Welcome to the wiki-world of Policy Debate! Whether you are a novice, varsity debater, or college hot shot, this book can hopefully be of use. One of the most exciting things about debate is the initial socialization process of the activity. Learning the open-ended rules, the debate jargon, and how to spin your pen around your thumb! Although we can't learn everything online, this repository is the perfect place for an introduction to debate, basic debate theory, and advice about debate. And, heck, because of the limitless and easily maintainable Wiki format, it can eventually expand into argument lists, citelists, and more.

  1. What is Debate?
  2. Basic_Format
  3. Stock Issues
  4. Topicality
  5. Disadvantages
  6. 1AC
  7. 1NC
  8. 2AC
  9. 2NC
  10. 1NR
  11. 1AR
  12. 2NR
  13. 2AR
  14. Response to Criticism of Policy Debate
  15. Advanced 1AC Advice
  16. Advanced 1NC Advice
  17. Advanced 2AC Advice
  18. Advanced 2NC Advice
  19. Advanced 1NR Advice
  20. Advanced 1AR Advice
  21. Advanced 2NR Advice
  22. Advanced 2AR Advice
  23. Glossary and Jargon

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