< Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter
This is a topical index to the Muggles' Guide. You can improve the Muggles' Guide by indexing more topics. A list of all modules in this wikibook can be found here.
- 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey
- Privet Drive
- 12 Grimmauld Place
- Order of the Phoenix/Chapter 4
- Half-Blood Prince/Chapter 3
- Grimmauld Place
- Accio
- Accio
- Abbott, Hannah
- Hannah Abbott
- Abercrombie, Euan
- Euan Abercrombie
- Acromantula
- Acromantula
- Aguamenti
- Aguamenti
- Alohomora
- Alohomora
- Apparition, Apparition
- Apparition
- Avada Kedavra
- Avada Kedavra
- Avis
- Avis
- Azkaban Prison
- Azkaban
- Bagman, Ludo
- Ludovic Bagman
- Bane
- Bane
- Basilisk
- Basilisk
- Bezoar
- Bezoar
- Bell, Katie
- Katie Bell
- Billywig
- Billywig
- Binns, Professor
- Professor Binns
- Black, Regulus
- Regulus Black
- Black, Sirius
- Sirius Black
- Blood-Sucking Bugbear
- Blood-Sucking Bugbear
- Bloody Baron, The
- The Bloody Baron
- Bode, Broderick
- Broderick Bode
- Boggart
- Boggart
- Bole
- Bole
- Bones, Amelia
- Amelia Bones
- Bones, Susan
- Susan Bones
- Boot, Terry
- Terry Boot
- Borgin and Burkes
- Borgin and Burkes
- Bowtruckle
- Bowtruckle
- Brown, Lavender
- Lavender Brown
- Bubotuber
- Bubotuber
- Buckbeak
- Buckbeak
- Bullstrode, Millicent
- Millicent Bullstrode
- Burrow, The
- The Burrow
- Cadogan, Sir
- Sir Cadogan
- Canary Cream
- Canary Cream
- Centaur
- Centaur
- Chamber of Secrets
- Chamber of Secrets
- Chang, Cho
- Cho Chang
- Confringo
- Confringo
- Confundo / Confundus charm
- Confundo
- Conjunctivitus curse
- Conjunctivitus
- Corner, Michael
- Michael Corner
- Crabbe, Vincent
- Vincent Crabbe
- Creevey, Colin
- Colin Creevey
- Creevey, Dennis
- Dennis Creevey
- Crookshanks
- Crookshanks
- Crouch, Barty Jr.
- Barty Crouch Jr.
- Cruciatus
- Crucio
- Crumple Horned Snorkack
- Crumple Horned Snorkack
- Dark Mark
- Dark Mark
- Davies, Roger
- Roger Davies
- Dawlish
- Dawlish
- Defense Against the Dark Arts
- Half-Blood Prince/Chapter 9
- Delacour, Fleur
- Fleur Delacour
- Deluminator
- Deluminator
- Dementor
- Dementor
- Demiguise
- Demiguise
- Derrick
- Derrick
- Diagon Alley
- Diagon Alley
- Diffindo
- Diffindo
- Diggory, Amos
- Amos Diggory
- Diggory, Cedric
- Cedric Diggory
- Dippet, Armando
- Armando Dippet
- Diricawl
- Diricawl
- Disapparate
- see Apparition
- Disappearing Cabinets
- Disappearing Cabinets
- Disillusionment
- Disillusionment
- Dittany
- Dittany
- Divination
- Divination
- Dobby
- Dobby
- Dolohov, Antonin
- Antonin Dolohov
- Doxy
- Doxy
- Dragon
- Dragon
- Dumbledore, Aberforth
- Aberforth Dumbledore
- Dumbledore, Albus
- Albus Dumbledore
- Dumbledore, Ariana
- Ariana Dumbledore
- Dumbledore, Kendra
- Kendra Dumbledore
- Dumbledore, Percival
- Percival Dumbledore
- Dursley, Dudley
- Dudley Dursley
- Dursley, Marge
- Marge Dursley
- Dursley, Petunia
- Petunia Dursley
- Dursley, Vernon
- Vernon Dursley
- Edgecombe, Marietta
- Marietta Edgecombe
- Enervate
- Enervate
- Episkey
- Episkey
- Erumpent
- Erumpent
- Expelliarmus
- Expelliarmus
- Expecto Patronum
- Expecto Patronum
- Extendable Ear
- Extendable Ear
- Fat Friar, The
- The Fat Friar
- Fat Lady, The
- The Fat Lady
- Ferula
- Ferula
- Fidelius Charm
- Fidelius
- Figg, Arabella
- Arabella Figg
- Filch, Argus
- Argus Filch
- Finch-Fletchley, Justin
- Justin Finch-Fletchley
- Finnigan, Seamus
