The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is one of the 2 Special Administrative Regions (SARs) of the People's Republic of China (another is Macau). It is one of the richest and most highly developed places in the world. Hong Kong grew quickly in the decades after World War II and now has become a famous world-class financial center.
Xianggaang Tiehbier Xirngzhehngqu shih Zhonghuar Rernmirn Gohngherguor 2'g Tiehbier Xirngzhehngqu (SAR) zhiyi (lihngyigeh shih Aohmern), shih shihjieh zuih fuhyoou her zuih fadar d dihfang zhiyi. Erhzhahn houh jii-shir niarn lair fazhaan xuhnsuh, cherngweir zhuhmirng d shihjiehjir jinrorng zhongxin.
Hong Kong is divided into 3 main parts:
- Hong Kong Island
- Kowloon
- New Territories (including 235 outlying islands)
Xianggaang fenweir 3'g zhuuyaoh buhfehn:
- Xianggaang Daao
- Jiuulorng
- Xinjieh (baokuoh 235'g lirdaao)
Hong Kong was a British colony since 1842. In 1997, after the Handover, Hong Kong became a part of China.
Xianggaang zaih 1842 niarn cherngweir Yingguor zhirmirndih, daoh 1997 niarn huirgui ZG.