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China white paper sets out five-year space plan

中国 白皮书 安排 五-年 太空 计划

Zhōngguó báipíshū ānpái wǔ-nián tàikòng jìhuà

Zhongguor bairpirshu anpair wuu-niarn taihkong jihhuah

Zhōngguó báipíshū    ānpái   wǔ-nián   tàikòng jìhuà
China    white paper arrange five-year space   plan

China has released a white paper setting out its space plans for the next five years.

中国 发表 白皮书 安排 它的 新的 五-年 太空 计划。

Zhōngguó fābiǎo báipíshū ānpái tād xīnd wǔ-nián tàikōng jìhuà.

Zhongguor fabiaao bairpirshu anpair tad xind wuu-niarn taihkong jihhuah.

Zhōngguó fābiǎo  báipíshū    ānpái   tād xīnd wǔ-nián   tàikōng jìhuà.
China    issue   white paper arrange its new  five-year space   plan.


N Korea hails Kim's son as leader

朝鲜 欢呼 Kim Jong-il 的 儿子 成为 领袖

Cháoxiān huānhū Kim Jong-il d érzi chéngwéi lǐngxiù

Chaorxian huanhu Kim Jong-il d errzi cherngweir liingxiuh

Cháoxiān huānhū Kim Jong-il d érzi chéngwéi lǐngxiù
N Korea  hail   Kim Jong-il's son  become   leader

North Korea hails Kim Jong-un as "supreme leader of the party, state and army", a day after the elaborate funeral of his father, Kim Jong-il.

在 为 他的 父亲 精心制作的 丧礼 之后 一天,朝鲜 欢呼 Kim Jong-un 成为 “党、国家 和 军队 的 最高 领袖”。

Zài wèi tād fùqin jīngxīnzhìzuòd sānglǐ zhīhòu yī-tiān, Cháoxiān huānhū Kim Jong-un chéngwéi "dǎng, guójiā hé jūnduì d zuìgāo lǐngxiù".

Zaih weih tad fuhqin jingxinzhihzuohd sanglii zhihouh yi-tian, Chaorxian huanhu Kim Jong-un cherngweir "daang, guorjia her junduih d zuihgao liingxiuh".

Zài wèi tād fùqin  jīngxīnzhìzuòd sānglǐ  zhīhòu yī-tiān, 
At  for his father elaborate      funeral after  a  day,  

Cháoxiān huānhū Kim Jong-un chéngwéi "dǎng,  guójiā hé  jūnduì d zuìgāo lǐngxiù".
N Korea  hail   Kim Jong-un become   "party, state  and army's   supreme leader".


North Korea holds funeral for Kim

朝鲜为Kim Jong-il举行丧礼

Cháoxiān wèi Kim Jong-il jǔxíng sānglǐ

Chaorxian weih Kim Jong-il juuxirng sanglii

Cháoxiān    wèi Kim Jong-il jǔxíng sānglǐ
North Korea for Kim Jong-il hold   funeral

North Korea begins two days of funeral services for late leader Kim Jong-il with a huge procession in Pyongyang led by successor Kim Jong-un.

Pyongyang 庞大的 队伍 在 继承者 Kim Jong-un 带领下,朝鲜 开始 为期 两日 为 前领导人 Kim Jong-il 的 葬礼。

Pyongyang pángdàd duìwù zài jìchéngzhě Kim Jong-un dàilǐngxià, Cháoxiān kāishǐ wéiqī liǎng-rì wèi qián-lǐngdǎorén Kim Jong-il d zànglǐ.

Pyonyang parngdahd duihwuu zaih jihcherngzhee Kim Jong-un daihliingxiah, Chaorxian kaishii weirqi liaang-rih weih qiarn-liingdaaorern Kim Jong-il d zahnglii.

Pyongyang pángdàd duìwù      zài jìchéngzhě Kim Jong-un dàilǐngxià, 
Pyongyang huge    procession at  successor  Kim Jong-un lead by,    

Cháoxiān kāishǐ wéiqī     liǎng-rì  wèi qián-lǐngdǎorén Kim Jong-il d zànglǐ.
N Korea  begin  period of two   day for former leader   Kim Jong-il's funeral.


China's GPS is switched on

中国 的 GPS 开始 运作

Zhongguō d GPS kāishǐ yùnzuò

Zhongguor d GPS kaishii yuhnzuoh

Zhongguō d GPS kāishǐ yùnzuò
China's    GPS begin  operate

Beijing's Beidou service begins offering location, navigation and timing data offering an alternative to the US's GPS network.

北京 的 北斗 开始 提供 定位、导航 和 计时 资料 的 服务,提供 美国 GPS 网络 之外 的 另一个 选择。

Běijīng d Běidǒu kāishǐ tígōng dìngwèi, dǎoháng hé jìshí zīliào d fúwù, tígōng Měiguó GPS wǎngluò zhīwài d lìngyīge xuǎnzé.

Beeijing d Beeidoou kaishii tirgong dihngweih, daaoharng her jihshir ziliaoh d furwuh, tirgong Meeiguor GPS waangluoh zhiwaih d lihngyi.ge xuaanzer.

Běijīng d Běidǒu kāishǐ tígōng dìngwèi,  dǎoháng    hé  jìshí  zīliào d fúwù,    
Beijing's Beidou begin  offer  location, navigation and timing data     service, 

tígōng Měiguó GPS wǎngluò  zhīwài d lìngyīge xuǎnzé.
offer  USA    GPS network -beyond   another  choice.


Texas shooting: Gunman "dressed as Santa" killed family

Texas 枪杀 事件:“穿着 好像 圣诞老人” 的 枪手 杀死 家人

Texas qiāngshā shìjiàn: "Chuānzhuó hǎoxiàng Shèngdàn Lǎorén" d qiāngshǒu shāsǐ jiārén

Texas qiangsha shihjiahn: "Chuanzhuor haaoxiahng Shehngdahn Laaorern" d qianshoou shasii jiarern

Texas qiāngshā shìjiàn:  "Chuānzhuó hǎoxiàng Shèngdàn Lǎorén" d qiāngshǒu shāsǐ jiārén
Texas gunman   accident: "clothes   seem     Santa Claus"       gunman    kill  family members

The gunman who shot dead six relatives before killing himself at a family Christmas celebration in Texas was dressed as Santa Claus, police say.

警方 说,在 Texas 一个 家庭 的 圣诞节 庆祝会,这个 穿着 好像 圣诞老人 的 枪手 在 自杀 之前 射死了 6个 亲属。

Jǐngfāng shuō, zài Texas yīge jiātíng d Shèngdànjié qìngzhùhuì, zhège chuānzhuó hǎoxiàng Shèngdàn Lǎorén d qiāngshǒu zài zìshā zhīqián shèsǐle 6-ge qīnshǔ.

Jiingfang shuo, zaih Texas yi.ge jiatirng d Shehngdahnjier qihngzhuhhuih, zheh.ge chuanzhuor haaoxiahng Shehngdahn Laaorern d qiangshoou zaih zihsha zhiqiarn shehsiile 6-.ge qinshuu.

Jǐngfāng shuō, zài Texas yīge jiātíng d Shèngdànjié qìngzhùhuì,  zhège chuānzhuó hǎoxiàng Shèngdàn Lǎorén d qiāngshǒu 
Police   say,  at  Texas a    family's  Christmas   celebration, this  clothes   seem     Santa Claus       gunman    

zài zìshā    zhīqián shèsǐle    6-ge qīnshǔ.
at  suicide -before  shoot dead 6    relative.

Deadly suicide attack on Afghanistan funeral in Takhar

Afghanistan Takhar 的 葬礼 发生 致命 的 自杀-式 袭击

Afghanistan Takhar d zànglǐ fāshēng zhìmìng d zìshā-shì xíjī

Afghanistan Takhar d zahnglii fasheng zhihmihng d zihsha-shih xirji

Afghanistan Takhar d zànglǐ  fāshēng zhìmìngd zìshā-shì     xíjī
Afghanistan Takhar's funeral happen  deadly   suicide-style attack

At least 22 people, including a prominent MP, have been killed in a suicide bombing at a funeral in north-eastern Afghanistan, officials say.

Afghanistan 东北部 的 葬礼 发生 自杀-式 炸弹 袭击 引致 最少 22人,包括 一个 著名 的 国会-议员 被杀,官方 说。

Afghanistan dōngběibù d zànglǐ fāshéng zìshā-shì zhàdàn xíjī yǐnzhì zuìshǎo 22 rén, bāokuò yīge zhùmíng d guóhuì-yìyuán bèishā, guānfāng shuō.

Afghanistan dongbeeibuh d zahnglii fasheng zihsha-shih zhahdahn xirji yiinzhih zuihshaao 22 rern, baokouh yi.ge zhuhmirng d guorhuih-yihyuarn beihsha, guanfang shuo.

Afghanistan dōngběibù d zànglǐ  fāshēng zìshā-shì      zhàdàn xíjī   yǐnzhì zuìshǎo  22 rén,    
Afghanistan northeast's funeral happen  suicide-style  bomb   attack cause  at least 22 people, 

bāokuò  yīge zhùmíng d  guóhuì-yìyuán         bèishā,    guānfāng  shuō.
include a    prominent  member of parliament  be killed, officials say.


Suicide car bomber kills four near Iraqi interior ministry

Iraq 内政部 附近 自杀-式 汽车-炸弹 杀死 4-个 人

Iraq nèizhèngbù fùjìn zìshā-shì qìchē-zhàdàn shàsǐ 4-ge rén

Iraq neihzhehngbuh fuhjihn zihsha-shih qihche-zhahdahn shasii 4-.ge rern

Iraq nèizhèngbù        fùjìn    zìshā-shì      qìchē-zhàdàn shàsǐ 4-ge rén
Iraq interior ministry vicinity suicide-style  car-borm     kill  4    people

At least four people have been killed in a suicide car bomb attack outside Iraq's interior ministry.

Iraq 内政部 外面 的 自杀-式 汽车-炸弹 袭击 引致 最少 4-个 人 被杀。

Iraq nèizhèngbù wàimiàn d zìshā-shì qìchē-zhàdàn xíjī yǐnzhì zuìshǎo 4-ge rén bèishā.

Iraq neihzhehngbuh waihmiahn d zihsha-shih qihche-zhahdahn xirji yiinzhih zuihshaao 4-.ge rern beihsha.

Iraq nèizhèngbù        wàimiàn d zìshā-shì      qìchē-zhàdàn xíjī   yǐnzhì zuìshǎo  4-ge rén    bèishā.
Iraq interior ministry outside's suicide-style  car-bomb     attack cause  at least 4    people be killed.

Nigeria bomb attack killed 32 people

Nigeria 炸弹 袭击 杀死 32 人

Nigeria zhàdàn xíjī shāsǐ 32 rén

Nigeria zhahdahn xirji shasii 32 rern

Nigeria zhàdàn xíjī   shāsǐ 32 rén
Nigeria bomb   attack kill  32 people

A series of bomb attacks in Nigeria, including two on Christmas Day church services, have left at least 32 people dead and many injured.

Nigeria 一系列 炸弹 袭击,包括 两-次 在 圣诞日 的 礼拜-仪式,引致 最少 32 人 死亡 和 很 多 人 受伤。

Nigeria yīxìliè zhàdàn xíjī, bāokuò liǎng-cì zài Shèngdànrì d lǐbài-yíshì, yǐnzhì zuìshǎo 32 rén sǐwáng hé hěn duō rén shòushāng.

Nigeria yixihlieh zhahdahn xirji, baokuoh liaang-cih zaih Shehngdahnrih d liibaih-yirshih, yiinzhih zuihshaao 32 rern siiwarng her heen duo rern shouhshang.

Nigeria yīxìliè     zhàdàn xíjī,   bāokuò  liǎng-cì zài Shèngdànrì d    lǐbài-            yíshì,     
Nigeria a series of bomb   attack, include two-time at  Christmas Day's religious service ceremony, 

yǐnzhì zuìshǎo  32 rén    sǐwáng hé  hěn duō rén    shòushāng.
cause  at least 32 people die    and many    people be injured.


Yemen protest in Sana'a "leaves eight dead"

Yemen Sana'a 发生 抗议,“8 人 死亡”

Yemen Sana'a fāshēng kàngyì, "8 rén sǐwáng"

Yemen Sana'a fasheng kahngyih, "8 rern siiwarng"

Yemen Sana'a fāshēng kàngyì,  "8  rén   sǐwáng"
Yemen Sana'a happen  protest, "8 people die"

At least eight people have been killed and scores wounded by security forces who opened fire on a protest in the capital, Sana'a, doctors say.

一个 医生 说,保安 部队 向 首都 Sana'a 的 抗议者 开火 引致 最少 8 人 被杀 和 很 多 人 受伤。

Yīge yīshēng shuō, bǎo'an bùduì xiàng shǒudū Sana'a d kàngyìzhě kāihuǒ yǐnzhì zuìshǎo 8 rén bèishā hé hen duō rén shòushāng.

Yi.ge yisheng shuo, baao`an buhduih xiahng shooudu Sana'a d kahngyihzhee kaihuoo yiinzhih zuihshaao 8 rern beihsha her heen duo rern shouhshang.

Yīshēng shuō, bǎo'an-bùduì   xiàng shǒudū  Sana'a d kàngyìzhě kāihuǒ,    
Doctor  say,  security-force to-   capital Sana'a   protester open fire, 

yǐnzhì zuìshǎo  8 ge rén    bèishā    hé  hěn duō rén    shòushāng.
cause  at least 8    people be killed and many    people be injured.

Six killed in Pakistan suicide car bombing

Pakistan 自杀-式 汽车-炸弹 爆炸,6 人 死亡

Pakistan zìshā-shì qìchē-zhàdàn bàozhà, 6 rén sǐwáng

Pakistan zihsha-shih qihche-zhahdahn baohzhah, 6 rern siiwarng

Pakistan zìshā-shì      qìchē-zhàdàn bàozhà,  6 rén    sǐwáng
Pakistan suicide-style  car bomb     explode, 6 people die

A suicide car bomb attack has killed six people, including five soldiers, and wounded at least 12 others in north-west Pakistan, officials say.

