< Oberon < A2
{ The Oberon Configuration Text - Script.Open System.Text for more information }

System = {
	InitCommands = {
		{ !TextDocs.ReplaceSystemEditor }	{* install TextGadgets as system editor *}
		{ ET.ReplaceSystemEditor }
		{ System.OpenLog }
		{ System.StartLog }	{* start capturing traps and kernel log messages *}
		{ !System.Open System.Tool }
		{ System.Open My.Tool }
		{ !System.Open Popups.Tool }	{* use System3.Tool or Popups.Tool for a Gadgets system tool *}
		{ !System.Open AosTools.Tool }
		{ !EditKeys.Install }	{* keyboard macros for Gadgets *}
		{ !TextPopups.Install }	{* popup menus for Gadgets *}
		{ !Backdrop.Tile berries.jpg }
		{ !Aos.Call WindowEffects.InstallFire }
		{ OTFonts.Install }
		{ ET.Open  MyJournal }
		{ Desktops.OpenDoc  Mail.Panel ~ }
	TimeDiff = "-0800"	{* time difference of PC clock to GMT *}

Printer = {
	Default = PSPrinter.Install	{* options: HPLaserPrinter.Install, PSPrinter.Install, LPRPrinter.Install, LinuxPrinter.Install *}
	DefaultName = "Temp.ps"	{* output of printer named "Default" goes here (e.g. cs-lj8k-rzh-dg@lillian) *}
	COM1 = {38400,8,n,1}
	COM2 = {38400,8,n,1}

{* LPRPrinter also uses PSPrinter settings *}
PSPrinter = {
	Resolution = 600
	Width = {210 mm}
	Height = {297 mm}
	LeftMargin = {2 cm}
	RightMargin = {2 cm}
	TopMargin = {1.5 cm}
	BottomMargin = {1.5 cm}

HPLaserPrinter = {
	Resolution = 300
	Width = {210 mm}
	Height = {297 mm}
	LeftMargin = {2 cm}	{* minimum 6mm *}
	RightMargin = {2 cm}
	TopMargin = {1.5 cm}	{* minimum 12.5mm *}
	BottomMargin = {1.5 cm}

NetSystem = {
	SMTP = "localhost"	{* outgoing mail server *}
	POP = "localhost"	{* incoming mail server *}
	NNTP = "<newsserver>"	{* news server *}
	POPMode = "POP3"	{* POP3 or APOP *}

	EMail = "me@mydomain.ca"	{* your return address (leave out the < and >) *}
	MailSignature = "Mail.Sig.Text"	{* text appended to every outgoing mail *}
	NewsSignature = "News.Sig.Text"	{* text appended to every outgoing news posting *}
	LeaveOnServer = No	{* Mail.Panel leaves email on POP server when downloading *}
	TraceMail = Yes	{* display mail protocol information in System.Log *}

	ProxyDomain = "<yourdomain>"	{* optional *}
	HTTPProxy = "<yourproxyserver.yourdomain:port>"
	FTPProxy = "<yourproxyserver.yourdomain:port>"
	GopherProxy = "<yourproxyserver.yourdomain:port>"

	NewsThreading = Yes	{* Newsreader keeps message threads together? *}
	NewsFont = Courier10.Scn.Fnt	{* Font for news articles *}

	HTMLImages = Yes	{* Download WWW images with background task? *}
	Topic0 = "ToDo"	{* Topic 0 automatically set on downloaded mail *}
	Topic1 = "Topic1"	{* define up to 32 topics here, for use with Set/Clear/Query on Mail.Panel *}
	Topic2 = "Topic2"

Files = {
	Alias = {
		AosFS = { DiskVolumes.New DiskFS.NewFS }
		NatFS = { DiskVolumes.New OberonFS.NewFS }
		RamFS = { RAMVolumes.New DiskFS.NewFS }
		FatFS = { FATVolumes.New FATFiles.NewFS }
		IsoFS = { ISO9660Volumes.New ISO9660Files.NewFS }
		ZipFS = { NIL ZipFS.NewFS }
		FtpFS = { RAMVolumes.New FTPFS.NewFS }
		TftpFS = { RAMVolumes.New AosTftpFS.NewFS }

