< Prussian
The Genitive case in the following declentions is for the predicate nominative (That is mine), not the possessive adjective (my apple)
as (I)
Singular: Nom.: as Gen.: māise Dat.: mennei Acc.: men
tū (you)
Singular: Nom.: tū Gen.: twāise Dat.: tebbei Acc.: ten
tāns (he)
Singular: Nom.: tāns Gen.: tenesse Dat.: tenesmu Acc.: tennan
tenā (she)
Singular: Nom.: tenā Gen.: tenesses Dat.: tenessei Acc.: tennan
tennan (it)
Singular: Nom.: tenan Gen.: tenese Dat.: tenesmā Acc.: tenan
mes (we)
Plural: Nom.: mes Gen.: nūse Dat.: nūmans Acc.: mans
jūs (you pl)
Plural: Nom.: jūs Gen.: jūse Dat.: jūmans Acc.: wans
tenēi (they)
Plural: Nom.: tenēi Gen.: tenēisan Dat.: tenēimans Acc.: tennans
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