Knight tour are considered one of the famous puzzles in the chess puzzles.
The first mention of Knight tours during the 1600's appeared in Jacques Ozanam's Récréations Mathématiques et Physiques at year 1612.
But however, it will take another century before the puzzles are fully analysed by Leonhard Euler whom write the French paper in 1759 titled: Solution d'une question curieuse qui ne paroit soumise à aucune analyse
The excerpt of paper quotes as followed:
I found myself one day in company where, on the occasion of a game of chess, someone proposed this question: to traverse with a knight all the cells of the chessboard, without ever arriving twice at the same, and commencing from a given cell.” He describes how the course of the knight was followed by placing counters on the cells and removing them one at a time as the cells were visited by the knight.
To summarize, the premise of the puzzle are usually consists of the following:
- Knights are allowed to move its legal move ONLY (L-shaped)
Picture below shows at any instances, knight piece are allowed to be placed at one of the locations marked with red colours.
- Knights are NOT allowed to visit the same square/cells twice during its tour.
There are many ways of solving the knight tour but however we will shows the Euler method on solving the Knight tour on 8X8 chess board.
- Version 1
- Version 2