LinkSchemes = {
	ftp = FTPDocs.NewLinkScheme
	mailto = Mail.NewMailToLinkScheme
	mailserver = Mail.NewMailServerLinkScheme
	finger = Finger.NewLinkScheme
	news = News.NewNewsLinkScheme
	nntp = News.NewNNTPLinkScheme
	telnet = TelnetGadgets.NewLinkScheme
	gopher = Gopher.NewLinkScheme
	file = HyperDocs.NewLinkScheme
	http = HTTPDocs.NewLinkScheme

MIME = {
	"text/html" = html
	"text/plain" = txt
	"image/x-xbitmap" = xbm
	"image/gif" = gif
	"image/jpeg" = jpg
	"image/psd" = psd
	"application/octet-stream" = ""
	"application/oberondoc" = ""
	"application/oberon" = ""
	"application/zip" = zip

HTMLTags = {
	TD = HTMLTables.NewTD
	TH = HTMLTables.NewTH
	TR = HTMLTables.NewTR

PictureConverters = {
	gif = GIF.InitPicture
	jpg = JPEG.InitPicture
	xbm = XBM.InitPicture
	bmp = BMP.InitPicture
	pcx = PCX.InitPicture
	ico = ICO.InitPicture
	tga = TGA.InitPicture
	iff = IFF.InitPicture
	xpm = XPM.InitPicture
	pbm = PPM.InitPicture
	pgm = PPM.InitPicture
	ppm = PPM.InitPicture
	psd = PSD.InitPicture

ImageFormats = {
	Pict = PictImages.Install
	bmp = BMPImages.Install
	jpg = JPEGImages.Install
	gif = GIFImages.Install
	psd = PSDImages.Install
	pcx = PCXImages.Install

FontFormats = {
	Arial = GfxOType.Install
	Verdana = GfxOType.Install
	cm = GfxPKFonts.Install
	GfxOType.Install = *
	GfxPKFonts.Install = *

OP2 = {
	Errors = {
		Incorrect use of language Oberon
		  0	undeclared identifier
		  1	multiply defined identifier
		  2	illegal character in number
		  3	illegal character in string
		  4	identifier does not match procedure name
		  5	comment not closed
		  9	"=" expected
		12	type definition starts with incorrect symbol
		13	value starts with incorrect symbol
		14	statement starts with incorrect symbol
		15	declaration followed by incorrect symbol
		16	MODULE expected
		18	"." missing
		19	"," missing
		20	":" missing
		22	")" missing
		23	"]" missing
		24	"}" missing
		25	OF missing
		26	THEN missing
		27	DO missing
		28	TO missing
		30	"(" missing
		34	":=" missing
		35	"," or OF expected
		38	EXIT not within loop statement
		40	identifier expected
		41	";" missing
		43	END missing
		46	UNTIL missing
		47	illegally marked identifier
		50	expression should be constant
		51	constant not an integer
		52	identifier does not denote a type
		53	identifier does not denote a record type
		54	result type of procedure is not a basic type
		55	procedure call of a function
		56	assignment to non-variable
		57	pointer not bound to record or array type
		58	recursive type definition
		59	illegal open array parameter
		60	wrong type of case label
		61	inadmissible type of case label
		62	case label defined more than once
		63	illegal value of constant
		64	more actual than formal parameters
		65	fewer actual than formal parameters
		66	element types of actual array and formal open array differ
		67	actual parameter corresponding to open array is not an array
		68	control variable must be integer
		69	parameter must be an integer constant
		70	pointer or VAR record required as formal receiver
		71	pointer expected as actual receiver
		72	procedure must be bound to a record of the same scope
		73	procedure must be of level 0
		74	procedure unknown in base type
		75	invalid call of base procedure
		76	this variable (field) is read only
		77	object is not a record
		78	dereferenced object is not a variable
		79	indexed object is not a variable
		80	index expression is not an integer
		81	index out of specified bounds
		82	indexed variable is not an array
		83	undefined record field
		84	dereferenced variable is not a pointer
		85	guard or test type is not an extension of variable type
		86	guard or testtype is not a pointer
		87	guarded or tested variable is neither a pointer nor a VAR-parameter record
		88	open array not allowed as variable, record field or array element
		89	open lower bound not bound to procedure parameter
		90	semi-dynamic array not allowed in a record
		92	operand of IN not an integer, or not a set
		93	set element type is not an integer
		94	operand of & is not of type BOOLEAN
		95	operand of OR is not of type BOOLEAN
		96	operand not applicable to (unary) +
		97	operand not applicable to (unary) -
		98	operand of ~ is not of type BOOLEAN
		99	ASSERT fault
		100	incompatible operands of dyadic operator
		101	operand type inapplicable to *
		102	operand type inapplicable to /
		103	operand type inapplicable to DIV
		104	operand type inapplicable to MOD
		105	operand type inapplicable to +
		106	operand type inapplicable to -
		107	operand type inapplicable to = or #
		108	operand type inapplicable to relation
		109	overriding method must be exported
		110	operand is not a type
		111	operand inapplicable to (this) function
		112	operand is not a variable
		113	incompatible assignment
		114	string too long to be assigned
		115	parameter does not match
		116	number of parameters do not match
		117	result type does not match
		118	export mark does not match with forward declaration
		119	redefinition textually precedes procedure bound to base type
		120	type of expression following IF, WHILE, UNTIL or ASSERT is not BOOLEAN
		121	called object is not a procedure (or is an interrupt procedure)
		122	actual VAR-parameter is not a variable
		123	type of actual parameter is not identical with that of formal VAR-parameter
		124	type of result expression differs from that of procedure
		125	type of case expression is neither INTEGER nor CHAR
		126	this expression must not be a type or a procedure
		127	illegal use of object
		128	unsatisfied forward reference
		129	unsatisfied forward procedure
		130	WITH clause does not specify a variable
		131	LEN not applied to array
		132	dimension in LEN too large or negative
		134	initialiser can not return a value
		135	SYSTEM not imported
		136	recursive call of operator
		137	operator not defined
		138	VAR-parameter not allowed
		139	multiply-defined operator
		140	operator not allowed in record scope
		141	operator type missing
		142	name does not denote an operator
		143	invalid number of formal parameters
		144	only one initializer allowed in a record
		145	forward declaration not allowed
		146	operator must use one locally declared argument type
		147	:= operator: cannot be a function
		148	:= operator: first parameter must be VAR

