See Also
Evidence Based Practice
- Cochrane
- Directory of open access journals 23 nursing titles
further reading
Essentials of critical care nursing 2009
Anatomy and Physiology for nurses 2001 McGraw Hill
Havard's Nursing Guide to Drugs - Tiziani 2010 epub only
Joanna Briggs Institute for Nursing Research
Australian Nursing Midwifery Board
Nursing Manifesto
Amnesty International Nurses and Huamn Rights
Humanistic Nursing by Josephine G. Paterson and Loretta T. Zderad 1972
United States Army Handbook of Nursing 1970
Essentials of psychiatric nursing 2010
Human Anatomy 6thEd Van De Graaf
Care, culture, and education nursing students' perceptions of care and culture: implications for practice (2010)dissertation paper
veteran reading
Procedures in nursing : preliminary and advanced 1923 McCrae
Modern Methods in Nursing 1922
Texbook of Surgical Nursing 1921 Ralph & Manelva
Principles of surgical nursing: A Guide to Modern Surgical Technic 1918 Wanhuis
Genrwal Nursing 1917 Luckes
Elementary nursing procedures for training schools for nurses 1915 California Bureau
Practical nursing; a text-book for nurses 1914 Maxwell & Pope
Outlines of general and surgical nursing 1912 Lindsay
Notes on Nursing by Florence Nightingale (1880)
Diary of a Nursing Sister on the Western Front 1914-1915
The White Linen Nurse by Eleanor Hallowell Abbott (fiction 1913)
A text-book of nursing 1902 Week-Shaw
Our army nurses. American civil war nurses (1895)
Surgical Nursing 1899 Voswinkel
The Nursing sister : a manual for candidates and novices of hospital communities 1899
Manual of Nursing 1898 Cullingworth
Practical points in nursing for nurses in private practice 1897 Stoney
Nursing: its principles and practice. For hospital and private use 1893 Robb
Lectures on Medical Nursing: Delivered in the Royal Infirmary, Glasgow 1883