The 3 main categories of science
10 basic scientific statements
1. The world is made of matter, energy and information. The first two can show many different forms and structures, described as information.
2. The world is ruled by four physical forces: The weak and strong force in atoms, the electromagnetic force and gravitation. These forces can act on objects, although there must not be a direct physical contact between them.
3. Atoms are the smallest parts of mater, which still have distinct chemical properties. Atoms can be further divided into elementary particles. There are more than 90 different sorts of atoms (elements), which can join together to a variety of different molecules. The smallest parts of radiation are so called photons. They also have a wave character.
4. The world has gone through a long history, which lasted more than 10 billion years. This development followed strict scientific laws. Sun and earth are also very old. The sun produces lots of energy by nuclear fusion and delivers part of that energy in a billion years old stream of sunlight to the earth.
5. The start of life on earth is a rather seldom cosmic incident in an surrounding that is not favourable for life in a huge and quite empty universe. The existence of extraterrestrial life is possible, but there is no proof for it yet.
6. The development of life has been a natural process without an aim. The first forms of life wher preceded by a chemical evolution of self organizing and copying molecules. Out of them multiplying units emerged. These units joined to bigger cellcolonies and more complicated organisms. Mankind is also a product of this development. But, there is no true scientific way to explain the complexity of the beginning of life.
7. The plan for each form of life is found in its genes. The biological evolution partly follows the laws of randomness ( mutation, variation, recombination), partly it follows not random rules (selection). Biological evolution shows a trend to develop more sophisticated structures and organisms. But biological evolution did not follow a plan or did have no aim.
8. The human brain and the human mind are instruments of survival for us. They allow it, to drive the right conclusions about our environment and ourselves. But the human senses can fail. Man can make mistakes.
9. Everything in the world happens in a natural way. Science was very successful to look at any supernatural explanation very critical. In doubt the supernatural explanation is rejected and a natural solution is searched for.
10. Every human being must die. The active mind and the active soul of every man and woman are mortal. They die latest when their body dies. The whole life on erath is mortal and will die latest when the sun will burn out.
These basic statements cannot be proofed more or less well. Mostly they are still in scientific discussion. -