		150	key inconsistency of imported module
		151	incorrect symbol file
		152	symbol file of imported module not found
		153	object or symbol file not opened (disk full?)
		154	recursive import not allowed
		155	generation of new symbol file not allowed

		170	incompatible assignment (declare the record as POINTER TO RECORD)

		Limitations of implementation

		200	not yet implemented
		201	lower bound of set range greater than higher bound
		202	set element greater than MAX(SET) or less than 0
		203	number too large
		204	product too large
		205	division by zero
		206	sum too large
		207	difference too large
		208	overflow in arithmetic shift
		209	case range too large
		210	code too long ( > 64 KB)
		211	procedure too large (reduce procedure size)
		212	operator should precede procedure declaration
		213	too many cases in case statement
		215	not enough registers: simplify expression
		216	not enough floating-point registers: simplify expression
		218	illegal value of parameter  "(20 <= p < 256)"
		219	illegal value of parameter  "(0 <= p < 16)"
		220	illegal value of parameter
		221	too many pointers in a record
		222	too many global pointers
		223	too many record types
		224	too many pointer types
		225	address of pointer variable too large (move forward in text)
		226	too many exported and/or type-bound procedures
		227	too many imported modules
		228	too many exported structures
		229	too many nested records for import
		230	too many constants (strings) in module
		231	too many external and/or type-bound procedures
		232	too many commands in module
		233	record extension hierarchy too high
		234	export of recursive type not allowed
		235	too many accesses to global variables or constants
		236	too many exported variables
		240	identifier too long
		241	string too long
		242	address overflow
		243	too many imported variables

		246	already inside an exclusive statement block
		247	local variables not allowed in inlined assembler procedure
		248	PASSIVATE with global condition
		249	only allowed for POINTER TO RECORDs
		250	inlined oberon procedures can not be exported
		251	too many nested function calls
		252	pointer to this record required
		253	initialiser must belong to a record
		254	can not define a static instance of an active object
		260	Active Oberon forward reference
		261	Active Oberon method
		262	Active Oberon relaxed declaration order
		270	Oberon X structured return type
		271	Oberon X array
		272	allowed only in active objects
		280	duplicate fingerprint