官方 说,Pakistan 西北 自杀-式 汽车-炸弹 袭击 杀死 6-个 人,包括 5-个 士兵,和 最少 12-个 人 受伤。

Guānfāng shuō, Pakistan xīběi zìshā-shì qìchē-zhàdàn xíjī shāsǐ 6-ge rén, bāokuò 5-ge shìbīng, hé zuìshǎo 12-ge rén shòushāng.

Guanfang shuo, Pakistan xibeei zihsha-shih qihche-zhahdahn xirji shasii 6-.ge rern, baokuoh 5-.ge shihbing, her zuihshaao 12-.ge rern shouhshang.

Guānfāng  shuō, Pakistan xīběi      zìshā-shì      qìchē-zhàdàn xíjī   shāsǐ 6-ge rén,    bāokuò  5-ge jūnrén, 
Officials say,  Pakistan north-west suicide-style  car-bomb     attack kill  6    people, include 5    soldier, 

hé  zuìshǎo  12-ge rén    shòushāng.
and at least 12    people be wounded.


Syria "suicide attacks kill 44"

Syria “自杀-式 袭击 杀死 44人”

Syria "zìshā-shì xíjī shāsǐ 44 rén"

Syria "zihsha-shih xirji shasii 44 rern"

Syria "zìshā-shì     xíjī   shāsǐ 44 rén"
Syria "suicide-style attack kill  44 people"

At least 44 people are killed in Syria as two suicide car bombings target security service bases in the capital, Damascus, media and officials say.

媒体 和 官方 说,由于 针对 Syria 首都 Damascus 保安 服务 基地 的 两个 自杀-式 汽车炸弹 爆炸,最少 44人 被杀。

Méitǐ hé guānfāng shuō, yóuyú zhēnduì Syria shǒudū Damascus bǎo'ān fúwù jīdì d liǎngge zìshā-shì qìchē-zhàdàn bàozhà, zuìshǎo 44 rén bèishā.

Meirtii her guanfang shuo, youryur zhenduih Syria shooudu Damascus baao`an furwuh jidih d liaang.ge zihsha-shih qihche-zhahdahn baohzhah, zuihshaao 44 rern beihsha.

Méitǐ hé  guānfāng  shuō, yóuyú   zhēnduì Syria shǒudū  Damascus bǎo'ān   fúwù    jīdì d liǎngge zìshā-shì    qìchēzhàdàn bàozhà, 
Media and officials say,  because target  Syria capital Damascus security service base's two     sucide-style car bomb    explode, 

zuìshǎo  44 rén    bèishā.
at least 44 people be killed.


Dozens killed in co-ordinated Baghdad attacks

Baghdad 有组织的 袭击 引致 几十 人 死亡

Baghdad yǒuzǔzhīd xíjī yǐnzhì jǐshí rén sǐwáng

Baghdad yoouzuuzhid xirji yiinzhih jiishir rern siiwarng

Baghdad yǒuzǔzhīd xíjī   yǐnzhì jǐshí  rén    sǐwáng
Baghdad organized attack cause  dozens people die

Dozens of people have been killed in a wave of apparently co-ordinated bomb attacks in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

Iraq 首都 Baghdad 一系列 显然地 有组织的 炸弹 袭击 导致 几十 人 被杀。

Iraq shǒudū Baghdad yīxìliè xiǎnrándy yǒuzǔzhīd zhàdàn xíjī dǎozhì jǐshí rén bèishā.

Iraq shooudu Baghdad yixihlieh xiaanrarndy yoouzuuzhid zhahdahn xirji daaozhih jiishir rern beihsha.

Iraq shǒudū  Baghdad yīxìliè     xiǎnrándy  yǒuzǔzhīd zhàdàn xíjī   dǎozhì jǐshí  rén    bèishā.
Iraq capital Baghdad a series of apparently organized bomb   attack cause  dozens people be killed.


Chinese Villagers Win Compromise

中国 村民 赢得 让步

Zhōngguó cūnmín yíngdé ràngbù

Zhongguor cunmirn yirngder rahngbuh

Zhōngguó cūnmín   yíngdé ràngbù
China    villager win    compromise

Chinese officials appear to have at least temporarily calmed protests in a southern fishing village by offering an unusual set of concessions that include extending recognition to protest leaders.

中国 官方 提出 罕有的 让步 包括 承认 抗议者 的 领袖们,似乎 至少 暂时地 平息了 南方 渔村 的 抗议。

Zhōngguó guānfāng tíchū hǎnyǒud ràngbù bāokuò chéngrèn kàngyìzhě d lǐngxiùmen, sìhū zhìshǎo zànshídy píngxīle nánfāng yúcūn d kàngyì.

Zhongguor guanfang tirchu haanyooud rahngbuh baokuoh cherngrehn kahngyihzhee d liingxiuh.men, sihhu zhihshaao zahnshirdy pirngxi.le narnfang yurcun d kahngyih.

Zhōngguó guānfāng tíchū hǎnyǒud ràngbù     bāokuò  chéngrèn  kàngyìzhě d lǐngxiùmen, 
China    officals offer unusual concession include recognize protest's   leaders, 

sìhū  zhìshǎo  zànshídy    píngxīle nánfāng yúcūn d           kàngyì.
seems at least temporarily calmed   south   fishing village's protest.


Protests flare in southern Chinese town of Haimen

中国 南方 市镇 海门 爆发 抗议

Zhōngguó nánfāng shìzhèn Hǎimén bàofā kàngyì

Zhongguor narnfang shihzhehn Haaimern baohfa kahngyih

Zhōngguó nánfāng shìzhèn Hǎimén bàofā     kàngyì
China    south   town    Haimen break out protest

Thousands of people have protested in southern China against plans to build a new coal-fired power plant.

中国 南方 几千 人 抗议 兴建 新的 燃煤发电厂 计划。

Zhōngguó nánfāng jǐqiān rén kàngyì xīngjiàn xīn d ránméi-fādiànchǎng jìhuà.

Zhongguor narnfang jiiqian rern kahngyih xingjiahn xin d rarnmeir-fadiahnchaang jihhuah.

Zhōngguó nánfāng jǐqiān    rén    kàngyì  xíngjiàn xīn d ránméi-    fādiànchǎng jìhuà.
China    south   thousands people protest build    new   coal-fired power plant plan.


Egypt violence: Cairo clashes go into fourth day

Egypt 暴力:Cairo 冲突 进入 第4 日

Egypt bàolì: Cairo chōngtū jìnrù dì-4 rì

Egypt balhlih: Cairo chongtu jihnruh dih-4 rih

Egypt bàolì:    Cairo chōngtū jìnrù   dì-4   rì
Egypt violence: Cairo clash   go into fourth day

At least two people have died in fresh clashes between protesters and troops in the Egyptian capital Cairo, bringing the death toll since Friday to 13.

Egypt 首都 Cairo 抗议者 和 军队 之间 新的 冲突 至少 2人 死亡,自从 星期五 以来 死亡 人数 达到 13。

Egypt shǒudū Cairo kàngyìzhě hé jūnduì zhījiān xīn d chōngtū zhìshǎo 2 rén sǐwáng, zìcóng Xīngqīwǔ yǐlái sǐwáng rénshù dádào 13.

Egypt shooudu Cairo kahngyihzhee her junduih zhijian xin d chongtu zhihshaao 2 rern siiwarng, zihcorng Xingqiwuu yiilair siiwarng rernshuh dardaoh 13.

Egypt shǒudū  Cairo kàngyìzhě hé  jūnduì zhījiān xīn d chōngtū zhìshǎo  2 rén    sǐwáng, 
Egypt capital Cairo protester and troop -between new   clash   at least 2 people die,

zìcóng Xīngqīwǔ yǐlái sǐwáng rénshù           dádào 13.
from   Friday  -since death  number of people reach 13.


Chinese village "ousts Communist Party"

中国 农村 “驱逐 共产党”

Zhōngguó nóngcūn "qūzhú Gòngchǎndǎng"

Zhongguor norngcun "quzhur Gohngchaandaang"

Zhōngguó nóngcūn "qūzhú Gòngchǎndǎng"
China    village "oust  Communist Party"

The Chinese protester who died in police custody over a dispute about landownership, in a village in southern China that has become a place of revolt against the Communist Party.

由于 土地所有 的 争议,一个 中国 抗议者 在 拘留 期间 死亡,中国 南方 的 一个 农村 变成 一个 反抗 共产党 的 地方。

Yóuyú tǔdìsuǒyǒu d zhēngyì, yīge Zhōngguó kàngyìzhě zài jūliú qījiān sǐwáng, Zhōngguó nánfāng d yīge nóngcūn biànchéng yīge fǎnkàng Gòngchǎngdǎng d dìfang.

Youryur tuudihsuooyoou d zhengyih, yi.ge Zhongguor kahngyihzhee zaih juliur qijian siiwarng, Zhongguor narnfang d yi.ge norngcun biahncherng yi.ge faankahng Gohngchaandaang d dih.fang.

Yóuyú   tǔdìsuǒyǒu d    zhēngyì, yīge Zhōngguó kàngyìzhě zài jūliú   qījiān sǐwáng, 
Because landownership's dispute, a    China    protester at  custody period die, 

Zhōngguó nánfāng d yīge nóngcūn  biànchéng yīge fǎnkàng        Gòngchǎngdǎng d   dìfang.
China    south     a    villiage become    a    revolt against Communist Party's place.

N Korean leader Kim Jong-il dies

朝鲜 领导人 Kim Jong-il 逝世

Cháoxiān língdǎorén Kim Jong-il shìshì

Chaorxian liingdaaorern Kim Jong-il shihshih

Cháoxiān língdǎorén Kim Jong-il shìshì
N Korea  leader     Kim Jong-il pass away

North Korean leader Kim Jong-il has died at the age of 69, state-run television has announced.

朝鲜 领导人 Kim Jong-il 逝世,享年 69岁,国营 电视台 宣布。

Cháoxiān língdǎorén Kim Jong-il shìshì, xiǎngnián 69 suì, guóyíng diànshìtái xuānbù.

Chaorxian liingdaaorern Kim Jong-il shihshih, xiaangniarn 69 suih, guoryirng diahnshihtair xuanbuh.

Cháoxiān língdǎorén Kim Jong-il shìshì,    xiǎngnián         69 suì,         guóyíng   diànshìtái xuānbù.
N Kora   leader     Kim Jong-il pass away, die at the age of 69 year of age, state-run television announce.

North Koreans mourn Kim Jong-il

朝鲜 人民 哀悼 Kim Jong-il

Cháoxiān rénmín āidào Kim Jong-il

Chaorxian rernmirn aidaoh Kim Jong-il

Cháoxiān rénmín āidào Kim Jong-il
N Korea  people mourn Kim Jong-il

North Koreans are in mourning after the death of their leader, Kim Jong-il. People wept openly on the streets of the capital, Pyongyang.

朝鲜 人民 哀悼 他们的 领袖 Kim Jong-il。人民 在 首都 Pyongyang 街上 公开地 哭泣。

Cháoxiān rénmín āidào tāmen d lǐngxiù Kim Jong-il. Rénmín zài shǒudū Pyongyang jiēshang gōngkāi dy kūqì.

Chaorxian rernmirn aidaoh ta.men d liingxiuh Kim Jong-il. Rernmirn zaih shooudu Pyongyang jie.shang gongkai dy duqih.

Cháoxiān rénmín āidào tāmen d lǐngxiù Kim Jong-il.  Rénmín zài shǒudū  Pyongyang jiēshang      gōngkāi dy kūqì.
N Korea  people mourn their   leader  Kim Jong-il.  People at  capital Pyonyang  in the street openly     weep.


Philippines storm kills hundreds in Mindanao flash floods

Philippines Mindanao 暴风雨 引起 山洪暴发 杀死 几百 人

Philippines Mindanao bàofēngyǔ yǐnqǐ shānhóngbàofā shāsǐ jǐ-bǎi rén

Philippines Mindanao baohfengyuu yiinqii shanhorngbaohfa shasii jii-baai rern

Philippines Mindanao bàofēngyǔ yǐnqǐ shānhóngbàofā shāsǐ jǐ-bǎi   rén
Philippines Mindanao rainstorm cause flash flood   kill  hundreds people

A tropical storm has hit the southern Philippines, triggering flash floods that officials say have killed more than 430 people and left many missing.

热带风暴 袭击 Philippines 南部,引起 山洪暴发,官方 说 超过 430人 被杀 和 很多 人 失踪。

Rèdàifēngbào xíjī Philippines nánbù, yǐnqǐ shānhóngbàofā, guānfāng shuō chāoguò 430 rén bèishā hé hěn duō rén shīzōng.

Rehdaihfengbaoh xirji Philippines narnbuh, yiinqii shanhorngbaohfa, quanfang shuo chaoguoh 430 rern beihsha her heen duo rern shizong.

Rèdàifēngbào   xíjī   Philippines nánbù, yǐnqǐ shānhóngbàofā, 
Tropical storm attack Philippines south, cause flash flood,   

guānfāng  shuō chāoguò 430 rén    bèishā    hé  hěn duō rén    shīzōng.
officials say  exceed  430 people be killed and many    people be missing.


Russia becomes WTO member after 18 years of talks

经过 18年 谈判 之后,Russia 成为 WTO 会员

Jīngguò 18 nián tánpàn zhīhòu, Russia chéngwéi WTO huìyuán

Jingguoh 18 niarn tarnpahn zhihouh, Russia cherngweir WTO huihyuarn

Jīngguò 18 nián tánpàn zhīhòu, Russia chéngwéi WTO huìyuán
Undergo 18 year talks  after,  Russia become   WTO member

Russia has finally joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) at a ceremony in Switzerland on Friday, after 18 years negotiating its membership.

经过 18年 会员资格 谈判 之后,星期五 在 Switzerland 一个 典礼 上 Russia 终于 参加了 WTO。

Jīngguò 18 nián huìyuánzīgé tánpàn zhīhòu, Xīngqīwǔ zài Switzerland yīge diǎnlǐ shang Russia zhōngyú cānjiāle WTO.

Jingguoh 18 niarn huihyuarnziger tarnpahn zhihouh, Xingqiwuu zaih Switzerland yi.ge diaanlii .shang Russia zhongyur canjia.le WTO.

Jīngguò 18 nián  huìyuánzīgé tánpàn zhīhòu, Xīngqīwǔ zài Switzerland yīge diǎnlǐ   shang Russia zhōngyú jiārùle WTO.
Undergo 18 yerar membership  talks  -after, Friday   at  Switzeland  a    ceremony -on   Russia finally joined  WTO.


