Oriya (ଓଡ଼ିଆ oṛiā), officially spelled Odia, is an Indian language, belonging to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language family. It is mainly spoken in the Indian states of Odisha and in parts of West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh. Odia is one of the many official languages in India; it is the official language of Odisha and the second official language of Jharkhand. Odia is the predominant language of Odisha, where Odia speakers comprise around 83.33% of the population according to census surveys.
The examples of Odia words, phrases, clauses and sentences used in this book are generally presented simultaneously in three written forms: one using the Odia script, a transliterated version using Roman letters, and an English translation.
The Odia-to-Roman transliteration scheme is the one followed in the English Wikipedia and can be seen here.
History of the Language
Writing System
- Common phrases
- Greetings
- Talking about Oneself
Basic Grammar
- Grammar
- Sentence patterns
- Oriya Grammar
- Verbs
Dates & Numbers
- Numbers
- Time and Date
- Animals
- Birds
- Body Parts
- Dressing
- Housing
- Household Objects
- Fruits, Vegetables & Nuts
- Insects & Rodents
- School
- Tools
- Miscellaneous
- Music & Dance
- Plants & Trees
Going Out
- Asking Questions
- Food and Drink
- Eating out
- Shopping
- Staying at hotels
- Renting temporary accommodation
- Settling into accommodation
- Using financial and postal services
- Traveling
Other Phrases
- Staying well
- Emergencies
- Liking and disliking