		Compiler Warnings

		301	implicit type cast
		302	guarded variable can be side-effected
		303	SYSTEM.PTR var parameter output-only
		304	SYSTEM.VAL size mismatch
		305	only open arrays and named types can be used
		306	possible size mismatch
		310	ambigous operator
		311	dynamic array deep copy
		312	implicit reference to heap object via VAR

		Incorrect use of i80386 Assembly Language

		500	undeclared identifier
		501	addressing mode not allowed
		502	undefined instruction
		503	number to large
		504	max one segment override allowed
		505	register expected
		506	32-Bit register expected
		507	"[" expected
		508	scale factor expected (2, 4, 8)
		509	index already defined
		510	Carriage Return expected
		511	Operand missing
		512	Undefined operand size
		513	string expected
		514	Object Type not supported
		515	Instruction not supported on target
		516	no target specified
		517	access to non-local variables not allowed in exported inlined procedure
		518	inlined procedure: procedure activation frame does not exist

		Analyzer Warnings

		900	never used
		901	never set
		902	used before set
		903	set but never used
		904	used as varpar, possibly not set
		905	also declared in outer scope
		906	access/assignment to intermediate
		907	redefinition
		908	new definition
		909	statement after RETURN/EXIT
		910	for loop variable set
		911	implied type guard in record assignment
		912	call might depend on evaluation sequence of params
		913	parameter never used