IMF: Global outlook is "gloomy"

IMF:全球 前景 “暗淡”

IMF: Quánqiú qiánjǐng "àndàn"

IMF: Quarnqiur qiarnjiing "ahndahn"

IMF: Quánqiú qiánjǐng "àndàn"
IMF: Global  outlook  "gloomy"

IMF head Christine Lagarde says the world economic outlook is gloomy and no country is immune from rising risks.

IMF 领导人 Christine Lagarde 说 世界 经济 前景 黯淡,没有 一个 国家 能够 避免 这个 正在 上升 的 危险。

IMF lǐngddǎorén Christine Lagarde shuō shìjiè jīngjì qiánjǐng àndàn, méiyǒu yīge guójiā nénggòu bìmiǎn zhège zhèngzài shàngshēng d wēixiǎn.

IMF liingdaaorern Christine Lagarde shuo shihjieh jingjih qiarnjiing ahndahn, meiryoou yi.ge guorjia nernggouh bihmiaan zheh.ge zhehngzaih shahngsheng d weixiaan.

IMF lǐngddǎorén Christine Lagarde shuō shìjiè jīngjì  qiánjǐng àndàn, 
IMF leader      Christine Lagarde say  world  economy outlook  gloomy, 

méiyǒu   yīge guójiā  nénggòu bìmiǎn zhège zhèngzài          shàngshēng d wēixiǎn.
not have a    country can     avoid  this  in the process of rise         risk.


Toxic alcohol kills 50 in India

India 毒酒 杀死 50人

India dújiǔ shāsǐ 50 rén

India durjiuu shasii 50 rern

India dújiǔ         shāsǐ 50 rén
India toxic alcohol kill  50 people

More than 50 people die and 100 are in hospital after drinking illegally brewed alcohol India's state of West Bengal.

喝了 非法 酿制 的 酒 之后,India West Bengal 邦 超过 50人 死亡 和 100人 入院。

Hē le fēifǎ niàngzhì d jiǔ zhīhòu, India West Bengal Bāng chāoguò 50 rén sǐwáng hé 100 rén rùyuàn.

He .le feifaa niahngzhih d jiuu zhihouh, India West Bengal Bang chaoguoh 50 rern siiwarng her 100 rern ruhyuanh.

Hē le fēifǎ   niàngzhì d jiǔ     zhīhòu, India West Bengal Bāng  chāoguò 50 rén    sǐwáng hé  100 rén    rùyuàn.
Drank illegal brew       alcohol after,  India West Bengal state exceed  50 people die    and 100 people be in hospital.


Deadly attack rocks Belgian city

致命的 袭击 震撼 Belgium 城市

Zhìmìng d xíjī zhènhàn Belgium chéngshì

Zhihmihng d xirji zhehnhahn Belgium cherngshih

Zhìmìng d xíjī   zhènhàn Belgium chéngshì
Deadly    attach shock   Belgium city

A man opens fire in the Belgian city of Liege killing at least four people including himself and wounding 123 in a gun and grenade attack.

一个 男人 在 Belgium 城市 Liege 一次 枪击 和 手榴弹 袭击,开火 杀死 包括 他自己 最少 4个 人 和 123个 受伤。

Yīge nánrén zài Belgium chéngshì Liege yī-cì qiāngjī hé shǒuliúdàn xíjī, kāihuǒ shāsǐ bāokuò tāzìjǐ zuìshǎo 4 ge rén hé 123 ge shòushāng.

Yi.ge narnrern zaih Belgium cherngshih Liege yi-cih qiangji her shoouliurdahn xirji, kaihuoo shasii baokuoh tazihjii zuihshaao 4 .ge rern her 123 .ge shouhshang.

Yīge nánrén zài Belgium chéngshì Liege yī-cì qiāngjī  hé  shǒuliúdàn xíjī, 
A    man    at  Belgium city     Liege a     shooting and grenade    attack, 

kāihuǒ    shāsǐ bāokuò  tāzìjǐ  zuìshǎo  4 ge rén    hé  123 ge shòushāng.
open fire kill  include himself at least 4    people and 123    be wounded.


US asks Iran to return captured drone

美国 要求 Iran 归还 被俘获 的 无人驾驶 飞机

Měiguó yāoqiú Iran guīhuán bèi fúhuò d wúrénjiàshǐ fēijī

Meeiguor yaoqiur Iran guihuarn beih furhuoh d wurrernjiahshii feiji

Měiguó yāoqiú  Iran guīhuán bèi fúhuò d wúrénjiàshǐ fēijī
US     request Iran return  be  capture pilotless   airplane

President Barack Obama has said the US government has requested that Tehran return the surveillance drone captured by Iran's military earlier this month.

Barack Obama 总统 说 美国 政府 已经 要求 Tehran 归还 这个 月初 被 Iran 军方 俘获 的 无人驾驶 侦察机。

Barack Obama Zǒngtǒng shuō Měiguó zhèngfǔ yǐjīng yāoqiú Tehran guīhuán zhège yuèchū bèi Iran jūnfāng fúhuò d wúrénjiàshǐ zhēnchájī.

Barack Obama Zoongtoong shuo Meeiguor zhehngfuu yiijing yaoqiur Tehran guihuarn zheh.ge yuehchu beih Iran junfang furhuoh d wurrernjiahshii zhencharji.

Barack Obama Zǒngtǒng  shuō Měiguó zhèngfǔ    yǐjīng  yāoqiú  Tehran guīhuán zhège yuèchū         bèi Iran jūnfāng  fúhuò d 
Barack Obama President say  US     government already request Tehran retrun  this  earlier month  be  Iran military capture's

wúrénjiàshǐ zhēnchájī.
pilotless   reconnaissance plane.


UK coalition divided over EU veto

英国 联合政府 因为 EU 否决权 出现 分歧

Yīngguó liánhézhèngfǔ yīnwèi EU fǒujuéquán chūxiàn fēnqí

Yingguor liarnherzhehngfuu yinweih EU fooujuerquarn chuxiahn fenqir

Yīngguó liánhézhèngfǔ yīnwèi  EU fǒujuéquán chūxiàn fēnqí
UK      coalition     because EU veto       appear  divide

UK Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron's deputy, Liberal Democrat Nick Clegg, attacks him for blocking EU treaty changes.

英国 保守党 首相 David Cameron 的 副手,自由民主党 的 Nick Clegg,抨击 Cameron 否决 EU 的 条约 改变。

Yīngguó Bǎoshǒudǎng Shǒuxiàng David Cameron d fùshǒu, Zìyóu Mínzhǔdǎng d Nick Clegg, pēngjī Cameron fǒujué EU d tiáoyuē gǎibiàn.

Yingguor Baaoshooudaang Shoouxiahng David Cameron d fuhshoou, Zihyour Mirnzhuudaang d Nick Clegg, pengji Cameron fooujuer EU d tiaoryue gaaibiahn.

Yīngguó Bǎoshǒudǎng  Shǒuxiàng      David Cameron d fùshǒu, Zìyóu Mínzhǔdǎng d  Nick Clegg, 
UK      Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron's deputy, Liberal Democrats's Nick Clegg,

pēngjī Cameron fǒujué EU d tiáoyuē gǎibiàn.
attack Cameron veto   EU's treaty  change.

"Al-Qaeda jail break" in Yemeni city of Aden

Yemen 城市 Aden “Al-Qaeda 逃狱”

Yemen chéngshì Aden "Al-Qaeda táoyù"

Yemen cherngshih Aden "Al-Qaeda taoryuh"

Yemen chéngshì Aden "Al-Qaeda táoyù"
Yemen city     Aden "Al-Qaeda escape from jail"

Twelve al-Qaeda militants have broken out of a prison in the southern Yemeni city of Aden, officials have said.

十二 个 al-Qaeda 武装分子 在 Yemen 南方 城市 Aden 逃狱,官方 说。

Shí'èr ge al-Qaeda wǔzhuāngfènzǐ zài Yemen nánfāng chéngshì Aden táoyù, guānfāng shuō.

Shir`erh .ge al-Qaeda wuuzhuangfehnzii zaih Yemen narnfang cherngshih Aden taoryuh, guanfang shuo.

Shí'èr ge al-Qaeda wǔzhuāngfènzǐ zài Yemen nánfāng chéngshì Aden táoyù,            guānfāng  shuō.
Twelve    al-Qaeda militant      at  Yemen south   city     Aden escape from jail, officials say.


Russian protests biggest in years

Russia 多年来 最大 的 抗议

Russia duōniánlái zuìdà d kàngyì

Russia duoniarnlair zuihdah d kahngyih

Russia duōniánlái     zuìdà d kàngyì
Russia for many years biggest protest

Thousands of election protesters hold the biggest anti-government rally in the Russian capital Moscow since the fall of the Soviet Union.

几千 选举 抗议者 在 Russia 首都 Moskva 举行 自从 苏联 垮台 之后 最大 的 反-政府 集会。

Jǐqiān xuǎnjǔ kàngyìzhě zài Russia shǒudū Moskva jǔxíng zìcóng Sūlián kuǎtái zhīhòu zuìdà d fǎn-zhèngfǔ jíhuì.

Jiiqian xuaanjuu kahngyihzhee zaih Russia shooudu Moskva juuxirng zihcorng Suliarn kuaatair zhihouh zuihdah d faan-zhehngfuu jirhuih.

Jǐqiān    xuǎnjǔ   kàngyìzhě zài Russia shǒudū  Moskva jǔxíng zìcóng Sūlián       kuǎtái zhīhòu zuìdà d fǎn-zhèngfǔ     jíhuì.
Thousands election protester at  Russia capital Moskva hold   since  Soviet Union fall   after  biggest anti-government rally.


UK alone as EU agrees fiscal deal

EU 达成 政府 财政 协议,英国 孤立

EU dáchéng zhèngfǔ cáizhèng xiéyì, Yīngguó gūlì

EU darcherng zhehngfuu cairzhehng xieryih, Yingguor gulih

EU dáchéng zhèngfǔ cáizhèng xiéyì, Yīngguó gūlì
EU reach   fiscal           deal,  UK      isolated

European leaders say 26 out of 27 EU member states have backed a tax and budget pact to tackle the Eurozone debt crisis.

欧洲 领袖们 说 27 个 EU 成员国 的 26 个 支持 税务 和 预算 协议 以 解决 Euro-区 债务 危机。

Ōuzhōu lǐngxiùmen shuō 27 ge EU chéngyuánguó d 26 ge zhīchí shuìwù hé yùsuàn xiéyì yǐ jiějué Euro-qū d zhàiwù wēijī.

Ouzhou liingxiuh.men shuo 27 .ge EU cherngyuarnguor d 26 .ge zhichir shuihwuh her yuhsuahn xieryih yii jieejuer Euro-qu d zhaihwuh weiji.

Ōuzhōu lǐngxiùmen shuō 27 ge EU chéngyuánguó d   26 ge zhīchí  shuìwù   hé  yùsuàn xiéyì     yǐ jiějué Euro-qū d  zhàiwù wēijī.
Europe leaders    say  27    EU member country's 26    support taxation and budget agreement to tackle Eurozone's debt   crisis.


Iran shows film of captured US drone

Iran 录像 显示 被 俘获 的 美国 无人-驾驶 飞机

Iran lùxiàng xiǎnshì bèi fúhuò d Měiguó wúrén-jiàshǐ fēijī

Iran luhxiahng xiaanshih beih furhuoh d Meeiguor wurrern-jiahshii feiji

Iran lùxiàng xiǎnshì bèi fúhuò d Měiguó wúrén-jiàshǐ fēijī
Iran video   show    be  capture US     drone aircraft

Iranian TV has shown the first video footage of an advanced US drone aircraft that Tehran says it downed 140 miles (225 km) from the Afghan border.

Iran 电视 显示 第一-套 先进 美国 无人-驾驶 飞机 的 录像 片段,Tehran 说 这-架 无人-驾驶 飞机 距离 Afghanistan 边界 225 km 被 降落。

Iran diànshì xiǎnshì dīyī-tào xiānjìn Měiguó wúrén-jiàshǐ fēijī d lùxiàng piànduàn, Tehran shuō zhè-jià wúrén-jiàshǐ fēijī jùlí Afghanistan biānjiè 225 km bèi jiàngluò.

Iran diahnshih xiaanshih diyi-taoh xianjin Meeiguor wurrern-jiahshii feiji d luhxiahng piahnduahn, Tehran shuo zheh-jiah wurrern-jiahshii feiji juhlir Afghanistan bianjieh 225 km beih jiahngluoh.

Iran diànshì xiǎnshì dīyī-tào xiānjìn  Měiguó wúrén-jiàshǐ fēijī d lùxiàng piànduàn, 
Iran TV      show    first    advanced US     drone aircraft's     video   footage, 

Tehran shuō zhè-jià wúrén-jiàshǐ fēijī jùlí      Afghanistan biānjiè 225km bèi jiàngluò.
Tehran say  this    drone aircraft     away from Afghanistan border  225km be  down.


Eurozone crisis: Leaders ready for "do-or-die" summit

Euro-区 危机:领袖们 准备 应付 “生死-攸关” 的 高峰-会议

Euro-qū wēijī: Lǐngxiùmen zhǔnbèi yìngfù "shēngsǐ-yōuguān" d gāofēng-huìyì

Euro-qu weiji: Liingxiuh.men zhuunbeih yihngfuh "shengsii-youguan" d gaofeng-huihyih

Euro-qū  wēijī:  Lǐngxiùmen zhǔnbèi yìngfù "shēngsǐ-yōuguān" d gāofēng-huìyì
Eurozone crisis: Leaders    prepare tackle "do-or-die"         summit

European Union officials are preparing for a key summit in Brussels, where they will be trying to clinch a deal on how to tackle the Eurozone debt crisis.

欧洲 联盟 的 官员们 正在 为 Brussels 的 关键 高峰-会议 做 准备,设法 达成 协议 以 解决 Euro-区 的 债务 危机。

Ōuzhōu Liánméng d guānyuánmen zhèngzài wèi Brussels d guānjiàn gāofēng-huìyì zuò zhǔnbèi, shèfǎ dáchéng xiéyì yǐ jiějué Euro-qū d zhàiwù wēijī.

Ouzhou Liarnmerng d quanyuarn.men zhehngzaih weih Brussels d guanjiahn gaofeng-huihyih zuoh zhuunbeih, shehfaa darcherng xieryih yii jieejuer Euro-qu d zhaihwuh weiji.

