The Accusative case is for the direct object of the sentence. (The dog loves the man.)
ēstun = to eat
pūtun = to drink
turītun = to have (posses), should
wābli = apple
geīts = bread f
wundan = water
daddan = milk
lāisks = book
As turri lāiskan. = I have a book.
This have is the possessive verb, not the helping verb. Have to and should will be covered in the lesson about helping verbs.
Tū pūja wundan. = You drink water.
Tenā ēst geītin. = She eats bread.
Geīts is one of those exceptional words. Have you ever seen a word in another language like papa, where the word is obviously male, but it has a feminine ending? Geīts is a female word, but it has the masculine ending -s. However, there is a twist. Instead of having the -an ending like lāisks in the first sentence, it has -in, the singular accusative for feminine words ending in i.
Mes ēmai wāblins. = We eat apples.
Jūs turritei lāiskans. = You pl have books.
Tenēi pūja daddan. = They drink milk.
Milk is not a really good word to talk about plurals, unless you're talking about different kinds of milk. In fact this lesson over all probably does not have the best choice of vocabulary. But anyways, the word daddan has two constanants. In words like this, only the nominative plural (dadāi) has a single constanant.
In this lesson, you learned about the accusative case and were introduced to your first few verbs.
Noun Endings
-s = an, ans
-is: jan, jans
-a: an, ans
-e: in, ins
-i: in, ins
an: an, ans
Notice that the base is not turī, but tur, a cvc.
As turri
Tū turri
Tāns turri
Mes turrimai
Jūs turritei
Tenēi turri
Remember būtwei, to be?
As ēma
Tū esei
Tāns ēst
Mes ēmai
Jūs ēstei
Tenēi est
As pūja
Tū pūja
Tāns pūja
Mes pūjimai
Jūs pūjitei
Tenēi pūja