Environment is the surrounding things. It includes living things and natural forces. The environment of living things provides conditions for development and growth, also causes danger and damage. Living things do not simply exist in their environment. They constantly interact with it. Organisms change in response to conditions in their environment. The environment consists of the interactions among plants, animals, soil, water, temperature, light, and other living and non-living things.
Huánjìng shì zhōuwéi de shìwù. Tā bāokuò shēngwù hé zìrán de lìliàng. Shēngwù de huánjìng tígōng fāzhǎn hé shēngzhǎng de tiáojiàn, yě zàochéng wēixiǎn hé pòhuài. Shēngwù bù zhǐshì zài tāmen de huánjìng zhōng cúnzài. Tāmen bùduàn yǔ huánjìng hùxiāng yǐngxiǎng. Shēngwùtǐ gǎibiàn shìyìng huánjìng. Huánjìng bāokuò zhíwù, dòngwù, tǔrǎng, shuǐ, qìwēn, guāng, yǐjí qítā shēngwù hé fēishēngwù zhījiān de xiānghù zuòyòng.