What is the difference between a surface model and a solid model?
- A surface can be open e.g. it does not completely enclose a volume
- A surface has no thickness
- A solid is a special type of surface model. The CAD system knows where the inside is. Therefore the CAD system will know whether a given point in space is inside or outside of the solid.
- Solids can be created from closed surfaces
- Thin solid can be produced from most surfaces
Is there a need for surfaces?
There are lots of geometry shapes that cannot be produced any other way. Surfaces are a cleaner way to produce certain types of feature.
Are surfaces difficult to master?
Not really. Once you understand the terminology the are no more difficult that than solid features, in fact extrude, revolve, blend and sweep are created in exactly the same way as their solid counterparts.
What are the Magenta and Yellow lines in Pro/ENGINEER 2001 and earlier?
In wireframe and hidden line views, surfaces are displayed with tangential edges as magenta (double-sided surfaces). Surface edges, cuts, are displayed as yellow (single-sided surfaces).
How do I stop surfaces cluttering the screen?
If you use automatic layers then blank the surface layer. If you use manual layers create a layer, add the surfaces to the layers using the Feature, All of Type option, then blank that layer.