< OpenClinica User Manual

Showing an image file


OpenClinica allows us to upload a file to the system. This file is only accessible through a link, it is not shown on the page. In this how-to we will see how we can show image files automatically.

Where to store the uploaded files

In datainfo.properties there is an attribute called 'attached_file_location'. This specifies where the uploaded files will be stored on the server. If we leave this item blank the default location will be used: /usr/local/tomcat/<study_name>.data/.

Challenge with default upload location

The default upload location is not in the root of the OpenClinica web application. Tomcat can therefore not access it, when we use a <img> tag. There are two ways around this.

  1. Change the default location
  2. Use a reverse proxy to serve images

Change the default location

When we want to store files in a place that is visible to Tomcat we change the line in datainfo.properties to:


Don't forget to change the <study_name> placeholder into something meaningful for your system.

Use a reverse proxy to serve images

Use OpenClinica_User_Manual/UsingAReverseProxy to install Nginx as a reverse proxy. Add this line to the https server configuration of Nginx

location ~ ^/studies/attached_files/(.*)$ {
    #don't forget to change <study_name>
    alias /usr/local/tomcat/<study_name>.data/attached_files/$1;

Now images will be served directly by Nginx. If you use a lot of images, this is the preferred configuration.

Code to add to the Excel CRF definition

Read OpenClinica_User_Manual/StylingWithJQuery for a better understanding of the code below. Put the code in LEFT_ITEM_TEXT.

  jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 
    function showPicture(pIDSelector,pCSSMapInput) {     	
        // find the link to the picture
        var vPath = location.pathname; 
        // are we only viewing the data?
        if (vPath.search('ViewSectionDataEntry') > 0) {
            // yes, we are   
	    var picLink = $(pIDSelector).parent().next().find('a').attr('href');
        } else {
            // no, we are editing
            var picLink = $(pIDSelector).parent().parent().find('div').find('a').attr('href');
        // accept only png and jpg files
        if (picLink.indexOf(".png") > 0 || picLink.indexOf(".jpg") > 0) {
            var vCSS = ""
	    for (css in pCSSMapInput) {
	      vCSS = vCSS + css + ":" + pCSSMapInput[css] + ";"; 
            //choose one of vUploadLocation, depending on your configuration (delete the other)
            // change <study_name> to a valid name for your installation
	    var vUploadLocation = '<study_name>.data'; 
	    var vUploadLocation = '<study_name>';
            var picSrc = picLink.substr(picLink.search('attached_files'));
            $(pIDSelector).parent().parent().before('<tr><td><img style="' +  vCSS + ' " alt="pic" src="/' + vUploadLocation + '/' + picSrc + '"></td></tr>');
    //add your items here, note that the id must be the same as that of the span in the row that specifies the file upload.
//add a span with an named id to LEFT_ITEM_TEXT in the row that specifies the file upload.
<span id="pic1">left item text for my picture</span>

The picture will be inserted before the standard buttons for replacing or removing a file. The picture is not immediately visible. It will be shown after you save the page and reopen it again.


This article is issued from Wikibooks. The text is licensed under Creative Commons - Attribution - Sharealike. Additional terms may apply for the media files.