These examples may vary depending on the regional settings on your computer (for time, date and currency).
Formatting Numbers
Example: Label1.text = Format(123456.789, ",#.00") shows as 123,456.79
Format(123456.789) shows as if you used gb.Standard
Formatting Constants
gb.Standard | Uses gb.GeneralNumber for formatting numbers and gb.GeneralDate for formatting dates and times. |
gb.GeneralNumber | Writes a number with twelve decimal digits. Uses scientific format if its absolute value is lower than 10-4 (0.0001) or greater than 107 (1 million). |
gb.Fixed | Equivalent to "0.00" |
gb.Percent | Equivalent to "###%" |
gb.Scientific | Write a number with its exponent (power of ten) and eighteen decimal digits. |
Symbols in the Format Strings
Symbols other than these print as they appear. For example, $ prints as is.
+ | Print the sign of the number. | Format(Pi, "+#.###") | +3.142 |
- | Print the sign of the number only if it is negative. | Format(Pi, "-#.###") | 3.142 |
# | Print a digit only if necessary.
One # before the decimal point is all that is needed. After the decimal point, as many #’s as you want decimal places. |
Format(123.456789, "#.###") | 123.457 |
0 | Always print a digit, padding with a zero if necessary. | Format(24.5, "$#.00") | $24.50 |
. | Print the decimal point | Format(123.456, "#.0") | 123.5 |
, | Separate the thousands | Format(1234567890, "#,")
Format(1234567890, ",#") |
1,234,567,890 |
% | Multiply the number by 100 and print a percent sign. | Format(0.25, "#%") | 25% |
E | This is Scientific Notation, which is
“Something-times-ten-to-the-power-of-something”. “E” means “times ten to the power of...” 1.2E+3 means "Start with 1.200, then move the decimal point three places to the right (get bigger x 1000) to become 1200." Negative numbers after the “E” mean move the decimal point to the left. |
Format(1234.5, "#.#E##")
Format(0.1234, "#.#E##") |
1.2E-1 |
$ | The national currency symbol (according to the country as set on your computer) | Format(-1234.56, "$,#.###") | -$1,234.56 |
$$ | The international currency symbol (according to the country as set on your computer) | Format(-1234.56, "$$,#.###") | -AUD 1,234.56 |
( ) | Negative numbers represented with brackets, which is what finance people use. | Format(-123.4, "($$,#.00)") | (AUD 123.40) |
Formatting Dates
Example: Format(Now, gb.Standard) shows as 10/07/2019 21:07:26
Formatting Constants
gb.GeneralDate | Write a date only if the date and time value has a date part, and write a time only if it has a date part. Writes nothing for a null date or a short time when there is no date, and writes the date and time for all other cases. | Format(Now, gb.GeneralDate) is 10/07/2019 21:17:45 |
gb.Standard | Uses gb.GeneralNumber for formatting numbers and gb.GeneralDate for formatting dates and times. | 10/07/2019 21:20:45 |
gb.LongDate | Long date format | Wednesday 10 July 2019 |
gb.MediumDate | Medium date format | 10 Jul 2019 |
gb.ShortDate | Short date format | 10/07/2019 |
gb.LongTime | Long time format | 21:22:35 |
gb.MediumTime | Medium time format | 09:23 PM |
gb.ShortTime | Short time format | 21:23 |
Format String Symbols
Label1.text = Format(Now, "dddd dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss") shows as Tuesday 09/07/2019 20:45:13
yy | The year in two digits | h | The hour |
yyyy | The year in four digits | hh | The hour in two digits. |
m | The month | n | The minutes. |
mm | The month in two digits. | nn | The minutes in two digits |
mmm | Abbreviated month | s | The seconds |
mmmm | Full name of the month | ss | The seconds in two digits |
d | The day | : | The time separator |
dd | The day in two digits | u | A point and the milliseconds, if non-zero |
ddd | Abbreviated weekday | uu | A point and the milliseconds in three digits. |
dddd | Full name of the weekday | t | The timezone alphabetic abbreviation |
/ | The date separator | tt | The timezone in HHMM format |
AM/PM | The AM or PM symbol |
Formatting Currency
For the symbols in a format string, see above (numbers).
gb.Currency | Uses the national currency symbol. | Format(14.50, gb.Currency)
shows as $ 14.5 |
gb.International | Uses the international currency symbol. | Format(14.50, gb.International)
shows as AUD 14.5 |