Human mind begot the religion. And religion begot the so called the Creator. Some religions stop at Creator and shudder to talk of the Destroyer. Some religions are bold and gracious enough to accommodate the Destroyer too! After all, what goes up has to come down. What is creatable must also be destroyable too. But it begs the question who created the Creator? The religion, of course! And who created the Destroyer? However paradoxical this question might sound in its syntax of juxtaposing creation of the Destroyer, the answer is of course, our beloved religion! None else!
Now let us settle the Creator first. Usually we call this guy, the god! The god creates. Does he really? Let us see. What did he create? The physical objects, environment, life, etc. Hmm! You are being bashful! What about your neighborhood terrorist that could blow a bus load of kindergarten age children and still be able to sleep in peace? What about that drug lord who sells and kills in the name of drugs? What about all the ills and the stench of the world? After all, the religion that accepts the creator must also account for these lapses and negativeness too! Most religions sulk at this. But still the religions have a marvelous answer for this quandary. 'Shut up! Okay?' Or they may say, "Sir, God created just good things, and a free will. But the man misuses free will and begets violence and bad things". Then we go, "OK, then what about the tsunami that killed innocent thousands in one flush of a sweep the other day!". Oops, the benign and kind creator concept of religion runs into pot holes right away!
OK, for now, let us accept the Creator. But where was He before creation? He must have some space to sit or stand. So did he create the space or space predates him? What about time? Was there a time when creation was not and he was there at that time? So time was there or not there before creation? Who came first, Creator or time, or space? Problems and problems! And who told you that creator created, did you see him do it? Oops, I was not there to witness. Then who told you. Of course, you guessed it. The religion! And who created religion? Can't be the Creator. If he did, he must be nuts to have created so many mad and even violent varieties of religions! Then who is the culprit? If you haven't guessed, let me help you. It is YOU who created religion! Then religion creates creator. And creator creates the man! And man creates the religion! Man! Mind spins into an infinite loop here! One last laugh on this religious creator goes like this! The religion man says, there was a creator that looked like the man himself and such creator created the man as an image of himself, which is like the man himself! How ludicrous and untenable is this theory! In this argument of religion the principle of sublime alter is totally lost and the wrangling settles on man and his madness!
Let us see if we can figure the end of the Destroyer! Is he one and same as creator? Na! Can't be. When you create something so exalted and beautiful, you can't have the heart to destroy the same, do you? So destroyer must be another then, let us at least assume so. But if he can destroy, what was creator doing? The creator can't even protect what he created? If he can't, which of them is more powerful? And this lands us into yet another problem again!
But religion has a single answer to all of this, "have faith or your tongue will split into thousand pieces due to this blasphemy!!!'
Now one might say, "Sir, what are you talking, you are blaspheming the underlying themes of all religious beliefs!'. But the point is, is there something higher and more noble than the blind religion? Secondly, the concept of Creator and/or Destroyer, is only and only meant for lifting one from the incessant body identification to a higher realm to submit oneself at a superior altar. Be it Creator. Be it Destroyer. So the question of Creator and/or Destroyer or whether they are one, two or many is irrelevant. Lift the focus from the low planes of me and mine and broaden the outlook stretching to the whole creation, and eventually losing the locus of focus in your tiny self! For that purpose alone, Creator exists, or Destroyer exists. Not a tit bit beyond that! So, so long as this question does not resolve on itself and disappear, the answer is a firm affirmative. Have no doubts about it. Once the question drops, you will discover the question to be no longer relevant!