< Practical Electronics
Prefix | Manufacturer/s |
A | Fairchild |
National Semiconductor | |
AMD | |
Allegro Microsystems | |
ACF | General Instrument |
AD | Analog Devices |
Harris | |
ADC | National Semiconductor |
ADEL | Analog Devices |
ADG | Analog Devices |
ADLH | Analog Devices |
ADM | Analog Devices |
ADS | Burr-Brown |
ADVFC | Analog Devices |
AH | Optical Electronics Inc. |
ALD | Burr-Brown |
Am | AMD |
AM | Advanced Micro Devices |
Datel | |
AMP | Analog Devices |
AMSREF | Advanced Monolithic Systems |
AN | Panasonic |
AT | Atmel |
ATT | Lucent Technologies |
ATV | Atmel |
AVS | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson)) |
AY | General Instrument |
BQ | Benchmarq Microelectronics Inc. |
BT | Brooktree |
BUF | Analog Devices |
Burr-Brown | |
Precision Monolithic | |
BX | Sony |
C | Intel |
CA | Harris |
CAV | Analog Devices |
CD | Harris |
CDP | Harris |
CLC | Comlinear |
National Semiconductor | |
CM | Supertex, Temic |
CMP | Monolithics |
Analog Devices | |
COM | Standard Microsystem Corp. |
COP | National Semiconductor |
CP | Harris |
CS | Harris, Cherry Semiconductor |
CX | Sony, Cyrix |
CXK | Sony |
CY | Cypress |
D | Siliconix, Intel |
DAC | Analog Devices |
National Semiconductor | |
Burr-Brown | |
DCP | Burr-Brown |
DF | Siliconix |
DG | Harris, Temic |
DM | National Semiconductor |
Fairchild | |
DP | National Semiconductor |
DS | National Semiconductor |
Dallas Semiconductor | |
EF | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
EL | Elantec |
EP | Altera |
EPM | Altera |
ET | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
F | Fairchild |
National Semiconductor | |
FSS | Ferranti |
G | California Micro Devices Corp. |
GA | Gazelle |
GAL | Lattice |
GEL | GE |
GIC | General Instrument |
GL | Goldstar |
GM | Goldstar |
GMM | Goldstar |
GP | General Instrument |
GSD | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
H | Harris |
HA | Harris |
Hitachi | |
HAD | Honeywell |
HAS | Analog Devices |
HCF | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
HCPL | Hewlett-Packard |
HCTL | Hewlett-Packard |
HD | Hitachi |
HDAC | Honeywell |
HDM | Analog Devices |
HEF | Philips |
HEP | Motorola |
HFA | Harris |
HG | Hitachi |
HI | Harris |
HIN | Harris |
HIP | Harris |
HL | Hitachi |
HM | Hitachi |
Temic | |
HN | Hitachi |
HPM | Hewlett-Packard |
HT | Holtek |
HV | Harris |
HY | Hyundai |
i | Intel |
I | Intel |
ICH | Harris |
ICL | Harris |
ICM | Harris |
IDT | Integrated Device Technology |
IM | Harris |
IMS | Inmos |
INA | Burr-Brown |
IP | Temic, Seagate Microelectronics |
IR | Sharp |
International Rectifier | |
IS | Integrated Silicon Solutions Inc. |
Burr-Brown | |
ISD | Information Strorage Devices |
ISO | Burr-Brown |
ISPLSI | Lattice |
IVC | Burr-Brown |
KA | Samsung |
KM | Samsung |
KMM | Samsung |
KR | Standard Microsystem Corp. |
L | Fairchild |
National Semiconductor | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
Siliconix | |
Siltronics | |
Unitrode | |
LA | Sanyo |
LC | Sanyo |
LD | Siliconix |
Siltronics | |
LF | National Semiconductor |
Motorola | |
LFT | National Semiconductor |
LH | National Semiconductor |
LM | National Semiconductor |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
LMC | National Semiconductor |
LMD | National Semiconductor |
LMF | National Semiconductor |
LMX | National Semiconductor |
LPC | National Semiconductor |
LPC | National Semiconductor |
LS | LSI Computer Systems |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
LT | Linear Technology Corporation |
LTC | Linear Technology Corporation |
LTZ | Linear Technology Corporation |
M | Mitsubishi |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
MA | Analog Systems |
Marconi | |
MAB | Philips |
MACH | Vantis (AMD) |
MAT | Monolithics |
MAX | Maxim |
MB | Fujitsu |
MBL8 | Fujitsu |
MBM | Fujitsu |
MC | Micra Hybrids |
Motorola | |
ON Semiconductor | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
Temic | |
Texas Instruments | |
MCC | Motorola |
MCCS | Motorola |
MCM | Motorola |
MCS | MOS Technology |
MCT | Motorola |
MEC | Motorola |
MF | National Semiconductor |
MIC | Micrel |
MIL | Microsystems International |
Motorola | |
MK | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
Mostek | |
ML | Micro Linear Corp. |
MM | Motorola |
Fairchild | |
National Semiconductor | |
MN | Plessy |
Micro Networks | |
MP | Micro Power (Exar) |
MPC | Burr-Brown |
MPF | Motorola |
MPQ | Motorola |
MPS | Motorola |
MPSA | Motorola |
MPY | Burr-Brown |
MSC | Microcomputers Systems Components |
Oki | |
MSK | M. S. Kennedy |
MSL8 | Mitsubishi |
MSM | Oki |
MT | Mitel Semiconductor |
MUX | Analog Devices |
MVA | GEC-Plessey Semiconductor |
MWM | Motorola |
MX | Macronix |
Maxim | |
N | Philips |
Intel | |
NC | Nitron |
NE | Philips |
Texas Instruments | |
NH | National Semiconductor |
NJM | New Japanese Radio Corp. |
NM | Fairchild |
NMC | Fairchild |
NQ | Seeq |
