< Puppy Linux < PC recycling

Puppy Linux breaths educational life into old PCs

Puppy runs good even with only 64MB RAM replacing Win95 in old machines and is a very good OS replacement for pre Pentium III era machines or anything with 128MB of RAM or less. Installing some educational software packages in Puppy can be of great value in educational environments like (pre)schools etc.

Educational puppy derivatives

Educational software applications

Edutainment suites

  • ActivitesEPI: 9 applications.

Comparison, 3 Mazes standard / hidden / relative, 2 dominoes Memory / images, Batteries, Sequence, Crossing

  • Childsplay a set of educational games for children (memory, recognition of sounds, letters or numbers, arithmetic).

flash cards, association "sound-images", mazes, game viewing, memory, puzzle ...

  • Gcompris more than one hundred edutainment for children 2 to 10 years.

computer discovery, mathematics, science, geography, classic games, reading, drawing ... How to install Gcompris in Puppy 4.3?

Blinken, klettres, Kturberling, Kanagram, khangman

  • The Terriers (french): a suite of free software for education. Especially oriented school use, as created by teachers for teachers.

Reading, spelling, phonology, mathematics ... In total, twenty activities! To us the numbers go, Associations, calculation, calculation reflected, Paths, Contour, Devine, Kidistb, Labyrinth, glossary, Mulot, Operations, Problems, Suites, Syllaphon, Symcolor tables

  • Omitux Omnitux offers edutainment around multimedia elements (images, sounds, texts). You will forgive imperfections, is a young project (promising).

associations, images on a map or diagram, counting activities, puzzles, card store ...

OpenOffice.org for Kids, The idea is to provide a 7-12 years software, based on OpenOffice.org

  • Pysycache: 4 to 6 years old will learn to manipulate the mouse.

movement, click, double click, drag and drop

  • Tux4Kids: Following Tux4Kids includes three software (Tuxpaint tuxmath and tuxtype).

Tuxpaint, program for drawing with a collection of funny stamps Tuxmath, software training in mental arithmetic. Tuxtype, assists in learning the keyboard using the 10 fingers and a game with letters and words

  • TuxPuck - Classic game of table hockey game.
  • Zindoze ludoedu pack01: 7 applications.

mathematics, French, Geography, Science

Educational (school)projects


Some examples

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