The organ, commonly described as being the king of musical instruments, has been around for hundreds of years. It makes sounds via air that is let through certain pipes when keys are employed on the keyboards of the organ (called manuals). Until the invention of telephone operator switchboards in the early 20th century, it was the most mechanically complicated device created by humans.
Why play the organ?
The organ is a very satisfying instrument to play. You have at your disposal essentially an entire orchestra of different-sounding pipes and even, in some theatre organs, percussion. It has the largest range of any musical instrument and the most sound variety.
There is always a demand for organists in churches, either for solos, to accompany a choir, or provide background music for a Mass.
Playing the organ helps improve your posture and helps develop strength, agility, and coordination because you have to use all your extremities, sometimes simultaneously.
While piano also enables a performer to play notes and chords with both hands, an organ also has a pedalboard, so the feet can play notes as well.