NSC | Newport |
OHN | Optek |
OM | AEG |
Amperex | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
Siemens | |
Philips | |
Telefunken | |
OP | Monolithics |
Analog Devices | |
Texas Instruments | |
OPA | Burr-Brown |
OPT | Burr-Brown |
P | Intel |
Temic | |
Performance Semiconductor | |
PA | Apex |
Intel | |
PALCE | Cypress |
Vantis (AMD) | |
PB | NEC |
PBL | Ericsson |
PC | NEC |
Philips | |
Amperex | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
Siemens | |
Telefunken | |
Philips | |
Amperex | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
Siemens | |
Telefunken | |
Philips | |
PCM | Burr-Brown |
PD | NEC |
PDM | Paradigm |
PEEL | Information Chips and Technology Inc. |
PGA | Burr-Brown |
PH | Silicon Storage Technology |
PIC | Microchip |
PL | Altera |
PLC | Philips |
PLS | Philips |
PM | Analog Devices |
PQ | Seeq |
PSD | Waferscale Integration inc. (WSI) |
PWR | Burr-Brown |
PZ | Philips |
QS | Quality Semiconductor Inc. |
R | Rockwell |
Raytheon | |
Ray | Raytheon |
RC | Raytheon |
Texas Instruments | |
RCV | Burr-Brown |
RD | EG&G Reticon |
REF | Analog Devices |
Burr-Brown | |
REG | Burr-Brown |
RF | EG&G Reticon |
RM | Raytheon |
EG&G Reticon | |
RT | EG&G Reticon |
RTC | Seiko |
Epson | |
RU | EG&G Reticon |
S | Temic |
Philips | |
SA | Philips |
Amperex | |
Philips | |
Siemens | |
Telefunken | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
Amperex | |
Philips | |
Siemens | |
Telefunken | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
SABE | Siemens |
Amperex | |
Philips | |
Siemens | |
Telefunken | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
SC | Philips |
Amperex | |
Philips | |
Siemens | |
Telefunken | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
SCC | Philips |
Amperex | |
Philips | |
Siemens | |
Telefunken | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
SD | Temic |
SE | Philips |
SFC | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
ESMF | |
SG | Silicon General (Infinity Micro) |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
Texas Instruments | |
Motorola | |
SHC | Burr-Brown |
SI | Temic |
Maxim | |
SL | Plessy |
SM | Nippon Precision Circuits |
SN | Texas Instruments |
Motorola | |
SP | Plessy |
Philips | |
SPR | General Instrument |
SS | Honeywell |
SSM | Analog Devices |
SSS | Monolithics |
ST | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
Startech | |
STR | Allegro Microsystems |
SW | Analog Devices |
SYD | Syntaq |
SYS | Syntaq |
T | Toshiba |
TA | Toshiba |
Amperex | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
Siemens | |
Philips | |
Telefunken | |
TAB | Plessy |
Amperex | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
Siemens | |
Philips | |
Telefunken | |
TC | Toshiba |
Telcom Semiconductor | |
Amperex | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
Siemens | |
Philips | |
Telefunken | |
TCM | Telcom Semiconductor |
TD | Toshiba |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
TDA | Philips |
Motorola | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
TDF | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
Amperex | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
Siemens | |
Philips | |
Telefunken | |
THM | Toshiba |
TIBPAL | Texas Instruments |
TIL | Texas Instruments |
TIP | Texas Instruments |
TIPAL | Texas Instruments |
TIS | Texas Instruments |
TL | Texas Instruments |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
Motorola | |
TLC | Texas Instruments |
TLE | Texas Instruments |
TM | Texas Instruments |
TMC | Taytheon |
TML | Telmos |
TMM | Toshiba |
TMP | Toshiba |
TMPZ | Toshiba |
TMS | Texas Instruments |
TP | Teledyne Philbrick |
TPQ | Sprague |
TS | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
TSC | Teledyne Semiconductor |
TSH | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
U | Temic |
Zentrum Microelectronics | |
UA | Philips |
Motorola | |
Texas Instruments | |
UAA | Motorola |
UAF | Burr-Brown |
UC | Unitrode |
Motorola | |
ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) | |
UCC | Unitrode |
UCN | Allegro Microsystems |
UCS | Sprague |
UD | Zentrum Microelectronics |
UDN | Allegro Microsystems |
UDS | Allegro Microsystems |
UGN | Allegro Microsystems |
ULN | ON Semiconductor (previously Thomson) |
Motorola | |
Texas Instruments | |
US Microchip | |
UM | United Microelectronics Corp. |
UMA | Philips |
UNX | Fairchild |
National Semiconductor | |
UPD8 | NEC |
V | Amtel |
VA | VTC |
VC | VTC |
VCA | Burr-Brown |
VFC | Burr-Brown |
VT | VLSI Technology Inc. |
W | IC Works |
WD | Western Digital |
X | Xicor |
XC | Motorola |
XR | Exar |
XTR | Burr-Brown |
Z | Zilog |
ZH | Zetex |
ZLD | Ferranti |
ZLDO | Zetex |
ZM | Zetex |
ZMR | Zetex |
ZN | Ferranti |
GEC-Plessey Semiconductor | |
ZR | Zetex |
ZRA | Zetex |
ZRB | Zetex |
ZREF | Zetex |
ZRT | Zetex |
ZSD | Zetex |
ZSM | Zetex |
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