Masculine nouns usually end in s or is. Feminine nouns usually end in a, e, or i. Neuter nouns usually end in an.
The Nominative case is for the subject of the sentence. (The man has a dog.)
wīrs = man
genā = woman
būtwei = to be
as = I
tū = you
tāns = he
tenā = she
tennan = it
mes = we
jūs = you pl
tenēi = they
sunnis = dog
katta = cat
buttan = house
spīlakugis = ball
As asma wīrs. = I am a man.
Tū assei genā. = You are a woman.
Tāns ast sunnis. = He is a dog.
Tenā ast katta.= She is a cat.
Tenan ast buttan. = It is a house.
As you notice with the last three sentences, the pronouns correspond with the ending of their nouns. And ofcourse, the sentences make sense in english as dogs and cats could be male and female and a house is neuter. However, let's take an object with a masculine ending.
Tāns ast spīlakugis. = It is a ball.
Balls obviously cannot be men, however as with all the other European languages, objects can be masculine and feminine depending on their endings. In this case, -is is a masculine ending, making it male. (Also if you know german, ball look similar to Spielkugel. :D )
Now let's make the above sentences plural.
Mes asmai wīrai. = We are men.
Jūs astei gennas. = You pl are women.
Notice that genā has two ns and a normal a. This is because the base, gen, is a cvc noun. Besides the subject, only the dative plural (genāmans) has one ending constanant and, if it has it the special character ending in cvc nouns.
Tenēi ast sunnjai. = They are dogs.
Tenēi ast buttāi. = They are houses.
In this lesson, we have learned nominative noun endings, nominative pronouns, and the verb to be.
Noun Endings
-s: s, ai
-is: is, jai
-a: a, as
-e: e, is
-i: i, is
-an: an, āi
Pronouns and To be
The Prussian verb for to be is būtwei.
As asma
Tū assei
Tāns ast
Mes asmai
Jūs astei
Tenēi ast