być - to be
This verb is very irregular.
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | ![]() |
I am |
Ty | jesteś | You are (thou art) |
On/Ona/Ono | jest | He/she/it is |
My | jesteśmy | We are |
Wy | jesteście | You (plural) are |
Oni/One | są | They are |
Future tense of być
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | będę | I will be, I will |
Ty | będziesz | You (singular) will be, You will |
On/Ona/Ono | będzie | He/she/it will be, He/she/it will |
My | będziemy | We will be, We will |
Wy | będziecie | You (plural) will be, You will |
Oni/One | będą | They will be, They will |
mieć - to have (imperfective)
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | mam | I have |
Ty | masz | You (singular) have |
On/Ona/Ono | ma | He/she/it has |
My | mamy | We have |
Wy | macie | You (plural) have |
Oni/One | mają | They have |
wiedzieć - to know (imperfective)
To know in the sense of "to be aware of/that/how"
Similar to French savoir, Spanish "saber", Latin "sapere", German "wissen", Dutch "weten".
"Ja nie wiem, co jest prawdziwe" - I don't know what is real.
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | wiem | I know |
Ty | wiesz | You (singular) know |
On/Ona/Ono | wie | He/she/it knows |
My | wiemy | We know |
Wy | wiecie | You (plural) know |
Oni/One | wiedzą | They know |
znać - to know (imperfective)
To know in the sense of "to be acquainted with, have experience of"
Similar to French connaître or Spanish "conocer", Italian "conoscere", German "kennen".
Ex.: Do you know him? - Znasz go?
Perfective: poznać
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | znam / poznam | I know / I will get to know |
Ty | znasz / poznasz | You (singular) know / You (singular) will get to know |
On/Ona/Ono | zna / pozna | He/she/it knows / He/she/it will get to know |
My | znamy / poznamy | We know / We will get to know |
Wy | znacie / poznacie | You (plural) know / You (plural) will get to know |
Oni/One | znają / poznają | They know / They will get to know |
szukać - to search for, to look for (imperfective)
Perfective: poszukać
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | szukam | I am looking for |
Ty | szukasz | You (singular) are looking for |
On/Ona/Ono | szuka | He/she/it is looking for |
My | szukamy | We are looking for |
Wy | szukacie | You (plural) are looking for |
Oni/One | szukają | They are looking for |
jeść - to eat (imperfective)
Perfective: zjeść
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | ![]() |
I am eating / I will eat |
Ty | jesz | You (singular) are eating |
On/Ona/Ono | je | He/she/it is eating |
My | jemy | We are eating |
Wy | jecie | You (plural) are eating |
Oni/One | jedzą | They are eating |
robić - to make, to do (imperfective)
Perfective: zrobić
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | robię / zrobię | I am making / I will make |
Ty | robisz | You (singular) are making |
On/Ona/Ono | robi | He/she/it is making |
My | robimy | We are making |
Wy | robicie | You (plural) are making |
Oni/One | robią | They are making |
dawać - to give (imperfective)
Perfective: dać
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | daję / dam | I am giving / I will give |
Ty | dajesz / dasz | You (singular) are giving / You (singular) will give |
On/Ona/Ono | daje / da | He/she/it is giving / He/she/it will give |
My | dajemy / damy | We are giving / We will give |
Wy | dajecie / dacie | You (plural) are giving / You (plural) will give |
Oni/One | dają / dadzą | They are giving / They will give |
lubić - to like, enjoy (imperfective)
Perfective: polubić
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | lubię | I like |
Ty | lubisz | You (singular) like |
On/Ona/Ono | lubi | He/she/it likes |
My | lubimy | We like |
Wy | lubicie | You (plural) like |
Oni/One | lubią | They like |
chcieć - to want (imperfective)
Perfective: zechcieć
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | chcę | I want |
Ty | chcesz | You (singular) want |
On/Ona/Ono | chce | He/she/it wants |
My | chcemy | We want |
Wy | chcecie | You (plural) want |
Oni/One | chcą | They want |
woleć - to prefer (imperfective)
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | wolę | I prefer |
Ty | wolisz | You (singular) prefer |
On/Ona/Ono | woli | He/she/it prefers |
My | wolimy | We prefer |
Wy | wolicie | You (plural) prefer |
Oni/One | wolą | They prefer |
iść - to go (imperfective)
Note: Going somewhere on foot
Perfective: pójść
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | idę / pójdę | I am going... / I will go.. |
Ty | idziesz / pójdziesz | You (singular) are going / You (singular) will go |
On/Ona/Ono | idzie / pójdzie | He/she/it is going / He/she/it will go |
My | idziemy / pójdziemy | We are going / We will go |
Wy | idziecie / pójdziecie | You (plural) are going / You (plural) will go |
Oni/One | idą / pójdą | They are going / They will go |
jechać - to go, to ride, to drive (imperfective)
Note: In a car, in a train, on a motorcyle, on a bike, on a horse
Perfective: pojechać
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | jadę / pojadę | I am going / I will go |
Ty | jedziesz / pojedziesz | You (singular) are going / You (singular) will go |
On/Ona/Ono | jedzie / pojedzie | He/she/it is going / He/she/it will go |
My | jedziemy / pojedziemy | We are going / We will go |
Wy | jedziecie / pojedziecie | You (plural) are going / You (plural) will go |
Oni/One | jadą / pojadą | They are going / They will go |
widzieć - to see (imperfective)
Perfective: zobaczyć
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | widzę / zobaczę | I see / I will see |
Ty | widzisz / zobaczysz | You (singular) see / You (singular) will see |
On/Ona/Ono | widzi / zobaczy | He/she/it sees / He/she/it will see |
My | widzimy / zobaczymy | We see / We will see |
Wy | widzicie / zobaczycie | You (plural) see / You (plural) will see |
Oni/One | widzą / zobaczą | They see / They will see |
pić - to drink (imperfective)
Perfective: wypić
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | piję / wypiję | I am drinking / I will drink |
Ty | pijesz | You (singular) are drinking |
On/Ona/Ono | pije | He/she/it is drinking |
My | pijemy | We are drinking |
Wy | pijecie | You (plural) are drinking |
Oni/One | piją | They are drinking |
pisać - to write (imperfective)
Perfective: napisać
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | piszę / napiszę | I am writing / I will write |
Ty | piszesz | You (singular) are writing |
On/Ona/Ono | pisze | He/she/it is writing |
My | piszemy | We are writing |
Wy | piszecie | You (plural) are writing |
Oni/One | piszą | They are writing |
mówić - to say, to speak (imperfective)
Perfective: powiedzieć
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | mówię | I am saying/speaking |
Ty | mówisz | You (singular) are saying/speaking |
On/Ona/Ono | mówi | He/she/it is saying/speaking |
My | mówimy | We are saying/speaking |
Wy | mówicie | You (plural) are saying/speaking |
Oni/One | mówią | They are saying/speaking |
nieść - to bear, to carry (perfective)
Imperfective: nosić
Subject | Verb | Translation |
Ja | niosę | I will bear |
Ty | niesiesz | You (singular) bear |
On/Ona/Ono | niesie | He/she/it bears |
My | niesiemy | We bear |
Wy | niesiecie | You (plural) bear |
Oni/One | niosą | They bear |