ColorSystem = {
	RGB = {
		AliceBlue	  0.941	  0.973	  1.000	
		AntiqueWhite	  0.980	  0.922	  0.843	
		Aquamarine	  0.498	  1.000	  0.831	
		Azure	  0.941	  1.000	  1.000	
		Beige	  0.961	  0.961	  0.863	
		Bisque	  1.000	  0.894	  0.769	
		Black	  0.000	  0.000	  0.000	
		BlanchedAlmond	  1.000	  0.922	  0.804	
		Blue	  0.000	  0.000	  1.000	
		BlueViolet	  0.541	  0.169	  0.886	
		Brown	  0.647	  0.165	  0.165	
		Burlywood	  0.871	  0.722	  0.529	
		CadetBlue	  0.373	  0.620	  0.627	
		CadetBlue	  0.373	  0.620	  0.627	
		Chartreuse	  0.498	  1.000	  0.000	
		Chocolate	  0.824	  0.412	  0.118	
		Coral	  1.000	  0.498	  0.314	
		CornflowerBlue	  0.392	  0.584	  0.929	
		Cornsilk	  1.000	  0.973	  0.863	
		Cyan	  0.000	  1.000	  1.000	
		DarkBlue	  0.000	  0.000	  0.545	
		DarkCyan	  0.000	  0.545	  0.545	
		DarkGoldenrod	  0.722	  0.525	  0.043	
		DarkGreen	  0.000	  0.392	  0.000	
		DarkGrey	  0.663	  0.663	  0.663	
		DarkKhaki	  0.741	  0.718	  0.420	
		DarkMagenta	  0.545	  0.000	  0.545	
		DarkOliveGreen	  0.333	  0.420	  0.184	
		DarkOrange	  1.000	  0.549	  0.000	
		DarkOrchid	  0.600	  0.196	  0.800	
		DarkRed	  0.545	  0.000	  0.000	
		DarkSalmon	  0.914	  0.588	  0.478	
		DarkSeaGreen	  0.561	  0.737	  0.561	
		DarkSlateBlue	  0.282	  0.239	  0.545	
		DarkSlateGrey	  0.184	  0.310	  0.310	
		DarkTurquoise	  0.000	  0.808	  0.820	
		DarkViolet	  0.580	  0.000	  0.827	
		DeepPink	  1.000	  0.078	  0.576	
		DeepSkyBlue	  0.000	  0.749	  1.000	
		DimGrey	  0.412	  0.412	  0.412	
		DodgerBlue	  0.118	  0.565	  1.000	
		Firebrick	  0.698	  0.133	  0.133	
		FloralWhite	  1.000	  0.980	  0.941	
		ForestGreen	  0.133	  0.545	  0.133	
		Gainsboro	  0.863	  0.863	  0.863	
		GhostWhite	  0.973	  0.973	  1.000	
		Gold	  1.000	  0.843	  0.000	
		Goldenrod	  0.855	  0.647	  0.125	
		Green	  0.000	  1.000	  0.000	
		GreenYellow	  0.678	  1.000	  0.184	
		Grey	  0.745	  0.745	  0.745	
		Honeydew	  0.941	  1.000	  0.941	
		HotPink	  1.000	  0.412	  0.706	
		IndianRed	  0.804	  0.361	  0.361	
		Ivory	  1.000	  1.000	  0.941	
		Khaki	  0.941	  0.902	  0.549	
		Lavender	  0.902	  0.902	  0.980	
		LavenderBlush	  1.000	  0.941	  0.961	
		LawnGreen	  0.486	  0.988	  0.000	
		LemonChiffon	  1.000	  0.980	  0.804	
		LightBlue	  0.678	  0.847	  0.902	
		LightCoral	  0.941	  0.502	  0.502	
		LightCyan	  0.878	  1.000	  1.000	
		LightGoldenrod	  0.933	  0.867	  0.510	
		LightGoldenrodYellow	  0.980	  0.980	  0.824	
		LightGreen	  0.565	  0.933	  0.565	
		LightGrey	  0.827	  0.827	  0.827	
		LightPink	  1.000	  0.714	  0.757	
		LightSalmon	  1.000	  0.627	  0.478	
		LightSeaGreen	  0.125	  0.698	  0.667	
		LightSkyBlue	  0.529	  0.808	  0.980	
		LightSlateBlue	  0.518	  0.439	  1.000	
		LightSlateGrey	  0.467	  0.533	  0.600	
		LightSteelBlue	  0.690	  0.769	  0.871	
		LightYellow	  1.000	  1.000	  0.878	
		LimeGreen	  0.196	  0.804	  0.196	
		Linen	  0.980	  0.941	  0.902	
		Magenta	  1.000	  0.000	  1.000	
		Maroon	  0.690	  0.188	  0.376	
		MediumAquamarine	  0.400	  0.804	  0.667	
		MediumBlue	  0.000	  0.000	  0.804	
		MediumOrchid	  0.729	  0.333	  0.827	
		MediumPurple	  0.576	  0.439	  0.859	
		MediumSeaGreen	  0.235	  0.702	  0.443	
		MediumSlateBlue	  0.482	  0.408	  0.933	
		MediumSpringGreen	  0.000	  0.980	  0.604	
		MediumTurquoise	  0.282	  0.820	  0.800	
		MediumVioletRed	  0.780	  0.082	  0.522	
		MidnightBlue	  0.098	  0.098	  0.439	
		MintCream	  0.961	  1.000	  0.980	
		MistyRose	  1.000	  0.894	  0.882	
		Moccasin	  1.000	  0.894	  0.710	
		NavajoWhite	  1.000	  0.871	  0.678	
		NavyBlue	  0.000	  0.000	  0.502	
		OldLace	  0.992	  0.961	  0.902	
		OliveDrab	  0.420	  0.557	  0.137	
		Orange	  1.000	  0.647	  0.000	
		OrangeRed	  1.000	  0.271	  0.000	
		Orchid	  0.855	  0.439	  0.839	
		PaleGoldenrod	  0.933	  0.910	  0.667	
		PaleGreen	  0.596	  0.984	  0.596	
		PaleTurquoise	  0.686	  0.933	  0.933	
		PaleVioletRed	  0.859	  0.439	  0.576	
		PapayaWhip	  1.000	  0.937	  0.835	
		PeachPuff	  1.000	  0.855	  0.725	
		Peru	  0.804	  0.522	  0.247	
		Pink	  1.000	  0.753	  0.796	
		Plum	  0.867	  0.627	  0.867	
		PowderBlue	  0.690	  0.878	  0.902	
		Purple	  0.627	  0.125	  0.941	
		Red	  1.000	  0.000	  0.000	
		RosyBrown	  0.737	  0.561	  0.561	
		RoyalBlue	  0.255	  0.412	  0.882	
