This is a textbook to a course in Early Political Philosophy or Early Political Theory. It consists of selections from original source material which are prefaced by historical and critical introductions and annotated.

- Preface
- Maps of Places of Interest
The Sophists
- Protagoras Fragments
- Antiphon Fragments
The Early Historians
- Herodotus Selections
- Thucydides Selections
- The Euthyphro
- The Meno
- The Apology
- The Republic
- The Laws
- The Nicomachean Ethics Selections
- The Politics
- De Re Publica Selections
St. Augustine
- The City of God Selections
St. Thomas Aquinas
- Summa Theologica Selections
- On Kingship
Medieval Islamic Philosophers
- Al-Farabi Selections
- Avicenna Selections
- Aberroes Selections
Niccolo Machiavelli
- The Prince
- The Discourses on the First Ten Books of Titus Livius Selections.
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