Ōuzhōu Liánméng d guānyuánmen zhèngzài             wèi Brussels d guānjiàn gāofēng-huìyì zuò zhǔnbèi, 
Europe Union's    officials   be in the process of for Brussels's key      summit        do  preparation, 

shèfǎ  dáchéng xiéyì     yǐ          jiějué Euro-qū d  zhàiwù wēijī.
try to reach   agreement in order to tackle Eurozone's debt   crisis.


Over 40% of cancers due to lifestyle, says review

研究 报告 指出,超过 40% 的 癌症 是 由于 生活-方式 引起 的

Yánjiū bàogào zhǐchū, chāoguò 40% d áizhèng shì yóuyú shēnghuó-fāngshì yǐnqǐ d

yarnjiu baohgaoh zhiichu, chaoguoh 40% d airzhehng shih youryur shenghuor-fangshih yiinqii d

Yánjiū   bàogào zhǐchū,    chāoguò 40% d áizhèng shì yóuyú   shēnghuó-fāngshì yǐnqǐ d
Research report point out, exceed  40%   cancer  is  because lifestyle        cause

Nearly half of cancers diagnosed in the UK each year - over 130,000 in total - are caused by avoidable life choices including smoking, drinking and eating the wrong things, a review reveals.

研究 报告 指出,在 英国 每-年 差不多 一半 的 癌症 - 总共 超过 130,000 - 是 由 可-避免 的 生活-选择 包括 吸烟,喝酒 和 饮食-不当 引起 的。

Yánjiū bàogào zhǐchū, zài Yīngguó měi-nián chàbuduō yībàn d áizhèng - zǒnggòng chāoguò 130,000 - shì yóu kě-bìmiǎn d shēnghuó-xuǎnzé bāokuò xīyān, hējiǔ hé yǐnshí-bùdàng yǐnqǐ d.

Yarnjiu baohgaoh zhiichu, zaih Yingguor meei-niarn chahbuduo yibahn d airzhehng - zoonggohng chaoguoh 130,000 - shih your kee-bihmiaan d shenghuor-xuaanzer baokuoh xiyan, hejiuu her yiinshir-budahng yiinqii d.

Yánjiū   bàogào zhǐchū,    zài Yīngguó měi-nián  chàbuduō yībàn d áizhèng - zǒnggòng chāoguò 130,000 - shì yóu  
Research report point out, at  UK      each-year nearly   half    cancer -  total    exceed  130,000 - is  from 

kě-bìmiǎn d shēnghuó-xuǎnzé bāokuò  xīyān,   hējiǔ    hé  yǐnshí-bùdàng   yǐnqǐ d.
avoidable   life     choice include smoking, drinking and diet-unsuitable cause.


Eurozone: France and Germany call for tougher treaty

Euro-区:法国 和 德国 要求 更 严格 的 条约

Euro-qū: Fǎguó hé Déguó yāoqiú gèng yángé d tiáoyuē

Euro-qu: Faaguor her Derguor yaoqiur gehng yarnger d tiaoryue

Euro-qū:  Fǎguó  hé  Déguó   yāoqiú  gèng yángé d tiáoyuē
Eurozone: France and Germany request more tough   treaty

The leaders of France and Germany say the EU needs a new treaty to deal with the Eurozone debt crisis.

法国 和 德国 的 领袖 说,EU 需要 新 的 条约 处理 Euro-区 的 债务 危机。

Fǎguó hé Déguó d lǐngxiù shuō, EU xūyào xīn d tiáoyuē chǔlǐ Euro-qū d zhàiwù wēijī.

Faaguor her Derguor d liingxiuh shuo, EU xuyaoh xin d tiaoryue chuulii Euro-qu d zhaihwuh weiji.

Fǎguó  hé  Déguó d   lǐngxiù shuō, EU xūyào xīn d tiáoyuē chǔlǐ     Euro-qū d  zhàiwù wēijī.
France and Germany's leader  say,  EU need  new   treaty  deal with Eurozone's debt   crisis.


Italy crisis: Mario Monti announces austerity plan

Italy 危机:Mario Monti 宣布 紧缩 计划

Italy wēijī: Mario Monti xuānbù jǐnsuō jìhuà

Italy weiji: Mario Monti xuanbuh jiinsuo jihhuah

Italy wēijī:  Mario Monti xuānbù jǐnsuō    jìhuà
Italy crisis: Mario Monti xuānbù austerity plan

Italy's new government has adopted a package of emergency austerity measures aimed at fending off bankruptcy and saving the Euro from collapse.

Italy 新 政府 采纳了 一-套 紧急 的 紧缩 措施 以 避免 破产 和 挽救 频于 崩溃 的 Eruo。

Italy xīn zhèngfǔ cǎinàle yī-tào jǐnjí d jǐnsuō cuòshī yǐ bìmiǎn pòchǎn hé wǎnjiù pínyú bēngkuì d Euro.

Italy xin zhehngfuu caainah.le yi-taoh jiinjir d jiinsuo cuohshi yii bihmiaan pohchaan her waanjiuh pirnyur bengkuih d Euro.

Italy xīn zhèngfǔ    cǎinàle yī-tào jǐnjí d   jǐnsuō    cuòshī   yǐ bìmiǎn  pòchǎn     hé  wǎnjiù pínyú   bēngkuì d  Euro.
Italy new government adopted a  set emergency austerity measures to prevent bankruptcy and save   next to collapse's Euro.


Fresh Syria clashes leave 23 dead

新 的 Syria 冲突 引致 23 人 死亡

Xīn d Syria chōngtū yǐnzhì 23 rén sǐwáng

Xin d Syria chongtu yiinzhih 23 rern siiwarng

Xīn d Syria chōngtū yǐnzhì 23 rén    sǐwáng
New   Syria clash   cause  23 people die

At least 23 people die in Syria as violence between army defectors and troops loyal to President Bashar al-Assad swells, activists say.

活跃分子说,Syria叛变军队和效忠于Bashar al-Assad总统的军队之间的暴力冲突扩大,引致最少23人死亡。

Huóyuèfènzǐ shuō, Syria pànbiàn jūnduì hé xiàozhōngyú Bashar al-Assad Zǒngtǒng d jūnduì zhījiān d bàolì chōngtū kuòdà, yǐnzhì zuìshǎo 23 rén sǐwáng.

Huoryuehfehnzii shuo, Syria pahnbiahn junduih her xiaohzhongyur Bashar al-Assad Zoongtoong d junduih zhijian d baohlih chongtu kuohdah, yiinzhih zuihshaao 23 rern siiwarng.

Huóyuèfènzǐ shuō, Syria pànbiàn jūnduì hé  xiàozhōngyú Bashar al-Assad Zǒngtǒng d  jūnduì zhījiān d bàolì    chōngtū kuòdà, 
Activist    say,  syria defect  army   and be loyal to Bashar al-Assad President's army   among     violence clash   enlarge, 

yǐnzhì zuìshǎo  23 rén    sǐwáng.
cause  at least 23 people die.


UN passes tough Syria resolution

联合国 通过 严厉 的 Syria 决议

Liánhéguó tōngguò yánlì d Syria juéyì

Liarnherguor tongguoh yarnlih d Syria jueryih

Liánhéguó tōngguò yánlì d Syria juéyì
UN        pass    severe  Syria resolution

The UN Human Rights Council is to appoint a special investigator on Syria as part of a strongly-worded resolution condemning the violence there.

联合国 人权 委员会 任命 特别 的 Syria 调查者 作为 措辞强硬 的 决议 的 一部分 以 谴责 那里 的 暴力。

Liánhéguó Rénquán Wěiyuánhuì rènmìng tèbié d Syria diàocházhě zuòwéi cuòcíqiángyìng d juéyì d yībùfen yǐ qiǎnzé nàli d bàolì.

Liarnherguor Rernquarn Weeiyuarnhuih rehnmihng tehbier d Syria diaohcharzhee zuohweir cuohcirqiarngyihng d jueryih d yibuh.fen yii qiaanzer nah.li d baohlih.

Liánhéguó Rénquán      Wěiyuánhuì rènmìng tèbié d Syria diàocházhě   zuòwéi    cuòcíqiángyìng d juéyì d      yībùfen 
UN        Human Rights Council    appoint special Syria investigator regard as strongly-worded  resolution's part    

yǐ          qiǎnzé  nàli d bàolì.
in order to condemn there  violence.


Sarkozy: France Germany ties key to Eurozone stability

Sarkozy: 法国 德国 团结 有利-于 Euro-区 稳定

Sarkozy: Fǎguó Déguó tuánjié yǒulì-yú Euro-qū wěndìng

Sarkozy: Faaguor Derguor tuarnjier yooulih-yur Euro-qu weendihng

Sarkozy: Fǎguó  Déguó   tuánjié yǒulì-yú         Euro-qū  wěndìng
Sarkozy: France Germany unite   be beneficial to Eurozone stability

The French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, has said France and Germany must come together to ensure stability at the heart of Europe.

法国 总统 Nicolas Sarkozy 说,法国 和 德国 必须 团结 以 确保 欧洲 心脏 的 稳定。

Fǎguó Zǒngtǒng Nicolas Sarkozy shuō, Fǎguó hé Déguó bìxū tuánjié yǐ quèbǎo Ōuzhōu xīnzàng d wěndìng.

Faaguor Zoongtoong Nicloas Sarkozy shuo, Faaguor her Derguor bihxu tuarnjier yii quehbaao Ouzhou xinzahng d weendihng.

Fǎguó  Zǒngtǒng  Nicolas Sarkozy shuō, Fǎguó  hé  Déguó   bìxū tuánjié yǐ quèbǎo Ōuzhōu xīnzàng d wěndìng.
France President Nicolas Sarkozy say,  France and Germany must unite   to ensure Europe heart's   stability.


UK to expel all Iranian diplomats over embassy attack

英国 驱逐 全部 Iran 外交官 由于 大使馆 被 攻击

Yīngguó qūzhú quánbù Iran wàijiāoguān yóuyú dàshǐguǎn bèi gōngjī

Yingguor quzhur quarnbuh Iran waihjiaoguan youryur dahshiiguaan beih gongji

Yīngguó qūzhú quánbù Iran wàijiāoguān yóuyú   dàshǐguǎn bèi gōngjī
UK      expel all    Iran diplomat    because embassy   be  attack

The UK is to expel all Iranian diplomats following the storming of its embassy in Tehran, Foreign Secretary William Hague has announced.

外交 大臣 William Hague 宣布,在 Tehran 的 大使馆 被 袭击 之后,英国 驱逐 全部 Iran 外交官。

Wàijiāo Dàchén William Hague xuānbù, zài Tehran d dàshǐguǎn bèi xíjī zhīhoù, Yīngguó qūzhú quánbù Iran wàijiāoguān.

Waihjiao Dahchern William Hague xuanbuh, zaih Tehran d dahshiiguaan beih xirji zhihouh, Yingguor quzhur quarnbuh Iran waihjiaoguan.

Wàijiāo Dàchén    William Hague xuānbù,   zài Tehran d dàshǐguǎn bèi xíjī   zhīhoù, Yīngguó qūzhú quánbù Iran wàijiāoguān.
Foreign Secretary william Hague announce, at  Tehran's embassy   be  attack after,  UK      expel all    Iran diplomat.


Iran protesters storm UK embassy in Tehran

Iran 抗议者 袭击 Tehran 的 英国 大使馆

Iran kàngyìzhě xíjī Tehran d Yīngguó dàshǐguǎn

Iran kahngyihzhee xirji Tehran d Yingguor dahshiiguaan

Iran kàngyìzhě xíjī   Tehran d Yīngguó dàshǐguǎn
Iran protester attack Tehran's UK      embassy

Protesters in the Iranian capital have broken into the British embassy compound during a demonstration against sanctions imposed by the UK.

Iran 首都 的 抗议者 在 反对 被 英国 强加 的 制裁 的 示威 期间 闯进 英国 大使馆。

Iran shǒudū d kàngyìzhě zài fǎnduì bèi Yīngtuó qiángjiā d zhìcái d shìwēi qījiān chuǎngjìn Yīngguó dàshǐguǎn.

Iran shooudu d kahngyihzhee zaih faanduih beih Yingguor qiarngjia d zhihcair d shihwei qijian chuaangjihn Yingguor dahshiiguaan.

Iran shǒudū d  kàngyìzhě zài fǎnduì bèi Yīngtuó qiángjiā d zhìcái d   shìwēi        qījiān chuǎngjìn Yīngguó dàshǐguǎn.
Iran capital's protester at  agaist be  UK      imposed    sanction's demonstration period break in  UK      embassy.


Rockets fired from Lebanon land in northern Israel

火箭 从 Lebanon 发射 在 Israel 北部 着陆

Huǒjiàn cóng Lebanon fāshè zài Israel běibù zhuólù

Huoojiahn corng Lebanon fasheh zaih Israel beeibuh zhuorluh

Huǒjiàn cóng Lebanon fāshè  zài Israel běibù zhuólù
Rocket  from Lebanon launch at  Israel north to land

At least three rockets fired from southern Lebanon landed in northern Israel, the Israeli army has said.

最少 3-个 火箭 从 Lebanon 南部 发射 在 Israel 北部 着陆,Israel 军队 说。

Zuìshǎo 3-ge huǒjiàn cóng Lebanon nánbù fāshè zài Israel běibù zhuólù, Israel jūnduì shuō.

Zuihshaao 3-.ge huoojiahn corng Lebanon narnbuh fasheh zaih Israel beeibuh zhuorluh, Israel junduih shuo.

Zuìshǎo  3-ge huǒjiàn cóng Lebanon nánbù fāshè  zài Israel běibù zhuólù,  Israel jūnduì shuō.
At least 3    rocket  from Lebanon south launch at  Israel north to land, Israel army   say.


Iraq: Bomb blasts in Baghdad kill at least 15

Iraq:Baghdad 炸弹 爆炸 杀死 最少 15 人

Iraq: Baghdad zhàdàn bàozhà shāsǐ zuìshǎo 15 rén

Iraq: Baghdad zhahdahn baohzhah shasii zuihshaao 15 rern

Iraq: Baghdad zhàdàn bàozhà shāsǐ zuìshǎo  15 rén
Iraq: Baghdad bomb   blast  kill  at least 15 people

A series of explosions in and around the Iraqi capital Baghdad on Saturday has killed at least 15 people and wounded more than 20, officials say.

