< Physical Activity

Major possible Injuries

One of the common kinds of sports and fitness-related injuries (non- major) are strains, depending on the kind of fitness you are practicing, these can be localised in the arms or legs (most commonly) but also in the back area (not uncommon). It is important to watch back strain and possible injury very closely as it can become a long-term problem or conceal other medical problems.

It is not uncommon for strains and other minor injuries to not be obvious at the time of injury, usually developing later during the same day or the next morning (this may be caused by the body still being full of anti-pain chemicals that prevent the body unfit for activity that may increase its survival).

Injury prevention and stretching

One of the best ways to decrease the amount of injuries you encounter in sports and fitness are uses of proper stretching and warm up/cool downs. warming up is the activity of preparing your body for the fitness activity and cooling down is the end part of a physical activity. A key part of both of this process is stretching, during this activity light movements are undertaken that increase your flexibility and decrease the likelihood of strain injuries

More major injuries are often course by lack of care being taken during proper short and fitness activities, it is vital that you read information available to you and make sure you are using the equipment (including safety gear correctly)

Stretching exercises usually take the form of extending a muscle (see Static and Dynamic) through a slow movement arch that exercises and prepares the muscles for training, it is important that a large group of muscles that are going to be used in the main exercises are stretched prior to it, stretching is also generally more effective after a short warm up.

  • A simple work out plain that might be followed:
    • 10-20 min warm up aerobic exercise gradual rising intensity.
    • Stretching program of 5-10 min (depending on results wanted).
    • Strength training or other form of activity.
    • 10-20 min cool down aerobic exercise with gradual lowering intensity.
    • Reverse stretching program.

Treating injuries

Firstly it is a recommended that you delay any further fitness activities, most often minor strains and injuries will fade after a few days of decreased overall physical activity.

Usually of effective use are the commonly on sale at most supermarkets are topical gels that can ether numb pain in that area (such as UK product ibuprofen gel) or ‘heat’ the area to ease strains (UK product ‘deep heat’) these are useful products but are best used only as directed and not over used if the pain is worse, they are short-term treatments for temporary pains only.

See Also

yoga - a useful canon of stretching techniques

Static stretching

Dynamic stretching

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