Indicative (
-o/-as (1), -es (2, 3)/-a (1), -e (2, 3)
-amos (1), -emos (2), -imos (3)/-ais (1), eis (2), is (3)/ -am (1), -em (2, 3)
It doesn' t matter the irregularity of the verb. In this tense, increasing the "-s" or "-es" (consonant-ending) in the third person of the singular, it comes to the second.
To put an obliqual pronoun, put a hiphen (-) following the verb and the pronoun.
When it's in the third person, see the rules.
You can put a normal "-lhe" in the normal rule, unclearing gender.
When it ends with r, s or z, exclude the final letter and use the rule with the pronouns "-lo (s)" and "-la (s)".
Do the same thing with words ending in "m", "õe", "ões" (excluding the "s") and "ão".
Future of the present
Increase ever it in the infinitive end:
Sometimes the infinitive isn' t used and it' s substituted, something rare.
Trazer (bring) by "traz", dizer (say) by "diz" (contradizer = contradiz, desdizer = desdiz, ...) and fazer (do with the mode of make) by "faz" (desfazer = desfaz, satisfazer = satisfaz).
The obliqual form is...
(verb without suffix) + (-) (me, te, lhe, nos, vos, lhes) + (-) + (suffix)
Dar-te-ei = I will give you
Trazer-vos-emos = We will bring ... to You.
Future of the past
The obliqual form, the formation and irregularity are the same of the future of the present, but the suffix isn' t.
It shows what was going to happening in the past.
After he had breakfast yesterday, he walked.
- Depois de tomar café ontem, ele andou.
We would know what really happened after reading that message.
- Saberíamos o que realmente aconteceu após lermos aquela mensagem.
Composted form
(Iria, irias, iria, iríamos, iríeis, iriam) + Infinitive
More-than-perfect past
It is the past of the past.
The murderer had already killed his mother.
- (O assassino já teria matado sua mãe.) or O assassino matara sua mãe.
Increase this particles to the conditional future:
-a, -as, -a, -amos, -eis, -am
The obliqual form is separated ever.
I had given to him.
- Eu lhe dera. or Eu dera-lhe.