星期六 在 Iraq 首都 Baghdad 里面 和 周围 发生 一系列 爆炸 杀死 最少 15 人 和 超过 20 人 受伤,官方 说。

Xīngqīliù zài Iraq shǒudū Baghdad lǐmiàn hé zhōuwéi fāshēng yīxìliè bàozhà shāsǐ zuìshǎo 15 rén hé chāoguò 20 rén shòushāng, guānfāng shuō.

Xingqiliuh zaih Iraq shooudu Baghdad liimiahn her zhouweir fasheng yixihlieh baohzhah shasii zuihshaao 15 rern her chaoguoh 20 rern shouhshang, guangfang shuo.

Xīngqīliù zài Iraq shǒudū  Baghdad lǐmiàn hé  zhōuwéi fāshēng yīxìliè     bàozhà    shāsǐ zuìshǎo  15 rén    
Saturday  at  Iraq capital Baghdad inside and around  happen  a series of explosion kill  at least 15 people 

hé  chāoguò 20 rén    shòushāng,  guānfāng  shuō.
and exceed  20 people be wounded, officials say.


Pakistan says 24 troops killed by NATO strike

Pakistan 说 24-个 军人 被 NATO 的 袭击 杀死

Pakistan shuō 24-ge jūnrén bèi NATO d xíjī shāsǐ

Pakistan shuo 24-.ge junrern beih NATO d xirji shasii

Pakistan shuō 24-ge jūnrén  bèi NATO d xíjī   shāsǐ
Pakistan say  24    soldier be  NATO's attack kill

Pakistan says Nato struck a Pakistani army checkpoint, killing at least 24 people.

Pakistan 说 Nato 袭击 一个 Pakistan 军队 检查站,杀死 至少 24 人。

Pakistan shuō Nato xíjī yīge Pakistan jūnduì jiǎncházhàn, shāsǐ zhìshǎo 24 rén.

Pakistan shuo Nato xirji yi.ge Pakistan junduih jiaancharzhahn, shasii zhihshaao 24 rern.

Pakistan shuō Nato xíjī   yīge Pakistan jūnduì jiǎncházhàn, shāsǐ zhìshǎo  24 rén.
Pakistan say  Nato strike a    Pakistan army   checkpoint,  kill  at least 24 people.


India alert as Maoist "Koteshwar Rao killed"

India 警告 由于 毛主义者 “Koteshwar Rao 被杀”

India jǐnggào yóuyú Máozhǔyìzhě "Koteshwar Rao bèishā"

India jiinggaoh youryur Maorzhuuyihzhee "Koteshwar Rao beihsha"

India jǐnggào yóuyú   Máozhǔyìzhě "Koteshwar Rao bèishā"
India warn    because Maoist      "Koteshwar Rao be killed"

The Indian state of West Bengal is on high alert amid fears of revenge attacks after police said they had shot dead top Maoist rebel Koteshwar Rao.

在 警方 说 他们 射杀了 高层 的 毛主义 的 反叛者 Koteshwar Rao 之后,India 的 West Bengal 政府 发出了 高度 的 警报 由于 害怕 报复 袭击。

Zài jǐngfāng shuō tāmen shèshāle gāocéng d Máozhǔyì d fǎnpànzhě Koteshwar Rao zhīhòu, India d West Bengal zhèngfǔ fāchūle gāodù d jǐngbào yóuyú hàipà bàofu xíjī.

Zaih jiingfang shuo ta.men shehsha.le gaocherng d Maorzhuuyih d faanpahnzhee Koteshwar Rao zhihouh, India d West Bengal zhehngfuu fachu.le gaoduh d jiingbaoh youryur haihpah baoh.fu xirji.

Zài jǐngfāng shuō tāmen shèshāle  gāocéng d Máozhǔyì d fǎnpànzhě Koteshwar Rao zhīhòu, 
At  police   say  they  shot dead top       Maoist     rebel     Koteshwar Rao after,  

India d West Bengal zhèngfǔ    fāchūle gāodù d jǐngbào yóuyú   hàipà bàofu   xíjī.
India's West Bengal government issued  high    alert   because fear  revenge attach.


Afghan children in Kandahar "killed by Nato"

Afghanistan 的 儿童 在 Kandahar “被 Nato 杀死”

Afghanistan d értóng zài Kandahar "bèi Nato shāsǐ"

Afghanistan d errtorng zaih Kandahar "beih Nato shasii"

Afghanistan d értóng   zài Kandahar "bèi Nato shāsǐ"
Afghanistan's children at  Kandahar "be  Nato kill"

Seven civilians, including six children, have been killed in a Nato air strike in southern Afghanistan, local officials say.

7-个 平民,包括 6-个 儿童,在 Afghanistan 南部 一-次 Nato 空袭 被杀,当地 的 官员 说。

7-ge píngmín, bāokuò 6-ge értóng, zài Afghanistan nánbù yī-cì Nato kōngxí bèishā, dāngdì d guānyuán shuō.

7-.ge pirngmirn, baokuoh 6-.ge errtorng, zaih Afghanistan narnbuh yi-cih Nato kongxir beihsha, dangdih d guangyuarn shuo.

7-ge píngmín,  bāokuò  6-ge értóng,  zài Afghanistan nánbù yī-cì Nato kōngxí     bèishā,    dāngdì d guānyuán shuō.
7    civilian, include 6   children, at  Afghanistan south a     Nato air strike be killed, local    offical  say.


China opposes unilateral, expanded sanctions against Iran

中国 反对 对 Iran 单边 的,扩大 的 制裁

Zhōngguó fǎnduì duì Iran dānbiān d, kuòdà d zhìcái

Zhongguor faanduih duih Iran danbian d, kuohdah d zhihcair

Zhōngguó fǎnduì duì Iran dānbiān d,  kuòdà d  zhìcái
China    oppose to- Iran unilateral, expanded sanction

China on Wednesday said it opposed unilateral and expanded sanctions against Iran days after several countries announced new measures against the Middle East country.

在 几-个 国家 宣布 对 Iran 新 的 制裁 措施 几 天 之后,中国 星期三 说 它 反对 单边 的 和 扩大 的 对 Iran 的 制裁。

Zài jǐ-ge guójiā xuānbù duì Iran xīn d zhìcái cuòshī jǐ tiān zhīhòu, Zhōngguó Xīngqīsān shuō tā fǎnduì dānbiān d hé kuòdà d duì Iran d zhìcái.

Zaih jii-.ge guorjia xuanbuh duih Iran xin d zhihcair cuohshi jii tian zhihou, Zhongguor Xingqisan shuo ta faanduih danbian d her kuohdah d duih Iran d zhihcair.

Zài jǐ-ge   guójiā  xuānbù   duì Iran xīn d zhìcái   cuòshī  jǐ      tiān zhīhòu, 
At  several country announce to- Iran new   sanction measure several day  after, 

Zhōngguó Xīngqīsān shuō tā fǎnduì dānbiān d  hé  kuòdà d  duì Iran d zhìcái.
China    Wednesday say  it oppose unilateral and expanded to- Iran's sanction.


Egypt unrest: Cairo protests continue despite military concessions

Egypt 动乱:Cairo 抗议 继续 不管 军方 的 让步

Egypt dòngluàn: Cairo kàngyì jìxù bùguǎn jūnfāng d ràngbù

Egypt dohngluahn: Cairo kahngyih jihxuh buguaan junfang d rahngbuh

Egypt dòngluàn: Cairo kàngyì  jìxù     bùguǎn  jūnfāng d  ràngbù
Egypt unrest:   Cairo protest continue despite military's concession

Thousands of Egyptians have continued to occupy Cairo's Tahrir Square despite an offer from the military for a speedier handover to civilian rule.

几-千 Egypt-人 继续 占领 Cairo 的 Tahrir 广场 不管 军方 加快 移交 给 文人 统治 的 提议。

Jǐ-qiān Egypt-rén jìxù zhànlǐng Cairo d Tahrir Guǎngchǎng bùguǎn jūnfāng jiākuài yíjiāo gěi wénrén tǒngzhì d tíyì.

Jǐ-qiān   Egypt-rén jìxù     zhànlǐng Cairo d Tahrir Guǎngchǎng bùguǎn  jūnfāng  jiākuài  yíjiāo   gěi wénrén   tǒngzhì d tíyì.
Thousands Egyptian  continue occupy   Cairo's Tahrir Square     despite military speed up handover to  civilian rule's    offer.


Iran faces fresh Western sanctions over nuclear plans

Iran 面对 关于 核-计划 新的 西方的 制裁

Iran miànduì guānyú hé-jìhuà xīnd Xīfāngd zhìcái

Iran miahnduih guanyur her-jihhuah xind Xifangd zhihcair

Iran miànduì guānyú hé-jìhuà     xīnd Xīfāngd zhìcái
Iran face    about  nuclear plan new  Western sanction

The US, UK and Canada have announced new sanctions against Iran amid growing concern over its nuclear programme.

美国、英国 和 Canada 宣布 新的 对 Iran 的 制裁 由于 增加 忧虑 它的 核-计划。

Měiguó, Yīngguó hé Canada xuānbù xīnd duì Iran d zhìcái yóuyú zēngjiā yōulǜ tād hé-jìhuà.

Meeiguor, Yingguor her Canada xuanbuh xind duih Iran d zhihcair youryur zengjia youlyuh tad her-jihhuah.

Měiguó, Yīngguó hé  Canada xuānbù   xīnd duì Iran d zhìcái   yóuyú   zēngjiā  yōulǜ   tād hé-jìhuà.
US,     UK      and Canada announce new  to  Iran's sanction because increase concern its nuclear plan.


Egypt protests: Death toll up in Cairo's Tahrir Square

Egypt 抗议:Cairo Tahrir 广场 的 死亡 人数 上升

Egypt kàngyì: Cairo Tahrir Guǎngchǎng d sǐwáng rénshù shàngshēng

Egypt kahngyih: Cairo Tahrir Guaangchaang d siiwarng rernshuh shahngsheng

Egypt kàngyì:  Cairo Tahrir Guǎngchǎng d sǐwáng rénshù           shàngshēng
Egypt protest: Cairo Tahrir Square's     death  number of people rise

Thousands of Egyptian protesters remain in Cairo's Tahrir Square after two days of clashes in which at least 13 people were killed and hundreds injured.

两 天 冲突 造成 最少 13 人 被杀 几-百 受伤 之后,Cairo Tahrir 广场 仍然 留下 几-千 Egypt 抗议者。

Liǎng tiān chōngtū zàochéng zuìshǎo 13 rén bèishā jǐ-bǎi shòushāng zhīhòu, Cairo Tahrir Guǎngchǎng réngrán liúxià jǐ-qiān Egypt kàngyìzhě.

Liaang tian chongtu zaohcherng zuihshaao 13 rern beihsha jii-baai shouhshang zhihouh, Cairo Tahrir Guaangchaang rerngrarn liurxiah jii-qian Egypt kahngyihzhee.

Liǎng tiān chōngtū zàochéng zuìshǎo  13 rén    bèishā    jǐ-bǎi   shòushāng   zhīhòu,
Two   day  clash   cause    at least 13 people be killed hundreds be injured -after,

Cairo Tahrir Guǎngchǎng réngrán liúxià jǐ-qiān   Egypt kàngyìzhě.
Cairo Tahrir Square     still   remain thousands Egypt protester.


Egypt protests: Deadly clashes in Cairo and Alexandria

Egypt 抗议:在 Cairo 和 Alexandria 的 致命 冲突

Egypt kàngyì: Zài Cairo hé Alexandria d zhìmìng chōngtū

Egypt kahngyih: Zaih Cairo her Alexandria d zhihmihng congtu

Egypt kàngyì:  Zài Cairo hé  Alexandria d zhìmìng chōngtū
Egypt protest: at  cairo and Alexandria's deadly  clash

Two people have been killed and more than 600 injured in fierce clashes between protesters and security forces in Cairo and Alexandria.

在 Cairo 和 Alexandria,抗议者 和 保安 部队 的 严重 冲突 引致 两 人 死亡 和 超过 600 受伤。

Zài Cairo hé Alexandria, kàngyìzhě hé bǎo'ān bùduì d yánzhòng chōngtū yǐzhì liǎng rén sǐwáng hé chāoguò 600 shòushāng.

Zaih Cairo her Alexandria, kahngyihzhee her baao`an buhduih d yarnzhohng chongtu yiingzhih liaang rern siiwarng her chaoguoh 600 shouhshang.

Zài Cairo hé  Alexandria, kàngyìzhě hé  bǎo'ān   bùduì d yánzhòng chōngtū yǐzhì liǎng rén    sǐwáng hé  chāoguò 600 shòushāng.
At  Cairo and Alexandria, protester and security force's severe   clash   cause two   people die    and exceed  600 be injured.


Iran nuclear: UN voices "deep concern" over plans

Iran 核子 计划:联合国 表示 “深切 关注” Iran 的 核子 计划

Iran hézǐ jìhuà: Liánhéguó biǎoshì "shēnqiè guānzhù" Iran d hézǐ jìhuà

Iran herzii jihhuah: Liarnherguor biaaoshih "shenqieh guanzhuh" Iran d herzii jihhuah

Iran hézǐ    jìhuà: Liánhéguó biǎoshì "shēnqiè guānzhù" Iran d hézǐ    jìhuà
Iran nucleon plan:  UN        express "deep    concern" Iran's nucleon plan

The UN's nuclear watchdog has passed a resolution expressing "deep and increasing concern" about Iran's nuclear programme.

联合国 核子 监视者 通过 决议 表示 “深切 和 越来越 关注” Iran 的 核子 计划。

Liánhéguó hézǐ jiānshìzhě tōngguò juéyì biǎoshì "shēnqiè hé yuèláiyuè guānzhù" Iran d hézǐ jìhuà.

Liarnherguor herzii jianshihzhee tongguoh jueryih biaaoshih "shenqieh her yuehlairyueh guanzhuh" Iran d herzii jihhuah.

Liánhéguó hézǐ    jiānshìzhě tōngguò juéyì      biǎoshì "shēnqiè hé  yuèláiyuè     guānzhù" Iran d hézǐ    jìhuà.
UN        nucleon watchdog   pass    resolution express "deep    and more-and-more concern" Iran's nucleon plan.