		SaddleBrown	  0.545	  0.271	  0.075	
		Salmon	  0.980	  0.502	  0.447	
		SandyBrown	  0.957	  0.643	  0.376	
		SeaGreen	  0.180	  0.545	  0.341	
		Seashell	  1.000	  0.961	  0.933	
		Sienna	  0.627	  0.322	  0.176	
		SkyBlue	  0.529	  0.808	  0.922	
		SlateBlue	  0.416	  0.353	  0.804	
		SlateGrey	  0.439	  0.502	  0.565	
		Snow	  1.000	  0.980	  0.980	
		SpringGreen	  0.000	  1.000	  0.498	
		SteelBlue	  0.275	  0.510	  0.706	
		Tan	  0.824	  0.706	  0.549	
		Thistle	  0.847	  0.749	  0.847	
		Tomato	  1.000	  0.388	  0.278	
		Turquoise	  0.251	  0.878	  0.816	
		Violet	  0.933	  0.510	  0.933	
		VioletRed	  0.816	  0.125	  0.565	
		Wheat	  0.961	  0.871	  0.702	
		White	  1.000	  1.000	  1.000	
		WhiteSmoke	  0.961	  0.961	  0.961	
		Yellow	  1.000	  1.000	  0.000	
		YellowGreen	  0.604	  0.804	  0.196	
		Grey0	  0.000	  0.000	  0.000	
		Grey1	  0.012	  0.012	  0.012	
		Grey2	  0.020	  0.020	  0.020	
		Grey3	  0.031	  0.031	  0.031	
		Grey4	  0.039	  0.039	  0.039	
		Grey5	  0.051	  0.051	  0.051	
		Grey6	  0.059	  0.059	  0.059	
		Grey7	  0.071	  0.071	  0.071	
		Grey8	  0.078	  0.078	  0.078	
		Grey9	  0.090	  0.090	  0.090	
		Grey10	  0.102	  0.102	  0.102	
		Grey11	  0.110	  0.110	  0.110	
		Grey12	  0.122	  0.122	  0.122	
		Grey13	  0.129	  0.129	  0.129	
		Grey14	  0.141	  0.141	  0.141	
		Grey15	  0.149	  0.149	  0.149	
		Grey16	  0.161	  0.161	  0.161	
		Grey17	  0.169	  0.169	  0.169	
		Grey18	  0.180	  0.180	  0.180	
		Grey19	  0.188	  0.188	  0.188	
		Grey20	  0.200	  0.200	  0.200	
		Grey21	  0.212	  0.212	  0.212	
		Grey22	  0.220	  0.220	  0.220	
		Grey23	  0.231	  0.231	  0.231	
		Grey24	  0.239	  0.239	  0.239	
		Grey25	  0.251	  0.251	  0.251	
		Grey26	  0.259	  0.259	  0.259	
		Grey27	  0.271	  0.271	  0.271	
		Grey28	  0.278	  0.278	  0.278	
		Grey29	  0.290	  0.290	  0.290	
		Grey30	  0.302	  0.302	  0.302	
		Grey31	  0.310	  0.310	  0.310	
		Grey32	  0.322	  0.322	  0.322	
		Grey33	  0.329	  0.329	  0.329	
		Grey34	  0.341	  0.341	  0.341	
		Grey35	  0.349	  0.349	  0.349	
		Grey36	  0.361	  0.361	  0.361	
		Grey37	  0.369	  0.369	  0.369	
		Grey38	  0.380	  0.380	  0.380	
		Grey39	  0.388	  0.388	  0.388	
		Grey40	  0.400	  0.400	  0.400	
		Grey41	  0.412	  0.412	  0.412	
		Grey42	  0.420	  0.420	  0.420	
		Grey43	  0.431	  0.431	  0.431	
		Grey44	  0.439	  0.439	  0.439	
		Grey45	  0.451	  0.451	  0.451	
		Grey46	  0.459	  0.459	  0.459	
		Grey47	  0.471	  0.471	  0.471	
		Grey48	  0.478	  0.478	  0.478	
		Grey49	  0.490	  0.490	  0.490	
		Grey50	  0.498	  0.498	  0.498	
		Grey51	  0.510	  0.510	  0.510	
		Grey52	  0.522	  0.522	  0.522	
		Grey53	  0.529	  0.529	  0.529	
		Grey54	  0.541	  0.541	  0.541	
		Grey55	  0.549	  0.549	  0.549	
		Grey56	  0.561	  0.561	  0.561	
		Grey57	  0.569	  0.569	  0.569	
		Grey58	  0.580	  0.580	  0.580	
		Grey59	  0.588	  0.588	  0.588	
		Grey60	  0.600	  0.600	  0.600	
		Grey61	  0.612	  0.612	  0.612	
		Grey62	  0.620	  0.620	  0.620	
		Grey63	  0.631	  0.631	  0.631	
		Grey64	  0.639	  0.639	  0.639	
		Grey65	  0.651	  0.651	  0.651	
		Grey66	  0.659	  0.659	  0.659	
		Grey67	  0.671	  0.671	  0.671	
		Grey68	  0.678	  0.678	  0.678	
		Grey69	  0.690	  0.690	  0.690	
		Grey70	  0.702	  0.702	  0.702	
		Grey71	  0.710	  0.710	  0.710	
		Grey72	  0.722	  0.722	  0.722	
		Grey73	  0.729	  0.729	  0.729	
		Grey74	  0.741	  0.741	  0.741	
		Grey75	  0.749	  0.749	  0.749	
		Grey76	  0.761	  0.761	  0.761	
		Grey77	  0.769	  0.769	  0.769	
		Grey78	  0.780	  0.780	  0.780	
		Grey79	  0.788	  0.788	  0.788	
		Grey80	  0.800	  0.800	  0.800	
		Grey81	  0.812	  0.812	  0.812	
		Grey82	  0.820	  0.820	  0.820	
		Grey83	  0.831	  0.831	  0.831	
		Grey84	  0.839	  0.839	  0.839	
		Grey85	  0.851	  0.851	  0.851	
		Grey86	  0.859	  0.859	  0.859	
		Grey87	  0.871	  0.871	  0.871	
		Grey88	  0.878	  0.878	  0.878	
		Grey89	  0.890	  0.890	  0.890	
		Grey90	  0.898	  0.898	  0.898	
		Grey91	  0.910	  0.910	  0.910	
		Grey92	  0.922	  0.922	  0.922	
		Grey93	  0.929	  0.929	  0.929	
		Grey94	  0.941	  0.941	  0.941	
		Grey95	  0.949	  0.949	  0.949	
		Grey96	  0.961	  0.961	  0.961	
		Grey97	  0.969	  0.969	  0.969	
		Grey98	  0.980	  0.980	  0.980	
		Grey99	  0.988	  0.988	  0.988	
		Grey100	  1.000	  1.000	  1.000	

