< Puredyne
Keyboard Layout
To manually change your keyboard layout, type setxkbmap followed by the layout of your choice (gb for a uk keyboard map, fr for a french one, etc):
setxkbmap gb
Overview of available maps
us USA
ad Andorra
af Afghanistan
ara Arabic
al Albania
am Armenia
az Azerbaijan
by Belarus
be Belgium
bd Bangladesh
in India
ba Bosnia and Herzegovina
br Brazil
bg Bulgaria
ma Morocco
mm Myanmar
ca Canada
cd Congo, Democratic Republic of the
cn China
hr Croatia
cz Czechia
dk Denmark
nl Netherlands
bt Bhutan
ee Estonia
ir Iran
iq Iraq
fo Faroe Islands
fi Finland
fr France
gh Ghana
gn Guinea
ge Georgia
de Germany
gr Greece
hu Hungary
is Iceland
il Israel
it Italy
jp Japan
kg Kyrgyzstan
kh Cambodia
kz Kazakhstan
la Laos
latam Latin American
lt Lithuania
lv Latvia
mao Maori
me Montenegro mk Macedonia
mt Malta
mn Mongolia
no Norway
pl Poland
pt Portugal
ro Romania
ru Russia
rs Serbia
si Slovenia
sk Slovakia
es Spain
se Sweden
ch Switzerland
sy Syria
tj Tajikistan
lk Sri Lanka
th Thailand
tr Turkey
ua Ukraine
gb United Kingdom
uz Uzbekistan
vn Vietnam
kr Korea, Republic of
nec_vndr/jp Japan (PC-98xx Series)
ie Ireland
pk Pakistan
mv Maldives
za South Africa
epo Esperanto
np Nepal
ng Nigeria
et Ethiopia
braille Braille
For a complete overview, see: /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst. To view the list:
nano /usr/share/X11/xkb/rules/xorg.lst
Macbook / Macbook Pro
In order to be able to type AltGr char, such as |, {, ~ etc .. type the following:
setxkbmap -option lv3:rwin_switch,apple:badmap
Then use the right apple key as AltGr key to access these characters.
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