Two British soldiers killed in Afghanistan blast

两-个 英国 士兵 在 Afghanistan 爆炸 死亡

Liǎng-ge Yīngguó shìbīng zài Afghanistan bàozhà sǐwǎng

Liaang-.ge Yingguor shihbing zaih Afghanistan baohzhah siiwarng

Liǎng-ge Yīngguó shìbīng zài Afghanistan bàozhà sǐwǎng
Two      UK      soldier at  Afghanistan blast  die

Two UK soldiers have been killed when a bomb hit their vehicle in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence has announced.

国防部 宣布,两-个 英国 士兵 在 Afghanistan 当 一个 炸弹 袭击 他们的 车辆 的 时候 被杀。

Guófángbù xuānbù, liǎng-ge Yīngguó shìbīng zài Afghanistan dāng yīge zhàdàn xíjī tāmend chēliàng d shíhou bèishā.

Guorfarngbuh xuanbuh, liaang-.ge Yingguor shihbing zaih Afghanistan dang yi.ge zhahdahn xirji ta.mend cheliahng d shir.hou beihsha.

Guófángbù           xuānbù,   liǎng-ge Yīngguó shìbīng zài Afghanistan dāng yīge zhàdàn xíjī tāmen d chēliàng d shíhou bèishā.
Ministry of Defence announce, two      UK      soldier at  Afghanistan when a    bomb   hit  their   vehicle's  time   be killed.


Arab League sets Syria ultimatum

Arab 联盟 向 Syria 发出 最后-通牒

Arab Liánméng xiàng Syria fāchū zuìhòu-tōngdié

Arab Liarnmerng xiahng Syria fachu zuihhouh-tongdier

Arab Liánméng xiàng Syria fāchū zuìhòu-tōngdié
Arab League   to    Syria issue ultimatum

The Arab League has given Syria three days to "stop the bloody repression" of protesters and allow in teams of observers.

Arab 联盟 给 Syria 3 天 期限 “停止 血腥 镇压” 抗议者 和 允许 观察-队 进入。

Arab Liánméng gěi Syria 3 tiān qīxiàn "tíngzhǐ xuèxīng zhènyā" kàngyìzhě hé yǔnxǔ guānchá-duì jìnrù.

Arb Liarnmerng geei Syria 3 tian qixiahn "tirngzhii xuehxing zhehnya" kahngyihzhee her yuunxuu guanchar-duih jihnruh.

Arab Liánméng gěi  Syria 3 tiān qīxiàn     "tíngzhǐ xuèxīng zhènyā"     kàngyìzhě hé  yǔnxǔ guānchá-duì  jìnrù.
Arab League   give Syria 3 day  time limit "stop    bloody  repression" protester and allow observe team enter.


Ban smoking in cars, says British Medical Association

英国 医学 协会 说,禁止 车 内 吸烟

Yīngguó Yīxué Xiéhuì shuō, jìnzhǐ chē nèi xīyān

Yingguor Yixuer Xierhuih shuo, jihnzhii che neih xiyan

Yīngguó Yīxué    Xiéhuì      shuō, jìnzhǐ chē nèi    xīyān
UK      Medicine Association say,  ban    car inside smoking

Smoking in cars should be banned in the UK to protect people from second-hand smoke, doctors say.

医生 说,在 英国 车 内 吸烟 应该 被 禁止 以 防止 人们 被迫 吸食 二手烟。

Yīshēng shuō, zài Yīngguó chē nèi xīyān yīnggāi bèi jìnzhǐ yǐ fángzhǐ rénmen bèipò xīshí èrshǒuyān.

Yisheng shuo, zaih Yingguor che neih xiyan yinggai beih jihnzhii yii farngzhii rern.men beihpoh xishir erhshoouyan.

Yīshēng shuō, zài Yīngguó chē nèi    xīyān   yīnggāi bèi jìnzhǐ yǐ fángzhǐ rénmen bèipò     xīshí   èrshǒuyān.
Doctor  say,  at  UK      car inside smoking should  be  ban    to prevent people be forced to take second-hand smoke.


Ground-to-air missiles "may protect" London 2012 Games

地对空 导弹 “可以 保护” London 2012 奥运会

Dìduìkōng dǎodàn "kěyǐ bǎohù" London 2012 Àoyùnhuì

Dhduihkong daaodahn "keeyii baaohuh" London 2012 Aohyuhnhuih

Dìduìkōng     dǎodàn  "kěyǐ bǎohù"   London 2012 Àoyùnhuì
Ground-to-air missile "may  protect" London 2012 Olympic Games

Defence Secretary Philip Hammond has told MPs that ground-to-air missiles will be deployed to protect the 2012 Olympic Games in London if deemed operationally necessary.

国防 大臣 Philip Hammond 告诉 议员们 地对空 导弹 会 部署 以保护 在 London 的 2012 Olympics 运动会 如果 认为 实际上 是 需要的。

Guófáng Dàchén Philip Hammond gàosù yìyuánmen dìduìkōng dǎodàn huì bùshǔ yǐ bǎohù zài London d 2012 Olympics Yùndònghuì rúguǒ rènwèi shíjìshang shì xūyàod.

Guorfarng Dahchern Philip Hammond gaohsuh yihyuarn.men dihduihkong daaodahn huih buhshuu yii baaohuh zaih London d 2012 Olympics Yuhndohnghuih rurguoo rehnweir shih xuyaohd.

Guófáng Dàchén    Philip Hammond gàosù yìyuánmen dìduìkōng     dǎodàn  huì  bùshǔ 
Defence Secretary Philip Hammond tell  MPs       Ground-to-air missile will deploy 

yǐ bǎohù   zài London d 2012 Olympics Yùndònghuì rúguǒ rènwèi shíjìshang  shì xūyàod.
to protect at  London's 2012 Olympic  Games      if    deem   practically is  necessary.


Tony Blair: Euro collapse would be catastrophic

Tony Blair:Euro 崩溃 会 是 灾难性的

Tony Blair: Euro bēngkuì huì shì zāinànxìngd

Tony Blair: Euro bengkuih huih shih zainahnxihngd

Tony Blair: Euro bēngkuì  huì   shì zāinànxìngd
Tony Blair: Euro collapse would be  disastrous

Former prime minister Tony Blair has told the BBC the collapse of the Euro would be "catastrophic" - and Europe must get behind it.

前-首相 Tony Blair 告诉 BBC Euro 的 崩溃 会 是 “灾难性的” - 然后 欧洲 必然 受 影响

Qián-shǒuxiàng Tony Blair gàosù BBC Euro d bēngkuì huì shì "zāinànxìngd" - ránhòu Ōuzhōu bìrán shòu yǐngxiǎng.

Qiarn-shoouxiahng Tony Blair gaohsuh BBC Euro d bengkuih huih shih "zainahnxihngd" - rarnhouh Ouzhou bihrarn shouh yiingxiaang.

Qián-shǒuxiàng        Tony Blair gàosù BBC Euro d bēngkuì  huì   shì "zāinànxìngd" - ránhòu Ōuzhōu bìrán     shòu yǐngxiǎng.
Former prime minister Tony Blair tell  BBC Euro's collapse would be  "disastrous" -  then   Europe certainly be   affected.


Italy crisis: Silvio Berlusconi resigns as PM

Italy 危机:Silvio Berlusconi 辞去 总理 职位

Italy wēijī: Silvio Berlusconi cíqù zǒnglǐ zhíwèi

Italy weiji: Silvio berlusconi cirquh zoonglii zhirweih

Italy wēijī:  Silvio Berlusconi cíqù   zǒnglǐ  zhíwèi
Italy crisis: Silvio Berlusconi resign premier position

Silvio Berlusconi has resigned as prime minister of Italy, after dominating the country's politics for 17 years.

Silvio Berlusconi 在 统治 Italy 17 年 之后 辞去 总理 职位。

Silvio Berlusconi zài tǒngzhì Italy 17 nián zhīhòu cíqù zǒnglǐ zhíwèi.

Silvio Berlusconi zaih toongzhih Italy 17 niarn zhihouh cirquh zoonglii zhirweih.

Silvio Berlusconi zài tǒngzhì  Italy 17 nián zhīhòu cíqù   zǒnglǐ  zhíwèi.
Silvio Berlusconi at  dominate Italy 17 year after  resign premier position.


Eurozone crisis: Osborne warns of impact on UK jobs

Osborne 警告 Euro-区 危机 会 影响 英国 的 就业

Osborne jǐnggào Euro-qū wēijī huì yǐngxiǎng Yīngguó d jiùyè

Osborne jiinggaoh Euro-qu weiji huih yiingxiaang Yingguor d jiuhyeh

Osborne jǐnggào Euro-qū  wēijī  huì  yǐngxiǎng Yīngguó d jiùyè
Osborne warn    Eurozone crisis will affect    UK's      employment

Chancellor George Osborne has said the financial crisis gripping the eurozone is hitting British jobs and growth.

George Osborne 大臣 说 金融 危机 笼罩 Euro-区,正在 打击 英国 的 就业 和 增长。

George Osborne Dàchén shuō jīnróng wēijī lóngzhào Euro-qū, zhèngzài dǎjī Yīngguó d jiùyè hé zēngzhǎng.

George Osborne Dahchern shuo jinrorng weiji lorngzhaoh Euro-qu, zhehngzaih daaji Yingguor d jiuhyeh her zengzhaang.

George Osborne Dàchén     shuō jīnróng wēijī  lóngzhào Euro-qū,  zhèngzài   dǎjī Yīngguó d jiùyè      hé  zēngzhǎng.
George Osborne Chancellor say  finance crisis envelop  Eurozone, in process hit  UK's      employment and growth.


Eurozone's growth has stalled, says EU

EU 说,Euro-区 的 增长 放缓

EU shuō, Euro-qū d zēngzhǎng fànghuǎn

EU shuo, Euro-qu d zengzhaang fahnghuaan

EU shuō, Euro-qū d  zēngzhǎng fànghuǎn
EU say,  Eurozone's growth    slow down

The European Union has drastically cut its growth forecast for the Eurozone in 2012, from 1.8% down to just 0.5%.

欧洲 联盟 大幅度地 削减 它的 2012 年度 Euro-区 增长 预测,从 1.8% 下降 到 0.5%。

Ōuzhōu Liánméng dàfúdùdy xuējiǎn tād 2012 niándù Euro-qū zēngzhǎng yùcè, cóng 1.8% xiàjiàng dào 0.5%.

Ouzhou Liarnmerng dahfurduhdy xuejiaan tad 2012 niarnduh Euro-qu zengzhaang yuhceh, corng 1.8% xiahjiahng daoh 0.5%.

Ōuzhōu   Liánméng dàfúdùdy    xuējiǎn tād 2012 niándù Euro-qū  zēngzhǎng yùcè,     cóng 1.8% xiàjiàng dào 0.5%.
European Union    drastically cut     its 2012 year   Eurozone growth    forecast, from 1.8% go down  to  0.5%.


Italy borrowing costs hit record 7%

Italy 借贷 成本 达到 7% 记录

Italy jièdài chéngběn dádào 7% jìlù

Italy jiehdaih cherngbeen dardaoh 7% jihluh.

Italy jièdài chéngběn dádào 7% jìlù
Italy borrow cost     reach 7% record

Italy's cost of borrowing has touched a new record, a day after Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi said he would resign once budget reforms were passed.

Silvio Berlusconi 总理 说 一旦 预算 改革 被 通过 就 会 辞职 之后 一 天,Italy 借贷 成本 达到 新的 记录。

Silvio Berlusconi Zǒnglǐ shuō yīdàn yùsuàn gǎigé bèi tōngguò jiù huì cízhí zhīhòu yī tiān, Italy jièdài chéngběn dádào xīnd jìlù.

Silvio Berlusconi Zoonglii shuo yidahn yuhsuahn gaaiger beih tongguoh jiuh huih cirzhir zhihouh yi tian, Italy jiehdaih cherngbeen dardaoh xind jihluh.

Silvio Berlusconi Zǒnglǐ  shuō yīdàn yùsuàn gǎigé  bèi tōngguò jiù  huì   cízhí  zhīhòu yī tiān, 
silvio Berlusconi Premier say  once  budget reform be  pass    then would resign after  a  day,  

Italy jièdài chéngběn dádào xīnd jìlù.
Italy borrow cost     reach new  record.


Italian crisis: Silvio Berlusconi vows to resign

Italy 危机:Silvio Berlusconi 宣布 辞职

Italy wēijī: Silvio Berlusconi xuānbù cízhí

Italy weiji: Silvio Berlusconi xuanbuh cirzhir

Italy wēijī:  Silvio Berlusconi xuānbù  cízhí
Italy crisis: Silvio Berlusconi declare resign

Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has confirmed he intends to resign after key economic reforms have been approved.

Italy 总理 Silvio Berlusconi 决定 在 关键的 经济 改革 被 批准 之后 就 辞职。

Italy zǒnglǐ Silvio Berlusconi juédìng zài guānjiànd jīngjì gǎigé bèi pīzhǔn zhīhòu jiù cízhí.

Italy zoonglii Silvio Berlusconi juerdihng zaih guanjiahnd jingjih gaaiger beih pizhuun zhihouh jiuh cirzhir.

Italy zǒnglǐ  Silvio Berlusconi juédìng zài guānjiànd jīngjì  gǎigé  bèi pīzhǔn  zhīhòu jiù  cízhí.
Italy Premier Silvio Berlusconi decide  at  key       economy reform be  approve after  then resign.


Conrad Murray guilty of Michael Jackson manslaughter

Conrad Murray 误杀 Michael Jackson 罪名 成立

Conrad Murray wùshā Michael Jackson zuìmíng chénglì

Conrad Murray wuhsha Michael Jackson zuihmirng chernglih

Conrad Murray wùshā           Michael Jackson zuìmíng    chénglì
Conrad Murray kill-by-mistake Michael Jackson accusation be-passed

Michael Jackson's personal physician, Dr Conrad Murray, has been found guilty of the involuntary manslaughter of the star by a jury in Los Angeles.

Michael Jackson 的 个人 医生 Conrad Murray,在 Los Angeles 被 陪审团 判决 误杀 Michael Jackson 的 罪名 成立。

Michael Jackson d gèrén yīshēng Conrad Murray, zài Los Angeles bèi péishěntuán pànjué wùshā Michael Jackson d zuìmíng chénglì.

