The Gtk framework is event driven. This means it will remain idle in Gtk's main loop until an event occurs, at which point a signal will be emitted. If we have connected a callback to the signal, it will be executed before returning control back to the main loop.
In the last chapter we connected to the clicked signal of a button in order save some user input to a file.
$save_btn->signal_connect('clicked' => \&save_note, $entry);
sub save_note {
my ($save_btn, $entry) = @_;
my $text = $entry->get_text;
open my $OUTFILE, '>>notes.txt'
or die "could not open notes.txt for appending";
flock $OUTFILE, 2;
print $OUTFILE join '|', time, $text . "\n";
close $OUTFILE;
Signal Connect
Here is the syntax of the signal_connect method which is provided in the Glib::Object base class - which all widgets inherit from. In addition to the name of the signal and callback, you may optionally pass in a scalar to be passed to the callback function when it is executed.
$widget->signal_connect($signal_name, \&callback, [$data])
Callbacks are subroutine references that will be executed when a signal is emitted. When you define your callback function you will get the emitting widget and optionally a $data value as arguments.
sub callback {
my ($widget, $data) = @_;
Callbacks can also be anonymous subroutines. You can then use encapsulation to avoid passing in an argument.
This approach is best used for short, simple callbacks. Take the example below.
$entry = Gtk2::Entry->new;
$button->signal_connect(clicked => sub {
print $entry->get_text, "\n";
There also exists a set of events that you can connect callbacks to. Use the same signal_connect method in exactly the same manner as when connecting to signals. These events reflect the those of the x event mechanism. Here is a complete listing.
The callback function is slightly different for events.
sub callback_func {
my ($widget, $event, $data) = @_;
# ...
return $ret;
The $event argument is an object that inherits from Gtk2::Gdk::Event. The actual package name will depend on the which event occurred. You can call the 'type' method on the $event to retrieve the type of event that occurred. You may also be able to call other methods on the $event that may be of interest, but that will vary depending on the type of event.
Event Types
Here is a list of possible values that could be returned from the type method.
Return Values
The value returned from your callback function determines whether events should be propagated further. Returning a TRUE value will stop the propagation of events, while a FALSE value will continue one with normal event handling.
Disconnecting and Blocking
By storing the Integer value returned from the 'signal_connect' method, we can disconnect the callback later.
$id = $widget->signal_connect($signal => \&callback, $data );
You can also temporarily disable a callback from firing.
$widget->signal_handlers_block_by_func(\&callback, $data);
$widget->signal_handlers_unblock_by_func(\&callback, $data);