Leonardo = {
	Rectangle = LeoBasicEditors.NewRect
	Stroker = LeoPenEditors.NewStroker
	Filler = LeoPenEditors.NewFiller
	Dasher = LeoPenEditors.NewDasher
	Forker = LeoPenEditors.NewForker
	Outliner = LeoPenEditors.NewOutliner
	Arrow = LeoPenEditors.NewArrow
	Caption = LeoCaptionEditors.New
	Point = LeoPathEditors.NewPoint
	Curve = LeoPathEditors.NewCurve
	Group = LeoBasicEditors.NewGroup
	Ellipse = LeoBasicEditors.NewEllipse
	Spline = LeoPathEditors.NewSegment
	LeoPaths.NewPoint = LeoPathEditors.NewPoint
	LeoCaptions.New = LeoCaptionEditors.New
	Description = VinciEditors.New
	Image = LeoImageEditors.New
	Path = LeoPathEditors.NewPath
	Polyline = LeoPathEditors.NewSegment
	Arc = LeoPathEditors.NewArc
	Bezier = LeoPathEditors.NewSegment
	LeoBasic.NewLink = LeoBasicEditors.NewLink

Gadgets = {
	Hardlook = No
	FixedDocs = No	{* should desktop documents have a fixed height *}
	Aliases = {
		Boolean = BasicGadgets.NewBoolean
		Integer = BasicGadgets.NewInteger
		String = BasicGadgets.NewString
		Real = BasicGadgets.NewReal
		Complex = Complex.New
		Text = Texts.New
		Picture = Pictures.NewPicture
		Button = BasicGadgets.NewButton
		CheckBox = BasicGadgets.NewCheckBox
		Slider = BasicGadgets.NewSlider
		TextField = TextFields.NewTextField
		View = Views.NewView
		Icon = Icons.NewIcon
		Iconizer = Icons.NewIconizer
		List = Lists.NewList
		ColorPicker = ColorTools.NewColorPicker
		Panel = Panels.NewPanel
		NamePlate = NamePlates.NewNamePlate
		TextGadget = TextGadgets.New
		TextNote = TextGadgets.NewNote
		TextHyperlink = TextGadgets.NewControl
		TextStyle = TextGadgets.NewStyleProc
		Caption = TextFields.NewCaption
		Navigator = Navigators.NewNavigator
		NoteBook = NoteBooks.New
		ColorWell = ColorWells.NewColorWell
		Clock = Clocks.NewClock
		DigitalClock = Clocks.NewDigiClock
		Calendar = Clocks.NewCalendar
		Organizer = Organizers.NewPanel
		Sisiphus = Sisiphus.New
		Outline = Outlines.New
		PanelDoc = PanelDocs.NewDoc
		TextDoc = TextDocs.NewDoc
		RembrandtDoc = RembrandtDocs.NewDoc
		RembrandtFrame = Rembrandt.New
		LogDoc = TextDocs.NewLog
		CurrentDirectory = Directories.NewDrv
		Directory = Directories.New
		DirectoryView = Directories.NewDirList
		CurrentLoad = Gages.NewLoad
		EventTimer = Gages.NewLap
		Scope = Gages.NewFrame
		MemoryUsed = Gages.NewMem
		Histogram = Histogram.NewFrame

