 `B qT1ÎE aDjt# 1U7T`V5 j~Mt%,F= `C6 `B `Vj$5%-
16. Eru carnë i atta altë calmar, i analta calma turien auressë ar i pitya calma turien lómissë, ar i eleni.
16. God made the two great lights, the greatest light to rule at day and the lesser [pitya, "small"] light to rule at night, and the stars.
÷ñ- `C6 `V7U qE5Ì#5$ 1E 1Rj°&t#,F t$5$j^ aDj1T`V5 aFt$5"#-
17. Ar Eru panyanë ta tellumassë menelo caltien cemenna.
17. And God placed them on the firmament of the heavens to shine upon the earth.
øñ- `C6 1U7T`V5 .D7R,F `C6 j~Nt%,F `C6 aGj1T`V5 a~Cj$ t^65%`Vj°^- `C6 `V7U aF5"$ iD 5$8 t~C7E-
18. ar turien auressë ar lómissë ar ciltien cálë morniello. Ar Eru cennë sa nes mára.
18. and to rule by day and by night and to separate light from darkness. And God saw that it was good.
ùñ- `C6 `Vs$ iG5Ì$= `C6 `Vs$ `C7T5= `B aD4$`C .D7R-
19. Ar engë sinyë, ar engë arin, i cantëa aurë.
19. And it became evening, and it became morning, the fourth day.
ðò- `C6 `VzF `V7U- «~C `V`C ~MyR alU5$ `N5"^j~ByE `B 5$5%,F5= `C6 ~C nTj$ lDnRj% 1Rj°&t#,F t$5$j^»-
20. Ar equë Eru: "Á ëa úvë cuinë onnolíva i nenissen, ar á wilë aiweli tellumassë menelo."
20. And God said: "Let there be a swarm [úvë = "abundance"] of living creatures in the waters, and let birds fly in the firmament of the heavens."
ñò- `C6 `V7U `H4#5$ `B `Cj1R `V`C6aFjyE6 `C6 `Bj´# `B ~MyR alU5$ `N5"lDyE `B 7Td1E6 `B 5$5%,F5= 5^81Ej$4#,F5= `C6 `Bj´$ 7~Ct#ylY1T `N5"#6 5^81Ej$4#,F5- `C6 `V7U aF5"$ iD 5$8 t~C7E-
21. Ar Eru ontanë i altë ëarcelvar ar ilya i úvë cuinë onnaiva i rihtar i nenissen, nostalentassen, ar ilyë rámavoiti onnar nostalentassen. Ar Eru cennë sa nes mára.
21. And God created the great animals of the sea and the whole abundance of living creatures that move in the waters, after their kinds, and all winged creatures after their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
òò- `C6 `V7U jlD1E5$ 1R `C6 zF4$- «5# hÍ~CyTv$ `C6 5# 7Tw$= ~C zD1R 5~V5 `B `V`C7T`N5= `C6 5# `B lDnT 7Tw$ aFt$2$Á»-
22. Ar Eru laitanë te ar quentë: "Na yávinquë ar na rimbë, á quatë nén i ëarion, ar na i aiwi rimbë cemendë!"
22. And God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and be[come] many, fill the water of the oceans, and the birds shall be many in the earth [lit. "be the birds numerous on earth]!"
óò- `C6 `Vs$ iG5Ì$= `C6 `Vs$ `C7T5= `B j$r$`C .D7R-
23. Ar engë sinyë, ar engë arin, i lempëa aurë.
23. And it became evening, and it became morning, the fifth day.
ôò- `C6 `VzF `V7U- «~C aHj$ aFt$5 alU5$ `N5"#6 5^81Ej$4#,F5= j#t5% `C6 aFjyEj°$6 `C6 aFt$5^ ½7EyE5% aRjyE6= 5^81Ej$4#,F5»-
24. Ar equë Eru: "Á colë cemen cuinë onnar nostalentassen, lamni ar celvaller ar cemeno hravani celvar, nostalentassen."
24. And God said: "Let the earth bring forth [lit. bear] living creatures according to their kinds, beasts and insects and the wild animals of the earth, according to their kinds."
