< Programming for Palm OS < C
With all of these files in the working directory, invoke:
make -f MenusMakefile
..which will create Menus.prc in the working directory ready for installation on a Palm.
This file defines in one place constants that are referred to by both Menus.rcp and Menus.c.
#define MainForm 1000 #define MainMenu 1000 #define MainMenuRecordNew 1011 #define MainMenuRecordOpen 1012 #define MainMenuHelpAbout 1020
#include "Menus.h" MENU ID MainMenu BEGIN PULLDOWN "Record" BEGIN MENUITEM "New" ID MainMenuRecordNew "N" MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Open" ID MainMenuRecordOpen "O" END PULLDOWN "Help" BEGIN MENUITEM "About" ID MainMenuHelpAbout "A" END END FORM ID MainForm AT (0 0 160 160) USABLE MENUID MainMenu BEGIN END
#include <PalmOS.h> #include <unix_stdarg.h> #include "Menus.h" void showMessage( char *format, ...) { va_list args; char msg[99]; va_start( args, format); StrVPrintF( msg, format, args); va_end( args); WinDrawChars( msg, StrLen(msg), 0, 80); } Boolean appHandleEvent( EventPtr event) { Boolean handled; FormPtr form; handled = true; if ( frmLoadEvent == event->eType) { form = FrmInitForm( event->data.frmLoad.formID); FrmSetActiveForm( form); } else if ( menuEvent == event->eType) { showMessage( "selected resource %i", event->data.menu.itemID); } else { handled = false; } return handled; } UInt32 PilotMain( UInt16 cmd, void *cmdPBP, UInt16 launchFlags) { EventType event; UInt16 error; if ( sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch == cmd) { FrmGotoForm( MainForm); showMessage( "open the menu"); do { EvtGetEvent( &event, evtWaitForever); if ( ! SysHandleEvent( &event)) if ( ! MenuHandleEvent( 0, &event, &error)) appHandleEvent( &event); } while (event.eType != appStopEvent); FrmCloseAllForms(); } return 0; }
PROJECT=Menus CREATOR_ID=Anon .SILENT: all: $(PROJECT).prc $(PROJECT).prc: $(PROJECT).c $(PROJECT).h $(PROJECT).rcp m68k-palmos-gcc $(PROJECT).c -o $(PROJECT) m68k-palmos-obj-res $(PROJECT) pilrc -q $(PROJECT).rcp build-prc $(PROJECT).prc "$(PROJECT)" $(CREATOR_ID) *.$(PROJECT).grc *.bin rm *.$(PROJECT).grc *.bin $(PROJECT) clean: rm -f $(PROJECT).prc
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