< Neurology and Neurosurgery

General Apraxia

Apraxia is the partial or complete loss of one's ability to perform deliberate movements. This results from cortical lesions where there is no paralysis or loss of sensory functioning.

Akinetic Apraxia

Apraxia characterized by the inability to perform spontaneous movements.

Amnesic Apraxia

Also known as amnestic apraxia, is apraxia which is characterised by an inability to carry out sequence(s) of movement upon request. Generally, the cause for this is deteriorated memory.

Buccofacial Apraxia

Apraxia characterised by an inability to carry out voluntary movements involving the face, mouth and tongue.

Constructional Apraxia

Apraxia characterised by a deficit in the ability to draw or assemble objects. This form of apraxia is caused by lesions in the right hemisphere, usually on the right parietal lobe.

Ideational Apraxia

Apraxia characterised by the improper use of objects caused by an inability to identify them correctly or to conceptualize their appropriate functions.

Ideokinetic Apraxia

Apraxia which is characterised by an inability to carry out a series of ordered movements. The patient is usually able to carry out individual orders, but is confused by a sequence of orders.

Ideomotor Apraxia

Apraxia characterised by the inability to execute a single, complex movement properly. The patient performs inappropriate movements in the course of action.

Left Parietal Apraxia

This is apraxia caused by damage to the posterior lobe of the left hemisphere.'

Motor Apraxia

Apraxia involving the inability to carry out planned acts.

Ocular Apraxia

Apraxia characterised by an inability to maintain fixation. With Ocular Apraxia, the patient's eyes wander back and forth between objects.

References Reber, A.S; Reber, E. "The Penguin Dictionary of Psychology", 3rd Edition. 2001.

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