õò- `C6 `V7U aD65$ aFt$5^ ½7EyE5% aFjyE6 5^81Ej$4#,F5= `C6 `B j#t5% 5^81Ej$4#,F5 `C6 `Bj´$ aFjyE6 `B yE4#6 aFt$2$= 5^81Ej$4#,F5- `C6 `V7U aF5"$ iD 5$8 t~C7E-
25. Ar Eru carnë cemeno hravani celvar nostalentassen, ar i lamni nostalentassen ar ilyë celvar i vantar cemendë, nostalentassen. Ar Eru cennë sa nes mára.
25. And God made the wild animals of the earth according to their kinds, and the beasts according to their kinds and all animals that walk the earth [cemendë, locative], according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.
öò- `C6 `VzF `V7U- «`CjyR aD7R `C1E5 yR5nRjyE,F= aD4# yRjyR= `C6 1U7UyE8 `V`C7Y j%x% `C6 t$5$j^ lDnT `C6 `B j#t5% `C6 `Bj´# `B aFt$5 `C6 `Bj´# aFjyE6 `B yE4#6 aFt$2$»-
26. Ar equë Eru: "Alvë carë Atan venwelvassë, canta velvë; ar turuvas ëaro lingwi ar menelo aiwi ar i lamni ar ilya i cemen ar ilyë celvar i vantar cemendë."
26. And God said: "Let us make Man in our image, shaped like us; and he shall rule the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and the beasts and all the earth and all animals that walk the earth."
÷ò- `C6 `V7U `H4#5$ `C1E5 yR5nR7ÎE,F= `V7U`N yR5nR,F `H4#5$7ÎR8= 9C5& `C6 5~B `H4#5$7ÎR1-
27. Ar Eru ontanë Atan venweryassë, Eruo venwessë ontaneryes; hanu ar ní ontaneryet.
27. And God created Man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.
øò- `C6 `V7U jlD1E5$ 1R= `C6 `VzF `V7U 1T`V5"#- «5# hÍ~CyTv$ `C6 5# 7Tw$= ~C zD1R aFt$5 ~C6 ~CiD qE5Ì# 5& j$= `C6 ~C 1U7R `V`C7Y j%x% `C6 lDnT `C6 `Bj´$ alU5$ `N5"#6 `B yE4#6 aFt$2$»-
28. Ar Eru laitanë te, ar equë Eru tienna: "Na yávinquë ar na rimbë, á quatë cemen ar ása panya nu le, ar á turë ëaro lingwi ar menelo aiwi ar ilyë cuinë onnar i vantar cemendë."
28. And God blessed them, and God said to them: "Be fruitful and be[come] many, fill the earth and subdue it [place it under you], and rule the fish of the sea and the birds of the heavens and all living creatures that walk the earth."
ùò- `C6 `VzF `V7U- «`V5Á `C4#5 j$5 `Bj´$ `NjyE6 aD7Tj# `VuT= `Bj´# `B `V`C6 `Bj´# `B qEj~M7R,F aFt$5^= `C6 `Bj´$ `Cm#6 aD7Tj# hÍ~CyT hÍD,F5 `V`C6 `VuT-- 5#8 hÍE t#1UyEj-
29. Ar equë Eru: "En! antan len ilyë olvar carila erdi, ilya i ëar ilya i palúressë cemeno, ar ilyë aldar carila yávi yassen ëar erdi. Nas ya matuval.
29. And God said: "Behold! I give you all plants making seeds, all there are on the entire surface of the earth, and all trees making fruits in which there are seeds. It is what you will eat.
ðó- `C6 `Bj´$ ½7EyE5% aFjylD5 `C6 `Bj´$ t$5$j^ lDnT5 `C6 `Bj´#5 `B yE4# aFt$2$= `Bj´# alU5#5= `C4#5 `Bj´$ jlDzF `NjyE6 t#1T`V5»-
30. Ar ilyë hravani celvain ar ilye menelo aiwin ar ilyan i vanta cemendë, ilya cuinan, antan ilyë laiquë olvar matien."
30. And to all wild animals and all the birds of heaven and to everything that walks the earth, to all that lives, I give all green plants to eat."
ñó- `C6 `V7U aF5"$ `Bj´# hÍE aD65$8= `C6 `V5Á 5$8 `Ct"~C7E- `C6 `Vs$ iD5Ì$= `C6 `Vs$ `C7T5= `B `Vv$`C .D7R--
31. Ar Eru cennë ilya ya carnes, ar en! nes ammára. Ar engë sinyë, ar engë arin, i enquëa aurë.
31. And God saw all that he [had] made, and behold! it was very good. And it became evening, and it became morning, the sixth day.