- Seamus Finnigan
- Fire-call
- Fire-call
- Firenze
- Firenze
- Fletcher, Mundungus
- Mundungus Fletcher
- Flint, Marcus
- Marcus Flint
- Flitwick, Filius
- Filius Flitwick
- Floo Network
- Floo Network
- Floo Powder
- Floo Powder
- Foe Glass
- Foe Glass
- Fudge, Cornelius
- Cornelius Fudge
- Furnunculus
- Furnunculus
- Gaunt, Marvolo
- Marvolo Gaunt
- Gaunt, Merope
- Merope Gaunt
- Gaunt, Morfin
- Morfin Gaunt
- Giant
- Giant
- Goblin
- Goblin
- Godric's Hollow
- Godric's Hollow
- Goldstein, Anthony
- Anthony Goldstein
- Goyle, Gregory
- Gregory Goyle
- Granger, Hermione
- Hermione Granger
- Grawp
- Grawp
- Grim
- Grim
- Grindylow
- Grindylow
- Grubbly-Plank, Wilhelmina
- Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank
- Gryffindor, Godric
- Godric Gryffindor
- Hagrid, Rubeus
- Rubeus Hagrid
- Half-Blood
- Half-blood
- Half-Blood Prince
- Half-Blood Prince/Chapter 9
- Head Boy / Head Girl
- Head Boy
- Hedwig
- Hedwig
- Hermes
- Hermes
- Hinkypunk
- Hinkypunk
- Hippogriff
- Hippogriff
- Hog's Head Inn, The
- Hog's Head Inn
- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
- Hogwarts Express
- Hogwarts Express
- Hogsmeade
- Hogsmeade
- Hogsmeade Station
- Half-Blood Prince/Chapter 8
- Hokey
- Hokey
- Hooch, Rolanda
- Rolanda Hooch
- Hopkirk, Mafalda
- Mafalda Hopkirk
- Horcrux
- Horcrux
- House-Elf
- House Elf
- House of Gaunt
- House of Gaunt
- Honeydukes
- Honeyduke's Sweetshop
- Imperio
- Imperio
- Imperius Curse
- Muggles' Guide to Harry Potter/Magic/Imperio
- see main entry under Imperio
- Invisibility cloak
- Half-Blood Prince/Chapter 8
- Invisibility Cloak
- Johnson, Angelina
- Angelina Johnson
- Jones, Hestia
- Hestia Jones
- Jordan, Lee
- Lee Jordan
- Kreacher
- Kreacher
- Krum, Viktor
- Viktor Krum
- Legilimency
- Legilimency
- Lestrange, Bellatrix
- Bellatrix Lestrange
- Lestrange, Rabastan
- Rabastan Lestrange
- Lestrange, Rodolphus
- Rodolphus Lestrange
- Lethifold
- Lethifold
- Levicorpus
- Levicorpus
- Little Hangleton
- Little Hangleton
- Lockhart, Gilderoy
- Gilderoy Lockhart
- Longbottom, Neville
- Neville Longbottom
- Love Potion
- Love Potion
- Lovegood, Luna
- Luna Lovegood
- Lovegood, Xeno / Xenophilius
- Xenophilius Lovegood
- Lupin, Remus
- Remus Lupin
- Macdonald, Mary
- Mary Macdonald
- Macmillan, Ernie
- Ernie Macmillan
- Macnair, Walden
- Walden Macnair
- Malfoy, Draco
- Draco Malfoy
- Malfoy, Lucius
- Lucius Malfoy
- Malfoy, Narcissa
- Narcissa Malfoy
- Manticore
- Manticore
- McGonagall, Minerva
- Minerva McGonagall
- Midgeon, Eloise
- Eloise Midgeon
- Mimbulus Mimbletonia
- Mimbulus Mimbletonia
- Ministry of Magic
- Ministry of Magic
- Moaning Myrtle
- Moaning Myrtle
- Montague
- Montague
- Mosag
- see Aragog
- Mobilicorpus
- Mobilicorpus
- Montague
- Montague
- Moody, Alastor "Mad-Eye"
- Alastor Moody
- Moony
- see Remus Lupin, Marauders
- Morsmordre
- Morsmordre
- Mudblood
- Mudblood
- Muffliato
- Muffliato
- Muggle
- Muggle
- Muggle-born
- Muggle-born
- Nearly Headless Nick
- Nearly Headless Nick
- Nott, Theodore
- Theodore Nott
- Nox
- Nox
- Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey
- Privet Drive
- see main entry under 4 Privet Drive
- Number 12 Grimmauld Place
- Grimmauld Place
- see main entry under 12 Grimmauld Place
- Obliviate
- Obliviate
- Occlumency
- Occlumency
- Office of Detection and Confiscation of Counterfeit Defensive Spells and Protective Objects
- Half-Blood Prince/Chapter 5
