In order to begin the proper light set up of OpenGL, you first have to understand the theory of micro quantimistics. This theory states that quantized light is refracted off of any surface at a congruent entrance as well as the departure for the surface, therefore we must take into account the refractive abstraction of the surface we are trying to create. To begin lighting, you must use the LIGHT_A_B_C operator. A,B, and C are variables that represent the different hues of light and color. A is for red, B is for green, and C is for blue. Most programmers pick their colors on programs such as paint and just transfer the numbers because most people do are not knowledgeable enough to memorize color consistencies. After you have chosen the type of light you want to be refracted and reflected from the surface, you have to put the direction and angle in brackets next to the operator. For example, LIGHT_23_13_4 {90 FRONT} beams a teal light on to your surface from the front in a perpendicular ray.