< Niw Englisc < Grammar
Each preposition governs one or more cases of noun, which determine the definite article and adjective forms, and inflections of the nouns.
- andlang alongside
- for because of
- ȝonseids on that side of
- innen inside of
- onstaal instead of
- þisseids on this side of
- uten outside of
- Wiȝ sind for þes Wedders læt We're late because of the weather
- Scie is ȝonseids þer Burg She's on that side of the city.
- Wiȝ treddeden andlang þes Streames We walked along the stream.
- Ic sawe Mockingjay onstaal þes Filmes The Shadow. I saw Mockingjay instead of the movie The Shadow.
- buten: except; free from
- fram: from, by (passive agent)
- mid: together with, with, among
- It warþ fram meiner Swester geslagen it was hit by my sister
- Hje sind fram Frankland they are from France
- Ic em mid meiner Moder I am together with my mother
- ȝond throughout, during
- oþ up to, till, as far as, until
- þurh through; by (passive agent)
- um around, about
- ȝond þie Wuke during the week
- um mein Huus around my house
- um 7 Uhr about seven o'clock
- Wiȝ bleifeþ oþ þen Æfen We're staying till the evening.
- Þein Auto was þurh mein Auto geslagen your car was hit by my car.
- betwix: between
- buten: outside of
- in: w.d. in; w.a. in, inside, into
- ofer
- on: w.d.a. on
- under: w.d.a. under
- wiþ: w.d. against (opposition); from (separation); w.a. with, at; w.d.a. beside, opposite, near;
- ic fehte wiþ him I'm fighting against him
- þu gæst wiþ þeines Bruders Huus you're going from your brother's house
- Ga wiþ þat Auto and beleife. Go beside that car and wait.
- he stændeþ buten þem Huus. Ic ga buten þat Huus. He's standing outside of the house. I'm going out of the house.
- Laak ofer þen Hund! Leap over the dog!
- Meine Bok is underm Beod. My book is under the table.
Like German, some prepositions merge with the definite article to form an abbreviated form. The most common are:
- in þem -> im
- on þem -> om
- in þat -> int
- on þat -> ont
- innen þes -> innens
- Hje gingen innens Huuses they went inside the house
- Ic em im Auto I'm in the car
- Mein Katte is om Bedd My cat is on the bed
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