- Ollivander
- Ollivander
- Omnioculars
- Omnioculars
- Orchideous
- Orchideous
- Padfoot
- see Sirius Black, Marauders
- Parkinson, Pansy
- Pansy Parkinson
- Parselmouth
- Parselmouth
- Parseltongue
- Parseltongue
- Patil, Padma
- Padma Patil
- Patil, Parvati
- Parvati Patil
- Peeves
- Peeves
- Pensieve
- Pensieve
- Petrificus Totalis
- Petrificus Totalus
- Pettigrew, Peter
- Peter Pettigrew
- Pigwidgeon
- Pigwidgeon
- Pince, Irma
- Irma Pince
- Podmore, Sturgis
- Sturgis Podmore
- Polyjuice Potion
- Polyjuice Potion
- Pomfrey, Poppy
- Poppy Pomfrey
- Portkey
- Portkey
- Portus
- Portus
- Potter, Harry
- Harry Potter
- Potter, James
- James Potter
- Potter, Lily
- Lily Potter
- Prang, Ernie
- Ernie Prang
- Prefect
- Prefects
- Prongs
- see James Potter, Marauders
- Pureblood
- Pureblood
- Put-Outer
- Deluminator
- Quidditch
- Quidditch
- Quidditch captain
- Quidditch captain
- Quidditch World Cup
- Quidditch World Cup
- Quirrell, Professor
- Professor Quirrell
- Ravenclaw, Rowena
- Rowena Ravenclaw
- Red Cap
- Red Cap
- Renervate
- Renervate
- Riddle, Tom
- Tom Riddle
- Riddle Manor, Little Hangleton
- Riddle Manor
- Robards, Gawain
- Gawain Robards
- Rookwood, Augustus
- Augustus Rookwood
- Room of Requirement
- Room of Requirement
- Scabbers
- Scabbers
- Scourgify
- Scourgify
- Scrimgeour, Rufus
- Rufus Scrimgeour
- Sectumsempra
- Sectumsempra
- Serpensortia
- Serpensortia
- Shacklebolt, Kingsley
- Kingsley Shacklebolt
- Shrieking Shack
- Shrieking Shack
- Shunpike, Stan
- Stan Shunpike
- Sinistra, Professor
- Professor Sinistra
- Sir Cadogan
- Sir Cadogan
- Skeeter, Rita
- Rita Skeeter
- Skrewt
- Skrewt
- Slughorn, Horace
- Half-Blood Prince/Chapter 4
- Half-Blood Prince/Chapter 7
- Half-Blood Prince/Chapter 8
- Horace Slughorn
- Slytherin, Salazar
- Salazar Slytherin
- Smith, Zacharias
- Zacharias Smith
- Snape, Severus
- Severus Snape
- Sorting Hat, The
- Sorting Hat
- Spinner's End
- Half-Blood Prince/Chapter 2
- Spinnet, Alicia
- Alicia Spinnet
- Splinch
- see Apparition
- Sprout, Pomona
- Pomona Sprout
- Squib
- Squib
- Strout, Miriam
- Miriam Strout
- Thomas, Dean
- Dean Thomas
- Time-Turner
- Time-Turner
- Ton-Tongue Toffee
- Ton-Tongue Toffee
- Tonks, Ted
- Ted Tonks
- Tonks, Nymphadora
- Half-Blood Prince/Chapter 7
- Nymphadora Tonks
- Transfiguration
- Transfiguration
- Trelawney, Sybill (or Sibyll)
- Sybill Trelawney
- Turpin, Lisa
- Lisa Turpin
- Twycross, Wilkie
- Wilkie Twycross
- Umbridge, Dolores
- Dolores Umbridge
- Vampire
- Vampire
- Vanishing Cabinets
- see Disappearing Cabinets
- Vector, Professor
- Professor Vector
- Veela
- Veela
- Venemous Tentacula
- see Venomous Tentacula
- Venomous Tentacula
- Venomous Tentacula
- Voldemort, Lord
- Lord Voldemort
- Waddiwasi
- Waddiwasi
- Wand
- Wand
- Warrington
- Warrington
- Weasley, Arthur
- Arthur Weasley
- Weasley, Bill
- Bill Weasley
- Weasley, Charlie
- Charlie Weasley
- Weasley, Fred
- Fred Weasley
- Weasley, George
- George Weasley
- Weasley, Ginny
- Ginny Weasley
- Weasley, Molly
- Molly Weasley
- Weasley, Percy
- Percy Weasley
- Weasley, Ron
- Ron Weasley
- Werewolf
- Werewolf
- Wingardium Leviosa
- Wingardium Leviosa
- Winky
- Winky
- Witherwings
- Witherwings
- Wood, Oliver
- Oliver Wood
- Wormtail
- see Peter Pettigrew, Marauders
- Zabini, Blaise
- Blaise Zabini
- Zeller, Rose
- Rose Zeller
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