Chapter 2
ñ- iG`V t$5$j `C6 aFt$5 `C6 `Bj´# 9Y,F4^ 5$6 1Rj´lD5$-
1. Sië menel ar cemen ar ilya hossento ner telyainë.
1. Thus heaven and earth and all of their army were completed [lit. finished].
ò- `C6 `B `N1iF`C .D7R,F `V7U 1Rj´#5$ aD7T`V7ÎE hÍE aD65$8= `C6 iF2$8 `B `N1iF`C .D7R,F `Bj´# aD7T`V7ÎEj°^ hÍE aD65$8-
2. Ar i otsëa auressë Eru telyanë carierya ya carnes, ar sendes i otsëa auressë ilya carieryallo ya carnes.
2. And on the seventh day God concluded his work that he [had] made, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he [had] made.
ó- `C6 `V7U jlD1E5$ `B `N1iF`C .D7R `C6 lD7T1~C5$ iD= `C5 iD,F `V7U iF2$ `Bj´# aD7T`V7ÎEj°^ hÍE `H4#5$8 `C6 aD65$8-
3. Ar Eru laitanë i otsëa aurë ar airitánë sa, an sassë Eru sendë ilya carieryallo ya ontanes ar carnes.
3. And God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, for on it God rested from all his work that he (had) created and made.
ô- iG5 5~C 5Ì#65# t$5$j^ `C6 aFt$5^ ~B7R 5$4$ `H4lD5$= `B .D7R,F hÍE aD65$ hÍRd~NyE `V7U t$5$j `C6 aFt$5-
4. Sin ná i nyarna menelo ar cemeno írë nentë ontainë, i auressë ya carnë Yehóva Eru menel ar cemen.
4. This is the story of heaven and earth when they were created, on the day that Jehovah God made heaven and earth.
õ- yY7Y qEj~M7R,F`C 1U,D j~C `Vs$ aFt$2$= `C6 `NjyE6 yY7Y ~Mt$6 1.G1E= `C5 hÍRd~NyE `V7U j~C 1ÎE65$ t%81R j#4# aFt$5"#= `C6 j~C `Vs$ `C1E5 t~N1T`V5 `B qEj~M7R,F-
5. Voro palúressëa tussa lá engë cemendë, ar olvar voro úmer tuita, an Yehóva Eru lá tyarnë mistë lanta cemenna, ar lá engë Atan mótien i palúressë.
5. There was not yet any bush on the field on earth, and plants still did not grow, for Jehovah God [had] not made rain fall upon earth, and there was no man to cultivate [lit. work on] the field.
ö- t#j 9~BiG`V `N61E5$ aFt$j°^= `C6 ~C5$8 5~V5 `Bj´# `B qEj~M7R5 aFt$5^-
6. Mal hísië ortanë cemello, ar ánes nén ilya i palúren cemeno.
6. But a mist rose from the earth, and it gave water to the entire surface of the earth.
÷- `C6 hÍRd~NyE `V7U aD65$ `B `C1E5 `C81Y5$5 `B aFt$j°^ `C6 8~MhÍE5$ alUj$8~Mj$ t%6 5$x%7ÎE= `C6 `B `C1E5 5~V alU5# `N5"#-
7. Ar Yehóva Eru carnë i Atan astonen i cemello ar súyanë cuilesúlë mir nengwirya, ar i Atan né cuina onna.
7. And Jehovah God made the man out of dust from the earth and breathed [/blew] life-breath into his nose, and the man was [/became] a living creature.
ø- `C6 hÍRd~NyE `V7U `Vr#5$ `V7R2$= 7~Nt$5"#= `C6 `V4#,F qE5Ì#5$8 `B `C1E5 `B aD65$8-
8. Ar Yehóva Eru empannë tarwa Erendë, Rómenna, ar entassë panyanes i Atan i carnes.
8. And Jehovah God planted a garden in Eden, toward the East, and there he placed the Man that he [had] made.
ù- `C6 hÍRd~NyE `V7U 1ÎE65$ 1.G1E aFt$j°^ `Bj´# `Cm# `B 5~C yE5Ì# aF5%`V5 `C6 t~C7E t#1T`V5 9Y iD= `C6 hÍE2^ `B `Cm# alUj$`N `V2$,F `B 1E6yY= `C6 `B `Cm# `B81ÎY t~C7EyE `C6 `MjaDyE-
9. Ar Yehóva Eru tyarnë tuita cemello ilya alda i ná vanya cenien ar mára matien ho sa, ar yando i alda cuilëo endessë i tarvo, ar i alda istyo márava ar ulcuva.
