< A-level Physics

This A-level physics book is designed to follow the OCR GCE Physics A specification. For the OCR B 'Advancing Physics' specification, see A-level Physics (Advancing Physics). You can use this book as a revision guide, or as another explanation of concepts that you may not fully understand.

Before you begin this course, it is recommended that you understand some of the basic concepts covered in GCSE Science, and have an understanding of the SI unit system (Appendix A).

If you find any mistakes, errors, broken links, or if you are able to make the content easier to understand, please do not hesitate to edit and expand on existing content.

New Specification Modules

The new specification contains the following modules. This course is split into 6 units. There are 4 exams and 2 practical assessments which are counted as coursework. The AS and A2 modules add up to make the course. AS makes up 50% of the course and A2 makes up the other 50%. Each year, candidates will be assessed on their practical skills. each practical assessment counts towards 10% of the A level and the first assessment counts towards 20% of the AS grade.

AS Modules

A2 New Specification Modules

Old Specification Modules

The old syllabus for Physics A had the following modules:

AS Modules

A2 Core Modules

  • Forces, Fields and Energy
  • Unifying Concepts in Physics

A2 Option Modules

You are only required to complete one of the optional modules.

In both AS and A2, practical modules have to be completed, consisting of qualitative, quantitative and evaluative sections. At A2 level, in the second year of study, you must take the two core A2 modules along with one of the option modules.


Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C


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