< Permaculture Design

Below are lists of suggested questions to seek answers to when visiting permaculture projects. The lists here are based on actual permaculture projects underway in Dunedin, New Zealand. You might have to adapt these to meet the specific areas you are inquiring on.

Jason & Kate Waitati

  • What is the history of this garden?
  • What were the main priorities that Kate & Jason had & why?
  • How has the design for the system evolved?
  • How have the climate & microclimates influenced how they have designed the garden?
  • How is the soil being cared for?
  • How is water harvested & stored?
  • What resources did they have on site? What did they bring in?
  • What resources did they need to introduce or establish first?
  • How are these resources used & kept cycling in the system?
  • How is biological balance kept (pest control)
  • What examples of multi function can you see? List some.
  • How are things planted? Eg closely, in rows or clumps, above, below, in the middle of the bed or at the edge? What difference could this be making to the plants?
  • Can you identify the zones?
  • What microclimates have been created or enhanced?
  • What do they want to develop for the future? How will the established areas aid this?
  • What has been the most interesting aspect of this visit for you?

Mark & Rayna Waitati

  • As above plus ~
  • What energies entering the system have had an effect on the design?
  • How was the income zone developed? What were the priorities?
  • What markets are there for the produce?
  • What differences do you see in this garden compared to Jason & Kates?
  • How are things planted in the income zone? How does this work for harvesting? An important consideration in a market garden.
  • What resources are exchanged between the zones?
  • Is there any particular emphasis on types or amounts of crops grown?
  • What strategies have been developed to reduce maintenance?

Renaissance Underground & Gallery Ravensbourne

Chooks, compost & worm farming

We will be mainly taking part in a talk/demonstration of how all the different elements work together here but you will have a chance to look around the garden & gallery. It would be interesting to ask Rachel how it has all developed & how, if at all, Permaculture approaches have influenced it.

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