Michael Jackson d gehrern yisheng Conrad Murray, zaih Los Angeles beih peirsheentuarn pahnjuer wuhsha Michael Jackson d zuihmirng chernglih.

Michael Jackson d gèrén    yīshēng   Conrad Murray, 
Michael Jackson's personal physician Conrad Murray, 

zài Los Angeles bèi péishěntuán pànjué wùshā Michael   Jackson d zuìmíng    chénglì.
at  Los Angels  be  jury        judge  kill-by-mistake Jackson's accusation be-passed.


Ed Miliband warns of St Paul's protest "danger signals"

Ed Miliband 警告 关于 St Paul 的 抗议 是 “危险 信号”

Ed Miliband jǐnggào guānyú St Paul d kàngyì shì "wēixiǎn xìnhào"

Ed Miliband jiinggaoh guanyur St Paul d kahngyih shih "weixiaan xihnhaoh"

Ed Miliband jǐnggào guānyú St Paul d kàngyì  shì "wēixiǎn xìnhào"
Ed Miliband warn    about  St Paul's protest is  "danger  signal"

The protests at St Paul's Cathedral are "danger signals" and reflect the concerns of millions of people, Labour leader Ed Miliband has said.

工党 领袖 Ed Miliband 说,在 St Paul 大教堂 的 抗议 是 “危险 信号” 并且 反映 数百万 人 的 忧虑。

Gōngdǎng lǐngxiù Ed Miliband shuō, zài St Paul Dàjiàotáng d kàngyì shì "wēixiǎn xìnhào" bìngqiě fǎnyìng shùbǎiwàn rén d yōulǜ.

Gongdaang liingxiuh Ed Miliband shuo, zaih St Paul Dahjiaohtarng d kahngyih shih "weixiaan xihnhaoh" bihngqiee faanyihng shuhbaaiwahn rern d youlyuh.

Gōngdǎng lǐngxiù Ed Miliband shuō, zài St Paul Dàjiàotáng d kàngyì  shì "wēixiǎn xìnhào" bìngqiě fǎnyìng shùbǎiwàn rén d    yōulǜ.
Labour   leader  Ed Miliband say,  at  St Paul Cathedral's  protest is  "danger  signal" and     reflect millions  people's worry.


Diabetes problem is growing in the UK

英国 的 糖尿病 问题 在 增长中

Yīngguó d tángniàobìng wèntí zài zēngzhǎngzhōng

Yingguor d tarngniaohbihng wehntir zaih zengzhaangzhong

Yīngguó d tángniàobìng wèntí   zài zēngzhǎngzhōng
UK's      diabetes     problem at  growing

If your body isn't making any insulin or isn't making enough, your body can't convert blood sugar (glucose) into fuel for your body's cells. This condition is diabetes and it's a growing problem in the UK.

如果 你的 身体 不能 制造 或者 不能 制造 足够的 胰岛素,你的 身体 就 不能 为 你 身体 的 细胞 转换 血糖(葡萄糖)成为 燃料。这样的 情况 就是 糖尿病,在 英国 是 一个 增长中的 问题。

Rúguǒ nǐd shēntǐ bùnéng zhìzào huòzhě bùnéng zhìzào zúgòud yídǎosù, nǐd shēntǐ jiù bùnéng wèi nǐ shēntǐ d xìbāo zhuǎnhuàn xuètáng (pútáotáng) chéngwéi ránliào. Zhèyàngd qíngkuàng jiùshì tángniàobìng, zài Yīngguó shì yīge zēngzhǎngzhōngd wèntí.

Rurguoo niid shentii bunerng zhihzaoh huohzhee bunerng zhihzaoh zurgouhd yirdaaosuh, niid shentii jiuh bunerng weih nii shentii d xihbao zhuaanhuahn xuehtarng (purtaortarng) cherngweir rarnliaoh. Zhehyahngd qirngkuahng jiuhshih tarngniaohbihng, zaih Yingguor shih yi.ge zengzhaangzhongd wehntir.

Rúguǒ nǐd  shēntǐ bùnéng zhìzào huòzhě bùnéng zhìzào zúgòud yídǎosù, 
If    your body   cannot make   or     cannot make   enough insulin, 

nǐd  shēntǐ jiù  bùnéng wèi nǐ  shēntǐ d xìbāo zhuǎnhuàn xuètáng     (pútáotáng) chéngwéi ránliào.  
your body   then cannot for you body's   cell  convert   blood sugar (glucose)   become   fuel.  

Zhèyàngd qíngkuàng jiùshì tángniàobìng, zài Yīngguó shì yīge zēngzhǎngzhōngd wèntí.
Such     condition is     diabetes,     at  UK      is  a    growing         problem.


G20 leaders agree to boost IMF resources

G20 (Èrshí Jítuán) lǐngxiùmen tóngyì zēngjiā IMF (Guójì Huòbì Jījīn Zǔzhī) d zīyuán

G20 (Erhshir Jirtuarn) liingxiuhmen torngyih zengjia IMF (Guorjih Huohbih Jijin Zuuzhi) d ziyuarn

G20 (Èrshí  Jítuán) lǐngxiùmen tóngyì zēngjiā IMF (Guójì         Huòbì    Jījīn Zǔzhī) d        zīyuán
G20 (Twenty Group)  leaders    agree  boost   IMF (International Monetary Fund  Organization)'s resources

G20 leaders in Cannes have ended their summit with a plan to boost growth and rebalance the global economy, but no detail on plans for the Eurozone.

G20 lǐngxiùmen zài Cannes jiéshùle tāmend gāofēnghuìyì bìngqiě yǒule yīge cùjìn zēngzhǎng hé zàipínghéng quánqiú jīngjì d jìhuà, dànshì méiyǒu guānyú Euro-qū d jìhuà xiángqíng.

G20 liingxiuhmen zaih Cannes jiershuhle tamend gaofenghuihyih bihngqiee yooule yige zengzhaang her zaihpirngherng quarnqiur jingjih d jihhuah, dahnshih meiryoou guanyur Euro-qu d jihhuah xiarngqirng.

G20 lǐngxiùmen zài Cannes jiéshùle tāmen d gāofēnghuìyì bìngqiě yǒule yīge cùjìn zēngzhǎng hé  zàipínghéng quánqiú jīngjì d  jìhuà, 
G20 leaders    at  Cannes ended    their   summit       also    had   a    boost growth    and rebalance   global  economy's plan, 

dànshì méiyǒu   guānyú Euro-qū d  jìhuà xiángqíng.
but    not-have about  Eurozone's plan  detail.


British soldier shot dead in Afghanistan

Yīngguó shìbīng zài Afghanistan bèi shèshā

Yingguor shihbing zaih Afghanistan beih shehsha

Yīngguó shìbīng zài Afghanistan bèi shèshā
UK      soldier at  Afghanistan be  kill by shooting

A British soldier has been shot dead in Afghanistan, the Ministry of Defence has said.

Yīge Yīngguó shìbīng zài Afghanistan bèi shèshā, Guófángbù shuō.

Yige Yingguor shihbing zaih Afghanistan beih shehsha, Guorfarngbuh shuo.

Yīge Yīngguó shìbīng zài Afghanistan bèi shèshā,           Guófángbù           shuō.
A    UK      soldier at  Afghanistan be  kill by shooting, Ministry of Defence say.

China says it will not boost the Eurozone bailout fund until the Greek issue is resolved

Zhōngguó shuō bùhuì zēngjiā Euro-qū d jǐnjí yuánzhù zījīn zhízhì Greece wèntí bèi jiějué

Zhongguor shuo buhuih zengjia Euro-qu d jiinjir yuarnzhuh zijin zhirzhih Greece wehtir beih jieejuer

Zhōngguó shuō bùhuì zēngjiā Euro-qū d  jǐnjí yuánzhù zījīn zhízhì Greece wèntí bèi jiějué
China    say  won't boost   Eurozone's bailout       fund  until  Greece issue be  resolve


Bailout loan withheld from Greece

Jǐnjí yuánzhù jièkuàn zàntíng fùgěi Greece

Jiinjir yuarnzhuh jiehkuaan zahntirng fuhgeei Greece

Jǐnjí yuánzhù jièkuàn zàntíng fùgěi Greece
Bailout       loan    suspend pay   Greece

The next 8bn Euros of rescue loans will be withheld from Greece until after its referendum on the Eurozone rescue plan, European leaders say.

Xiàyī-bǐ 80-ge yì (8-ge billion) Euro jiùyuán jièkuàn huì tíngzhǐ fùgěi Greece zhízhì Greece d Euro-qū jiùyuán jìhuà gōngtóu zhīhòu, Ōuzhōu lǐngxiùmen shuō.

Xiahyi-bii 80-ge yih (8-ge billion) Euro jiuhyuarn jiehkuaan huih tirngzhii fuhgeei Greece zhirzhih Greece d Euro-qu jiuhyuarn jihhuah gongtour zhihouh, Ouzhou liingxiuhmen shuo.

Xiàyī-bǐ 80-ge yì              (8-ge billion) Euro jiùyuán jièkuàn huì  tíngzhǐ fùgěi Greece 
Next     80    hundred million (8    billion) Euro rescue  loan    will stop    pay   Greece 

zhízhì Greece d Euro-qū  jiùyuán jìhuà gōngtóu    zhīhòu, Ōuzhōu lǐngxiùmen shuō.
until  Greece's Eurozone rescue  plan  referendum after,  Europe leaders    say.


Greek PM sticks with referendum on debt rescue package

Greece 总理 坚持 债务 救援 计划 的 公投

Greece Zǒnglǐ jiānchí zhàiwù jiùyuán jìhuà d gōngtóu

Greece Zoonglii jianchir zhaihwuh jiuhyuarn jihhuah d gongtour

Greece Zǒnglǐ         jiānchí zhàiwù jiùyuán jìhuà-d gōngtóu
Greece Prime Minister insist  debt   rescue  plan's  referendum

Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou insists that a referendum on an EU bailout will go ahead despite turmoil on world markets and stunned reactions from other eurozone countries.

虽然 国际 市场 混乱 和 其他 Euro-区 国家 的 震惊 反应,但是 Greece 总理 George Papandreou 坚持 欧盟 紧急 援助 的 公投 会 进行。

Suīrán guójì shìchǎng hùnluàn he qīta Euro-qū guójiā d zhènjīng fǎnyìng, dànshì Greece Zǒnglǐ George Papandreou jiānchí Ōuméng jǐnjí yuánzhù d gōngtóu huì jìnxíng.

Suirarn guorjih shihchaang huhnluahn her qita Euro-qu guorjia d zhehnjing faanyihng, dahnshih Greece Zoonglii George Papandreou jianchir Oumerng jiinjir yuarnzhuh d gongtour huih jihnxirng.

Suīrán   guójì-shìchǎng hùnluàn hé  qītā  Euro-qū  guójiā-d    zhènjīng fǎnyìng, 
Although world-markets  turmoil and other Eurozone countries's stunned  reactions, 

dànshì Greece Zǒnglǐ         George Papandreou jiānchí Ōuméng jǐnjí-yuánzhù-d gōngtóu    huì  jìnxíng.
but    Greece Prime Minister George Papandreou insist  EU     bailout's       referendum will go-ahead.


US cuts Unesco funds over vote for Palestinian seat

美国 取消 拨款 由于 Unesco 投票 赞成 Palestine 席位

Měiguó qǔxiāo bōkuǎn yóuyú Unesco tóupiào zànchéng Palestine xíwèi

Meeiguor quuxiao bohkuaan youryur Unesco tourpiaoh zahncherng Palestine xirweih

Měiguó qǔxiāo bōkuǎn yóuyú   Unesco tóupiào zànchéng Palestine xíwèi
US     cancel fund   because Unesco vote    agree    Palestine seat

The United States is cancelling funding for the UN cultural body Unesco after it voted to grant full membership to the Palestinians.

美国 取消 给 联合国 文化 机构 Unesco 拨款 由于 它 投票 赞成 Palestine 正式 会员 资格。

Měiguó qǔxiāo gěi Liánhéguó wénhuà jīgòu Unesco bōkuǎn yóuyú tā tóupiào zànchéng Palestine zhèngshì huìyuán zīgé.

Meeiguor quuxiao geei Liarnherguor wernhuah jigouh Unesco bokuaan youryur ta tourpiaoh zahncheng Palestine zhehngshih huihyuarn ziger.

Měiguó qǔxiāo gěi  Liánhéguó wénhuà   jīgòu Unesco bōkuǎn yóuyú   tā tóupiào zànchéng Palestine zhèngshì huìyuán zīgé.
US     cancel give UN        cultural body  Unesco fund   because it vote    agree    Palestine formal   member  qualification.


Syria's Assad warns of "earthquake" if West intervenes

Syria Assad jǐnggǎo rúguǒ Xīfāng gānshè huì fāshēng "dìzhèn"
Syria Assad 警告 如果 西方 干涉 会 发生 “地震”
Syria's Assad warns of "earthquake" if West intervenes

Syria Assad jǐnggǎo rúguǒ Xīfāng gānshè    huì fāshēng "dìzhèn"
Syria Assad warn    if    West   intervene can happen  "earthquake"

Syria zǒngtǒng Bashar al-Assad jǐnggào huì fāshēng "dìzhèn" rúguǒ Xīfāng gānshè tā d guójiā.
Syria 总统 Bashar al-Assad 警告 会 发生 “地震” 如果 西方 干涉 他 的 国家。
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has warned of an "earthquake" if the West intervenes in his country.

Syria zǒngtǒng  Bashar al-Assad jǐnggào huì fāshēng "dìzhèn"     rúguǒ Xīfāng gānshè    tā-d guójiā.
Syria President Bashar al-Assad warn    can happen  "earthquake" if    West   intervene his  country.

ILO: World economy on verge of new jobs recession

ILO: Shìjiè jīngjì línjìn xīn d zhíwèi shuāituì
ILO:世界 经济 临近 新 的 职位 衰退
ILO: World economy on verge of new jobs recession

ILO: Shìjiè jīngjì  línjìn    xīn-d zhíwèi shuāituì
ILO: World  economy very-near new   job    recession

Guójì Láogōng Zǔzhī (ILO) jǐnggào, quánqiǔ jīngjì línjìn xīn d hé gèng shēn d zhíwèi shuāituì kěnéng yǐnfā shèhuì dòngluàn.
国际 劳工 组织(ILO)警告,全球 经济 临近 新 的 和 更 深 的 职位 衰退 可能 引发 社会 动乱。
The global economy is on the verge of a new and deeper jobs recession that may ignite social unrest, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has warned.

