< Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Pain on menstruation.
- Over 70% of women experience dysmenorrhea at some point.
Etiology, Risk Factors, and Pathophysiology
Primary dysmenorrhea
- Results from production of prostaglandins within 48 hours of menstruation that stimulates the myometrial cells to contract.
Secondary dysmenorrhea
- The result of a pathologic condition
- Endometriosis, adenomyosis, cervical stenosis, vaginitis, psychological disturbance
- Birth control pill
- GnRH analogues
- NSAIDs (effective in 80% of women)
- Primary amenorrhea: failure to menstruate by 16 years of age with secondary sexual characteristics; failure to menstruate by 14 years of age without sexual characteristics; failure to mensturate with 2 years of sexual maturation.
- Secondary amenorrhea: failure to menstruate for 6 months with formerly normal menses; oligomenorrhea with less than 9 cycles per year.
Etiology, Pathophysiology, and Risk Factors for Amenorrhea
Etiologies include
- Müllerian agenesis (MRKH syndrome) in 10%
- Androgen insensitivity in 5%
- Imperforate hymen in 0.1%
- Transverse vaginal septum in 1/80000
- Ashermann's syndrome
- Enzymatic deficiency
- Premature ovarian failure
- Pituitary tumours
- FSH/LH mutations
- Pituitary space-occupying lesions
- Pituitary necrosis
- Inflammatory/infiltrative pituitary disease
- Pharmacologic prolactin stimulators
- Stress induced amenorrhea
- Isolated gonadotropin deficiency
- Infections
- Chronic disease
- Hypothalamic tumours
- Adrenal, thyroid, ovarian endocrine disease
- Metastatic carcinoma
Clinical Presentation and Diagnostic Approach
- Pregnancy must always be excluded.
- Measure FSH and prolactin
- If FSH is low or normal
- Chronic anovulation
- Anatomic defect (Müllerian agenesis)
- If FSH is elevated
- Ovarian failure
- If prolactin is elevated
- MRI head for prolactinoma
- If FSH is low or normal
- Karyotyping may be performed for the following indications
- High FSH in a patient under 30 years of age
- Height <147cm
- Ambiguous genitalia (congenital adrenal hyperplasia)
- Absent uterus
Primary amenorrhea
- Restore ovulation with estrogen and progesterone
- Reassurance
Secondary amenorrhea
- Treat the underlying cause
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