< Pulsars and neutron stars
ReferenceNameTelescope (MHz) (MHz) (s) (s) (mJy)Sky CoverageNew pulsarsDates
Pilkington et al. (1968)-Cambridge I81.51100-50061968
Staelin & Raifenstein (1968)-NRAO 300-ft112.550.6--Crab nebula21968
Large, Vaughan & Wielebinski (1968)
Vaughan, Large & Wielebinski (1969)
1st MolongloMolonglo4084--- 311968-1969
Davis, Large & Pickwick (1970)
Davis & Large (1970)
Jodrell A (jb1)Jodrell Mk-I408440-10 311972-1973
Hulse & Taylor (1974)
Hulse & Taylor (1975)
(ar1)Arecibo43085.6--, , 311972-1973
Komesaroff et al. (1973)-Parkes75048--- 81973
Manchester et al. (1978)2nd Molonglo (mol2)Molonglo408410--1551977
Dameashek et al. (1982)Northern Hemisphere Pulsar survey (gb1)92-m NRAO4081616.7--231977-1982
Seiradakis & Graham (1980)-Effelsberg1420201-5655120 SNR, 15 GC01975-1976
McConnell et al. (1991)-Parkes6101205-0.5LMC/SMC41980-1987
Manchester, D'Amico & Tuohy (1985)-Parkes140020210501-41981-1982
Stokes et al. (1985)
Dewey et al. (1985)
(gb2)Green Bank 92m3901616.7-2341982-1983
Stokes et al. (1986)(gb3)Green Bank3908213233725 sq. deg201983
Clifton et al. (1992)Jodrell BLovell14004025241 for and for 401983-1984
Biggs & Lyne (1992)Jodrell CLovell610/928/14204/8/320.379~1001500deg201985-1987
Stokes et al. (1986)(ar2)Arecibo4300.960.3393 51984-1985
D'Amico et al. (1988)-Molonglo8433.20.51328 11985-1986
Fruchter, Stinebring & Taylor (1988)-Arecibo430100.567.71250 deg211986
Lyne et al. (1987)-Lovell1400320.35400x2-M2811986-1987
Wolszczan et al. (1989)-Arecibo1415400.554000.1M1511987
Biggs & Lyne (1996)-Lovell610/925, 1420, 14204/8/320.34500485 GCs/29 SNRs/3 X-ray sources41987-1989
Johnston et al. (1992)Parkes 20-cm (pks1)Parkes150080/3200.3/1.213202.5/1.0, 461988
Manchester et al. (1990)-Parkes1420/600320/80/320.3--47-Tuc11988-1989
Gorham et al. (1996)-Arecibo430/142010/400.5/11200-72000.518 SNR01988-1991
Ray et al. (1995)Galactic Anti-center surveyArecibo430100.532, 670.7, 01988/1989/1991
Kaspi et al. (1996)-Parkes436/660/152032/22/3201.2/0.3-140 SNR21988-1992
Manchester et al. (1991)-Parkes600320.3-2.547-Tuc111989-1991
Lyne et al. (1990)-Parkes/Lovell142040.3--Terzan 521989-1990
Foster et al. (1995)(ar4e)Arecibo430100.2532.80.22128 sq. deg.191990-1995
Manchester et al. (1996)Parkes Southern Sky Survey (pks70)Parkes436320.3157.33entire Southern sky1011991-
Camilo et al. (1996)-Arecibo43080.2532.80.5680 sq. deg.121991-1993
Ray et al. (1995)Slewing high-latittude surveyArecibo43080.2580.7, 01991
Ray et al. (1995)Caltech-Berkeley High latitude surveyArecibo43080.1823, 470.7, 01991-1993
Robinson et al. (1995)-Parkes640/436320.32700-16200-47-Tuc11991
Percival et al. (1995)-HSToptical/ultraviolet-0.11200x2, 2400x2, 2045x1-SN1987A01992-1993
Ray et al. (1995)Drifting high-latitude surveyArecibo43080.258-670.7, 01993
Shrauner, Taylor & Woan (1998)2nd Cambridge3.6 hectare81.5-7.64100-40020001993-1994
Ray et al. (1996)THL/UHLArecibo43080.2/0,3400.7960 sq. deg.121993
Lyne et al. (2000)-Parkes1392640.35760-10080-Terzan 511994
Sayer, Nice & Taylor (1997)Green Bank Northern Sky SurveyGreen Bank 43-m370400.256134815900 sq. deg.81994
Thompson (2000)-Arecibo430---0.9drift-scan31994-1995
Xilouris et al. (2000)-Arecibo430---0.5drift-scan81994-1995
Johnston et al. (1995)-Parkes15203201.2600-1320-Galactic centre01994
Camilo et al. (2000)-Parkes13742880.12518000447-Tuc01997-
Nice & Sayer (1997)-Green Bank370/770/1390402/0.5/0.3240-85800.519 EGRET01997
Ransom (2000)-Parkes1332640.1251734-NGC 654411998
D'Amico (2000)-Northern Cross4084---01999
Nice, Camilo & Taylor (1992)-Arecibo430----10-
Lorimer et al. (2000)-Effelsberg142016--0.3, 4-
Crawford, Kaspi & Bell (2000)-Lovell61010.05-892 FIRST, NVSS sources0-
Edwards et al. (2001)(pkssw)Parkes13742880.125--109-
Manchester et al.Parkes multibeam (pksmb)Parkes13742880.2521000.17, 833-
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