9. And Jehovah God made grow from the earth every tree that is beautiful to look upon [cenien, "for seeing", dative] and good to eat from [lit. "good for eating from it"], and also the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree of (the) knowledge of good and evil.
ðñ- `Vs$ 8~B7R `B j$2$ `V1 `V7R5$j°^ `C4%`V5 5~V5 `B 1E6nE5= `C6 `V4#j°^ 5$8 9Í~C7T5# t%6 aD4# aFj&t%-
10. Engë sírë i lendë et Erenello antien nén i tarwan, ar entallo nes hyárina mir canta celumi.
10. There was a river that went out from Eden to give water to the garden, and from there it was parted into four streams.
ññ- `B `V,F `B t%5Ì^ 5~C qTdÍ^5= iD 5~C `B iG7R `N8 `Bj´# `B 5~B7R 9Cy~Bj#= hÍE,F `V`C t#j1E-
11. I essë i minyo ná Píhyon; sa ná i sirë os ilya i nórë Havíla, yassë ëa malta.
11. The name of the first [river] is Pishon [Hebrew: Pîshôn]; it is the one that flows around all the land (of) Havíla [Chawîlâ], where there is gold.
òñ- `C6 1E5# 5~N7R`N t#j1E 5~C t~C7E- `V4#,F `V`C6 hÍE2^ 5~BiGt# iUd1R `C6 `C9ÍDt~B7R-
12. Ar tana nórëo malta ná mára. Entassë ëar yando nísima suhtë ar ahyamírë.
12. And the gold of that land is good. There are also fragrant gum and onyx stone.
óñ- `C6 `B `V,F `C `C1'R`N 8~B7R`N 5~C ~B9Y5= iD 5~C `B iG7R `N8 `Bj´# `B 5~N7R a~M8-
13. Ar i essë i attëa sírëo ná Íhon; sa ná i sirë os ilya i nórë Cús.
13. And the name of the second river is Gihon; it is the one that flows around all the land (of) Cush.
ôñ- `C6 `B `V,F `B 5$j´# 8~B7R`N 5~C 9B7'RaFj= iD 5~C `B aFj$ 7~Nt$,F `C9ÍU7Y- `C6 `B aD4$`C 8~B7R 5~C qR7E1-
14. Ar i essë i nelya sírëo ná Hirrecel; sa ná i celë rómessë Ahyuro. Ar i cantëa sírë ná Perat.
14. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel; that is the one that goes east of Assyria. And the fourth river is the Euphrates.
õñ- `C6 hÍRd~NyE `V7U t#r$ `B `C1E5 `C6 qE5Ì#5$ iR `V7R5^ 1E6nE,F t~N1T`V5 iD,F `C6 1T7T`V5 iD-
15. Ar Yehóva Eru mampë i Atan ar panyanë se Ereno tarwassë mótien sassë ar tirien sa.
15. And Jehovah God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it [lit. work in it] and watch [over] it.
öñ- `C6 hÍRd~NyE `V7U aD5"$ `B `C1E5$5= z~V1Ej#- «`Bj´# `Cm#j°^ `B 1E6nE,F j$61Ej´$ t#1R-
16. Ar Yehóva Eru cannë i Atanen, quétala: “Ilya aldallo i tarwassë lertalyë matë.
16. And Jehovah God commanded the man, saying: "From every tree in the garden you may eat.
÷ñ- t#j `B `Cm#j°^ `B81ÎY t~C7EyE `C6 `MjaDyE ~CyE t#1R= `C5 `B .D7R,F hÍE t#1Tj´$ iDj°^= `C5nEyR eG7UyEj´$»-
17. Mal i aldallo istyo márava ar ulcuva áva matë, an i auressë ya matilyë sallo, anwavë firuvalyë.”
17. But from the tree of (the) knowledge of good and evil do not eat, for on the day that you eat from it, you will surely die.
