< Order Theory

AB3, AB3*, AB5 and AB5* are actually due to von Neumann, but Grothendieck's name stuck.

Definition (AB3):

A preordered class is said to satisfy the third Grothedieck axiom AB3 iff for all families indexed over a set , a least upper bound exists.

Definition (AB3*):

A preordered class is said to satisfy the dual third Grothedieck axiom AB3* iff for all families indexed over a set , a greatest lower bound exists.

Definition (AB5):

A class of preordered sets is said to satisfy the fifth Grothendieck axiom AB5 if and only if for all and all families of elements of elements of and each element , we have

Definition (AB5*):

A class of preordered sets is said to satisfy the dual fifth Grothendieck axiom AB5* if and only if for all and all families of elements of elements of and each element , we have

Definition (AB6):

A class of preordered sets is said to satisfy the sixth Grothendieck axiom AB6 if and only if for all

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