Elements of the language
// - comments. Example: //blah blah blah
/* */ - Multiline comments. Example:
/* blah blah blah blah blah blah */
Text strings
a = "text string"
You can put the numerical values of a variable to any string, when this string is used as a parameter for some command (except make_pixi). Example:
blahblah = 34 video_export_gif( "VIDEO$blahblah.gif" ) //Save video to the VIDEO34.gif
ASCII codes
ASCII codes (max 4 symbols): 'A','B','ABC'... Example:
ascii_code = 'E'
a,b,c,d... and other alphabet symbols - used for creating your own variables. Example myvar = 4 //put 4 to variable "myvar"
Math operations
-,+,*,/,% - math operations. Example: a = b + 4
Conditional operations
- < - less
- > - greater
- <= - less or equal
- >= - greater or equal
- = - equal (after if operator)
- != - not equal
Binary logic operations
- ^ - xor
- & - and
- | - or
Numbers (for example: -1234) - decimal numbers :)
Some commands (transformations, for example) need numbers in the fixed point format 24.8. Fixed point numbers are decimal numbers, multiplied by 256. Examples:
1 will be 256 (1*256) in the fixed point format; 2 will be 512 (2*256) in the fixed point format; 0.5 will be 128 (0.5*256) in the fixed point format;
Numbers in the form #XXXXXXXX (for example: #80EFB434) can be used as color values for some graphics commands in standard HTML color format: #RRGGBB, where RR - red, GG - greed, BB - blue. For example: #FF0000 - it's a yellow; #00FF00 - green; #0000FF - blue.
User defined commands
You can define your own commands (subprogramms). Let's see an example:
//here our main program starts print("Hello world!",0,0) myfunc1 //here we execute our own command, which is defined at the end of our main program stop //stop main program myfunc: //here is the body of our command (named "myfunc1") ret //Return from subprogram. Don't forget this word!
So user defined commands look like this: COMMAND_NAME: BODY OF YOUR COMMAND (SOME PIECE OF PROGRAM) ret.
Also you can create your commands on the fly:
//Create user defined command: user_command = { print("hello1") print("hello2") } //And run it: user_command //user_command - it's address of created subprogramm.
"goto" command
You can jump from one part of a program to another part. Here is an example:
marker1: blah blah goto marker1 #here you go to the marker1, that was declared above.
my_cool_marker: dot(1,1,#FF0000) go my_cool_marker
"while" command
"while" command is for conditional loops: while( condition ) { actions }. Example:
a = 0 while( a < 8 ) { print( "$a", a * 8, 0, WHITE ) a + 1 } //Show "a" variable eight times
Commands have the following syntax: COMMAND_NAME (PARAMETER1, PARAMETER2,...) For example, let's execute the "dot" command: dot(1,1,#FF0000) If there are no parameters, then you must write the command name only. For example: frame. Some commands can return a value. Example: x = get_dot( 10, 10 )