An ocean is a large area of salt water between continents. Oceans are very big and they join smaller seas together. The oceans are like one "ocean", because all the "oceans" are joined. Oceans cover 70% of our planet. The largest ocean is the Pacific Ocean. It covers 1/3 of the Earth's surface. The smallest ocean is the Arctic Ocean.
Hǎiyáng shì dàzhōu zhījiān d dàpiàn xiánshuǐ. duo'g jiàoxiǎo d hǎi zǔchéng dàyáng. Yóuyú geh'g hǎiyáng lián zài yīqǐ, kànlái xiàng 1'g dàyáng. Hǎiyáng zhàn Dìqiú miànjī d 70%, zuì dà d Tàipíng Yáng zhàn 1/3, zuì xiǎo d shì Běibīng Yáng.
There are 5 oceans in the Earth: Arctic Ocean, Atlantic ocean, Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Southern Ocean.
Dìqiú yǒu 5 dàyáng: Běibīng Yáng, Dàxī Yáng, India Yáng, Tàipíng Yáng hé Nánbīng Yáng.
Different water movements separate the Southern Ocean from the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. It is also known as the Antarctic Ocean, because it covers the area around Antarctica. Older maps may not use the names Arctic Ocean and Southern Ocean.
Bùtóng d shuǐ yùndòng shiǐ Nánbīng Yáng bié-yú Dàxī Yáng, Tàipíng Yáng, India Yáng. Yóuyú Nánbīng Yáng wéirào Nánjízhōu, yīncǐ yòu jiàozuò Nánjí Yáng. Jiù d dìtú kěnéng méiyǒu yòng Běibīng Yáng hé Nánbīng Yáng d míngchēng.
The deepest ocean is the Pacific ocean. The deepest point is the Mariana Trench, being about 11,000m deep. The deep ocean is very cold, high pressure, and completely dark. Some very unusual living things live in this part of the ocean. They do not require energy from the sun to survive, because they use chemicals from deep inside the Earth.
Tàipíng Yáng zuì shēn, zuì shēn diǎn shì Mariana Hǎigōu, yuē 1'1000m shēn. Shēnhǎi hěn lěng, gāoyā hé wánquán hēi'àn. Shēnhǎi hěn tèshū d shēngwù lìyòng Dìqiú shēnchù d huàxuéwù, wúxū yángguāng yě néng shēngcún.