- see Pro Engineer/Drawing Repeat Regions - Report Symbols List of possible items for inclusion in repeat regions
- see Pro Engineer/Drawing Repeat Regions - Multi-model tables
- see Pro Engineer/Drawing Repeat Regions - Examples
- see Pro Engineer/Drawing Repeat Regions - Relations
Drawing repeat regions are built on top of drawing tables. They are used to extract information from assemblies in the drawing. A common use is to create part lists automatically.
They are guided by the use of parameter symbols which Pro/E uses to get information from the components of the related assembly. Pro/E then changes the size of the table the repeat region is in to accommodate the information.
Note: BOM balloons are not (yet) supported for repeat regions with multiple models.
Start by selecting a row you want to use as a repeat region. If you are intending to create a nested repeat region then select two rows.
Table > Select > Row then select add repeat region from the right mouse button shortcut menu.
If there is more than one assembly, or the assembly has simplified representations, on the drawing, use Table > Repeat Region Model/Rep to select the one you want to use.
If you are using the report parameter RPT.QTY then you can select which model or representation is used for that column. Table > Repeat Region opens in the TBL regions menu. From that menu select Column Model/Rep.
There are two kinds of parameters that can be displayed in a repeat region. The first are built-in parameters in the second are custom or user-defined parameters.
To use the built-in parameters, double-click a cell and Pro-E. will open the report symbol dialog box. To use the custom parameters, right-click and click properties on the shortcut menu.
- Add - New table. A Region type of simple is the usual selection; A 2D region type is for displaying information from family tables.
- Remove - Remove a repeat region from a table by selecting the repeat region and then selecting "Remove"
- Model/Rep - changes the model or representation related to the entire repeat region. It deletes all other information in the repeat region related to the previous model when Confirm is selected.
- Column Model/Rep - changes the model or representation related to the column with a "rpt.qty" symbol in it.
- Attributes
- Flat/Rec Item
- Filters
- Sort Regions
- Comments
- Indentation
- Dash Item
- Fix Index
- Summation
- Relations
- Update Tables - tells Pro/E to re-evaluate the tables and generate content according to the current status of the related assembly/representation
- Switch Syms - switches between the text contents and the symbols in a repeat region
A 2D repeat region is used to report information about family table items.
The related symbols are typically placed as below: fam.inst.param.name fam.inst.name fam.inst.param.value
Also see Pro Engineer General Topics - Family Tables
- Duplicates—Lists all occurrences of a parameter in individual rows in a repeat region. This command sorts any data from the &asm.mbr.name display by feature number.
- No Duplicates—Lists all occurrences of a parameter in one row, along with a quantity number if you use the parameter &rpt.qty in the region.
- No Dup/Level—For a selected level of the region, lists duplicate occurrences of a parameter singly, along with a quantity if you use the parameter symbol &rpt.qty in the region. This command allows you to list duplicates only if the object resides in different levels of the assembly. There are no duplicates per level in the assembly. It sorts by parameter value any data generated from the &asm.mbr.name parameter symbol display.
- Recursive—Searches all levels of data for parameters.
- Flat—Searches only the top level of data for parameters.
- Min Repeats—Sets the minimum number of repetitions for a repeat region. The default minimum is 1. Pro/ENGINEER leaves extra rows blank. If the minimum is set to 0, it avoids blank lines caused by the lack of data.
- Start Index—Begins the index numbering of a repeat region (the value of &rpt.index) where the index numbering of another repeat region ended. You cannot assign this attribute to nested repeat regions.
- No Start Idx—Begins the index numbering of a repeat region at 1.
- Cable Info—Displays the cable parameter information in tables containing appropriate parameter symbols.
- No Cbl Info—Displays only assembly parameter information in tables (that is, no cabling information appears).
- Bln By Part—When you suppress or replace a component to which a BOM balloon is attached, this command reattaches the balloon to another placement of the same part.
- Bln By Comp—Specifies that simple BOM balloons reattach themselves to whatever component replaced the one that originally owned the BOM balloon.
Note: The template cell drives the number of digits of a quantity. In a two-directional repeat region, modifying the number of digits in the first column affects every column.