< Prussian
The correct declention should correspond with the gender count and case of the noun. For example, if the sentence is: He has my dog., my should be masculine singular accusative. If you want a few hints, compare the endings with those of the nouns.
majs (my)
Singular: Plural: Nom.: majs majāi Gen.: māise māisan Dat.: majasmu māimans Acc.: majjan majjans
Singular: Plural: Nom.: majā majjas Gen.: majāses majāsan Dat.: majjai majāmans Acc.: majjan majjans
Singular: Plural: Nom.: majjan majāi Gen.: māise māisan Dat.: majasmu māimans Acc.: majjan majans
twajs (your)
Same as majs with twa instead of ma. That makes it easy and I am not writing this out.
This is unknown, so...
tenesse = his
tenesses = her
tenese = its
tenēisan = their
For everything : (
I know it's sad, but that's what happens when reviving a dead language. But on the bright side, we already get our info from the noun, so I guess it's not that bad.
nūss (our)
Singular: Plural: Nom.: nūss nusāi Gen.: nūse nusēisan Dat.: nūsmu nusēimans Acc.: nūsan nūsans
Singular: Plural: Nom.: nūsā nūsas Gen.: nūses nusēisan Dat.: nūsei nusēimans Acc.: nūsan nūsans
Singular: Plural: Nom.: nussan nusāi Gen.: nūsse nusēisan Dat.: nūsmu nusēimans Acc.: nussan nūsans
jūss (your pl)
Nūss with jū instead of nū
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