		TimeStamp = TimeStamps.New
		Finder = Finder.NewFrame
		Line = BasicFigures.NewLine
		Circle = BasicFigures.NewCircle
		Rectangle = BasicFigures.NewRect
		Spline = BasicFigures.NewSpline

		Rectangle3D = BasicFigures.NewRect3D
		ScrollView = ScrollViews.NewView
		Reference = RefGadgets.NewReference
		RefFrame = RefGadgets.NewFrame
		Set = SetGadgets.NewSet
		SetFrame = SetGadgets.NewFrame

		ProgressMeter = ProgressMeters.NewFrame
		Columbus = Columbus.NewDoc
		Scrollbar = Scrollbars.New
		ListGadget = ListGadgets.NewFrame
		ListModel = ListModels.NewList
		Tree = ListModels.NewTree
		Dag = ListDags.New
		CDTracks = AudioGadgets.NewTrack
		LCD = AudioGadgets.NewLCD
	Documents = {
		html = HTMLDocs.NewDoc
		htm = HTMLDocs.NewDoc
		gif = ImageDocs.NewDoc
		jpg = ImageDocs.NewDoc
		xbm = RembrandtDocs.NewDoc
		bmp = ImageDocs.NewDoc
		pcx = RembrandtDocs.NewDoc
		ico = RembrandtDocs.NewDoc
		tga = RembrandtDocs.NewDoc
		iff = RembrandtDocs.NewDoc
		xpm = RembrandtDocs.NewDoc
		pbm = RembrandtDocs.NewDoc
		pgm = RembrandtDocs.NewDoc
		ppm = RembrandtDocs.NewDoc
		zip = ZipDocs.NewDoc
		Arc = Compress.NewDoc
		Pict = RembrandtDocs.NewDoc
		Graph = LeoDraw.NewDoc
		Fig = Leonardo.NewDoc
		Lib = Columbus.NewDoc
		tar = Tar.NewDoc
		dvi = DVIDocs.NewDoc
		psd = RembrandtDocs.NewDoc
	DocumentServices = {
		file = HyperDocs.NewDoc
		http = HTTPDocs.NewDoc
		ftp = FTPDocs.NewDoc
		mailto = Mail.NewDoc
		mailserver = Mail.NewDoc
		finger = Finger.NewDoc
		news = News.NewDoc
		nntp = News.NewDoc
		gopher = Gopher.NewDoc
		telnet = TelnetGadgets.NewDoc
		explore = FATDocs.NewDoc
	FinderTemplates = {
		Gadgets.Panel = "Gadgets.Panel"
		Libraries.Panel = "Libraries.Panel"
		Columbus = "(Columbus.NewDoc)"
		Watson = "Watson.Panel"
		TextDocs.Panel = "TextDocs.Panel"
		Documents.Panel = "Documents.Panel"
		Rembrandt = "Rembrandt.Panel"
		Leonardo = "Leonardo.Panel"
		"New Text" = "(TextDocs.NewDoc)"
		"New Panel" = "(PanelDocs.NewDoc)"
		"New Log" = "(TextDocs.NewLog)"
		System3.Tool = "System3.Tool"

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