øñ- `C6 `VzF hÍRd~NyE `V7U- «`Mt$ t~C7E iD `B `C1E5 5~C `V7R,F`C- aD7UyE5 iF5 7R81E6 `B 5~C yR iR»-
18. Ar equë Yehóva Eru: “Umë mára sa i Atan ná eressëa. Caruvan sen restar i ná ve se.”
18. And Jehovah God said: "It is not good that the man is lonely. I will make him a helper that is like him."
ùñ- hÍRd~NyE `V7U aD65$ aFt$5"$5 `Bj´$ aFjyE6 qEj~M7R`N `C6 `Bj´$ lDnT t$5$j^= `C6 1Uj´#5$7ÎR1 `B `C1E5"# aF5%`V5 t#5# `V81E5$7ÎR1- hÍE `B `C1E5 `V81E5$ `Bj´# alU5# `N5"#= iD 5~V `V,F7ÎE-
19. Yehóva Eru carnë cemennen ilyë celvar palúrëo ar ilyë aiwi menelo, ar tulyaneryet i Atanna cenien mana estaneryet. Ya i Atan estanë ilya cuina onna, sa né esserya.
19. Jehovah God made out of earth all the animals of the field and all the birds of heaven, and he lead them to the man to see what he called [/would call] them. What [lit. (that) which] the man called any living creature, it was (to be) its name.
ðò- `C6 `B `C1E5 `V81E5$ `Bj´$ j#t5% `C6 `B lDnT t$5$j^ `C6 `Bj´$ ½7EyE5% aFjyE6= t#j `C1E5$5 ~Mt$8 9B7R 7R81E6 `B 5~V yR iR-
20. Ar i Atan estanë ilyë lamni ar i aiwi menelo ar ilyë hravani celvar, mal Atanen úmes hirë restar i né ve se.
20. And the man named all the beasts and the birds of heaven and all wild animals, but for Man he did not find a helper that was like him.
ñò- iD5 hÍRd~NyE `V7U 1ÎE65$ 5~M7E e~Mt$ j#4# `B `C1E5"#= `C6 ~B7R eUt5$8= t#r$8 t%5$ d~N5#a|Y7ÎE7Y5 `C6 zD4$ ½7~CyR5$5-
21. San Yehóva Eru tyarnë núra fúmë lanta i Atanna, ar írë fumnes, mampes minë hónaxoryaron ar quantë hrávenen.
21. Then Jehovah God had a deep sleep fall upon the man, and while he slept, he took one of his ribs and filled [up] with flesh.
òò- `C6 hÍRd~NyE `V7U aD65$ `B d~N5#a|Y hÍE t#r$8 `B `C1E5$j°^ t%6 5~B8= `C6 1Uj´#5$7ÎR8 `B `C1E5"#-
22. Ar Yehóva Eru carnë i hónaxo ya mampes i Atanello mir nís, ar tulyaneryes i Atanna.
22. And Jehovah God made the rib that he took from the man into a woman, and he lead her to the man.
óò- iD5 `VzF `B `C1E5- «j~M iG5# 5#8 `Ca|Y6 `Ca|Y5Ì#7Y5 `C6 ½7~CyR ½7~CyR5Ì^Á iG5 5.DyE `V81lD5# 5~B8= `C5 5$7Rj°^ 5$8 t#qlD5#»-
23. San equë i Atan: “Lú sina nas axor axonyaron ar hrávë hrávenyo! Sin nauva estaina Nís, an Nerello nes mapaina.”
23. Then the man said: "This time it is bones of my bones and flesh of my flesh! This one will be called Woman, for from Man she was taken."
ôò- iG`V 5~V6 .D1UyE `C1E7ÎEj°^ `C6 `Ct%j°$7ÎEj°^ `C6 9BtÌ&yE yR,F7ÎE= `C6 5.DyE4$ ½7~CyR `C6-
24. Sië nér autuva ataryallo ar amilleryallo ar himyuva vesserya, ar nauvantë hrávë er.
24. Therefore [lit. thus] a man will leave [lit. pass from] his father and his mother and stick to his wife, and they will be(come) one flesh.
õò- 5$4$ 9Rm$= `B `C1E5 `C6 yR,F7ÎE= t#j ~Mt$4$ 5lD1ÎE5$-
25. Nentë heldë, i Atan ar vesserya, mal úmentë naityanë.
25. They were naked, the man and his wife, but they were not ashamed.