Guójì         Láogōng Zǔzhī        (ILO) jǐnggào, 
International Labour  Organization (ILO) warn, 

quánqiǔ jīngjì  línjìn    xīn-d hé  gèng-shēn-d zhíwèi shuāituì  kěnéng yǐnfā  shèhuì dòngluàn.
global  economy very-near new   and more-deep   job    recession may    ignite social unrest.


Afghanistan: Suicide attack kills 13 foreign personnel

Afghanistan: zìshā xíjī shāsǐ 13 ge wàiguó rényuán
Afghanistan:自杀 袭击 杀死 13 个 外国 人员
Afghanistan: Suicide attack kills 13 foreign personnel

Afghanistan: zìshā   xíjī   shāsǐ 13-ge wàiguó  rényuán
Afghanistan: suicide attack kill  13    foreign personnel

Zài Afghanistan shǒudū Kabul, yī jià mǎnzài zhàyào d Taliban zìshā zhàdàn qìchē měngzhuàng yī jià zàizhè Guójì Ānquán Yuánzhù Bùduì chéngyuán d bāshì, shāsǐ 17 ge rén.
在 Afghanistan 首都 Kabul,一 架 满载 炸药 的 Taliban 自杀 炸弹 汽车 猛撞 一 架 载着 国际 安全 援助 部队 成员 的 巴士,杀死 17 个 人。
A Taliban suicide bomber has rammed an explosives-laden car into a bus carrying members of the International Security Assistance Force in the Afghan capital, Kabul, killing 17 people.

Zài Afghanistan shǒudū  Kabul, yī-jià mǎnzài-zhàyào-d     Taliban zìshā   zhàdàn qìchē 
At  Afghanistan capital Kabul, a      laden -explosives's Taliban suicide bomb   car 

měngzhuàng yī-jià zàizhè   Guójì         Ānquán   Yuánzhù    Bùduì chéngyuán-d bāshì, shāsǐ 17-ge rén.
ram        a      carrying International Security Assistance Force member's    bus,   kill  17    people.


Eurozone seeks bailout funds from China

Euro-qū cóng Zhōngguó xúnqiú jǐnjí yuánzhù jījīn
Euro-区 从 中国 寻求 紧急 援助 基金
Eurozone seeks bailout funds from China

Euro-qū  cóng Zhōngguó xúnqiú jǐnjí-yuánzhù jījīn
Eurozone from China    seek   bailout       fund

Euro-qū jǐnjí yuánzhù jījīn d lǐngdào kāishǐ chángshì yóushuō Zhōngguó tóuzī bāngzhū jiùyuán miànlín zhàiwù wēixiǎn chéngyuánguó d jìhuà.
Euro-区 紧急 援助 基金 的 领导 开始 尝试 游说 中国 投资 帮助 救援 面临 债务 危险 成员国 的 计划。
The head of the Eurozone's bailout fund is beginning attempts to persuade China to invest in a scheme to help rescue member countries facing debt crises.

Euro-qū  jǐnjí-yuánzhù jījīn-d lǐngdào kāishǐ chángshì yóushuō  Zhōngguó tóuzī  
Eurozone bailout       fund's  head    begin  attempt  persuade China    invest 

bāngzhū jiùyuán miànlín zhàiwù wēixiǎn chéngyuánguó-d   jìhuà.
help    rescure face    debt   crises  member-country's scheme.


Cancer cases predicted to rise 45% in next 20 years

Áizhèng bìnglì yùjì 20 nián zhīnèi zēngjiā 45%
癌症 病例 预计 20 年 之内 增加 45%
Cancer cases predicted to rise 45% in next 20 years

Áizhèng bìnglì yùjì    20 nián -zhīnèi zēngjiā  45%
Cancer  case   predict 20 year -within increase 45%

Dào 2030 nián, Yīngguó xīn d áizhèng bìnglì shùmù huì zēngjiā 45% zhì yī nián chāoguò 430,000 ge, yánjiū jiélùn rènwéi.
到 2030 年,英国 新 的 癌症 病例 数目 会 增加 45% 至 一 年 超过 430,000 个,研究 结论 认为。
The number of new cancer cases in the UK could rise by 45% by 2030 to more than 430,000 a year, research conclusion suggests.

Dào   2030 nián, Yīngguó xīn-d áizhèng bìnglì shùmù  huì   zēngjiā  45% zhì yī-nián chāoguò   430,000-ge, 
Reach 2030 year, UK      new   cancer  case   number could increase 45% to  a-year  more-than 430,000,    

yánjiū-jiélùn       rènwéi.
research-conclusion believe-that.


The world's population is expected to hit seven billion

Shìjiè rénkǒu yùqī zài jǐge xīngqī zhīnèi dádào 70 ge yì (7 ge billion). Jǐnguǎn rénkǒu zài dàbùfèn rénlèi lìshǐ lǐ zēngzhǎng huánmàn, Dìqiú rénkǒu zài guóqù 50 nián d zēngzhǎng chāoguò liǎngbèi.
世界 人口 预期 在 几个 星期 之内 达到 70 个 亿(7 个 billion)。尽管 人口 在 大部分 人类 历史 里 增长 缓慢,地球 人口 在 过去 50 年 的 增长 超过 两倍。
The world's population is expected to hit seven billion in the next few weeks. After growing very slowly for most of human history, the number of people on Earth has more than doubled in the last 50 years.

Shìjiè rénkǒu     yùqī   zài jǐge    xīngqī -zhīnèi dádào 70-ge yì              (7-ge billion).               
World  population expect at  several week   -within reach 70    hundred-million (7    billion).  

Jǐnguǎn  rénkǒu     zài dàbùfèn rénlèi lìshǐ-lǐ   zēngzhǎng huánmàn, 
Although population at  most    human  history-in grow      slowly,   

Dìqiú rénkǒu     zài guóqù    50 nián-d zēngzhǎng chāoguò liǎngbèi. 
Earth population in  the-past 50 year's growing   exceed  double.


Eurozone rescue plan hits new hitch

Euro-qū jiùyuán jìhuà pèngdào xīn d nántí
Euro-区 救援 计划 碰到 新 的 难题
Eurozone rescue plan hits new hitch

Euro-qū  jiùyuán jìhuà pèngdào  xīn-d nántí
Eurozone rescue  plan  hit      new   hitch

Brussels shìtú jiéshù Euro dìqù d hùnluàn dáchéng zuìhòu jiùyuán xiéyì d Euro-qū jìhuà yīnwèi xīn d wèntí bèi zǔyán.
Brussels 试图 结束 Euro 地区 的 混乱 达成 最后 救援 协议 的 Euro-区 计划 因为 新 的 问题 被 阻延。
There has been another hiccup in the Eurozone's plans to announce a final rescue deal in Brussels to try to end the turmoil in the Euro area.

Brussels shìtú jiéshù Euro dìqù-d hùnluàn dáchéng zuìhòu jiùyuán xiéyì-d Euro-qū  jìhuà yīnwèi  xīn-d wèntí   bèi-zǔyán.
Brussels try   to-end Euro area's turmoil reach   final  rescue  deal's  Eurozone plan  because new   problem be-delayed.


Bodies of Gaddafi supporters "found executed" in Sirte

Sirte Gaddafi zhīchízhě d shītǐ "fāxiàn bèi chǔjué"
Sirte Gaddafi 支持者 的 尸体 “发现 被 处决”
Bodies of Gaddafi supporters "found executed" in Sirte

Sirte Gaddafi zhīchízhě-d shītǐ "fāxiàn   bèi-chǔjué"
Sirte Gaddafi supporter's body  "discover be-executed"

Yīge rénquán tuántǐ shuō, zài Libya Sirte chéngshì yī jiān jiǔdiàn bèi fāxiàn d 53 ge Gaddafi zhōngchéngfènzǐ d shītǐ xiǎnrán dy shì bèi chǔjué d.
一个 人权 团体 说,在 Libya Sirte 城市 一 间 酒店 被 发现 的 53 个 Gaddafi 忠诚分子 的 尸体 显然 地 是 被 处决 的。
The bodies of 53 Gaddafi loyalists have been found at a hotel in the Libyan city of Sirte after apparently being executed, a human rights group says.

Yīge rénquán      tuántǐ shuō, zài Libya Sirte chéngshì yī-jiān jiǔdiàn bèi-fāxiàn-d 53-ge Gaddafi zhōngchéngfènzǐ-d shītǐ 
A    human-rights group  say,  at  Libya Sirte city     a       hotel   be-found     53    Gaddafi loyalist's        body  

xiǎnrán-dy shì bèi-chǔjué-d.
apparently is  executed.


Dozens die as strong quake rocks eastern Turkey

Qiángliè dìzhèn zhènhàn Turkey dōngbù yǐnzhì jǐshí rén sǐwáng
强烈 地震 震撼 Turkey 东部 引致 几十 人 死亡
Dozens die as strong quake rocks eastern Turkey

Qiángliè dìzhèn zhènhàn Turkey dōngbù yǐnzhì jǐshí  rén    sǐwáng
Strong   quake  to-rock Turkey east   cause  dozens people die

Qiángliè dìzhèn fěnsuìle kàojìn Turkey chéngshì Van d jiànzhùwù, shāsǐ zuìshǎo 138 rén hé máicángle wèizhī d shùmù zài wǎlì xiàmian.
强烈 地震 粉碎了 靠近 Turkey 城市 Van 的 建筑物,杀死 最少 138 人 和 埋藏了 未知 的 数目 在 瓦砾 下面。
A strong quake has shattered buildings near the Turkish city of Van, killing at least 138 people and trapping an unknown number under rubble.

Qiángliè dìzhèn fěnsuì-le kàojìn Turkey chéngshì Van-d jiànzhùwù, shāsǐ zuìshǎo  138 rén    
Strong   quake  shattered near   Turkey city     Van's building,  kill  at-least 138 people 

hé  máicáng-le wèizhī-d shùmù  zài wǎlì   xiàmian.
and trapped    unknown  number at  rubble lower-lever.

Turkey earthquake: Desperate search for survivors

Turkey dìzhèn: Pīnmìng sōusuǒ shēnghuánzhě
Turkey 地震:拼命 搜索 生还者
Turkey earthquake: Desperate search for survivors

Turkey dìzhèn:     Pīnmìng     sōusuǒ shēnghuánzhě
Turkey earthquake: Desperately search survivor

Xīngqīrì qiángliè dìzhèn dǎjī Turkey dōngbù Van dìqū zhīhòu, jiùyuán duìwǔ jìxù sōusuǒ máicáng zài wǎlì xiàmian d rén.
星期日 强烈 地震 打击 Turkey 东部 Van 地区 之后,救援 队伍 继续 搜索 埋藏 在 瓦砾 下面 的 人。
Rescue teams in Turkey are continuing to search for people trapped under rubble after a strong earthquake hit the eastern Van region on Sunday.

Xīngqīrì  qiángliè dìzhèn     dǎjī Turkey dōngbù Van dìqū   -zhīhòu, jiùyuán duìwǔ jìxù     sōusuǒ 
Saturday  strong   earthquake hit  Turkey east   Van region -after,  rescue  team  continue search 

máicáng zài wǎlì   xiàmian-d     rén.
bury    at  rubble lower-level's people. 


Cameron joins EU financial crisis talks in Brussels

Cameron cānjiā Brussels d Ōuméng jīnróng wēijī huìyì
Cameron 参加 Brussels 的 欧盟 金融 危机 会议
Cameron joins EU financial crisis talks in Brussels

Cameron cānjiā Brussels-d Ōuméng jīnróng-wēijī    huìyì
Cameron join   Brussels's EU     financial-crisis talks

Ōuzhōu lǐngxiùmen kāishǐle yītiān huìyì dǎsuàn jiějué zhè dìqū d zhàiwù wēijī hé fángzhǐ lìngyīge jīngjì shuāituì.
欧洲 领袖们 开始了 一天 会议 打算 解决 这 地区 的 债务 危机 和 防止 另一个 经济 衰退。
European leaders have begun a day of talks aimed at resolving the region's debt crisis and keeping another recession at bay.

Ōuzhōu   lǐngxiùmen kāishǐ-le yītiān huìyì dǎsuàn jiějué  zhè dìqū-d   zhàiwù-wēijī hé  fángzhǐ lìngyīge jīngjì-shuāituì.
European leaders    began     a-day  talks aim-at resolve the region's debt-crisis  and prevent another  recession.


George Osborne: Eurozone crisis threatens all Europe

George Osborne: Euro-qū wēijī wēixié zhěngge Ōuzhōu
George Osborne: Euro-区 危机 威胁 整个 欧洲
George Osborne: Eurozone crisis threatens all Europe

George Osborne: Euro-qū  wēijī  wēixié   zhěngge Ōuzhōu
George Osborne: Eurozone crisis threaten whole   Europe

Dāng gāofēnghuìyì hái zài Brussels jìnxíngzhōng, Yīngguó Dàchén George Osborne shuō Euro-qū zhàiwù wēijī duì zhěngge Ōuzhōu shì yīge "zhēnshí d wēixiǎn".
当 高峰会议 还 在 Brussles 进行中,英国 大臣 George Osborne 说 Euro-区 债务 危机 对 整个 欧洲 是 一个 “真实 的 危险”。
UK Chancellor George Osborne has said the Eurozone debt crisis is a "real danger" to all of Europe as a summit in Brussels continued.

Dāng gāofēnghuìyì hái   zài Brussels jìnxíng-zhōng, Yīngguó Dàchén     George Osborne shuō Euro-qū  zhàiwù-wēijī 
When summit       still at  Brussels in-progress,   UK      Chancellor George Osborne say  Eurozone debt-crisis  

duì zhěngge Ōuzhōu shì yīge "zhēnshí-d wēixiǎn".
to  whole   Europe is  a    "real      danger".

Saudi Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud dies in New York

Saudi Wángchǔ Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud zài New York shìshì.
Saudi 王储 Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud 在 New York 逝世。
Saudi Crown Prince Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud dies in New York.

Saudi Wángchǔ      Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud zài New York shìshì.
Saudi Crown-Prince Sultan bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud at  New York die.
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