General film websites
Film Academy Specialises in Film Business
East End Film Society A London filmmaking club.
The New Black UK Black Film Distribution & Exhibition Network
Talentcircle.co.uk World's leading resource and film community with more than 40,000 members working in independent film.
UKfilm.org Advice, Discussion, News, Comment and Events Calendar for the UK film maker
The Clapperboard A guide to independent film making.
Film Academy TV Online Movie Channel
PDInfo.com Has information on music and songs in the public domain.
BBC Film Network Streaming shorts, info on filmmaking, articles etc
Mandy.com Film and TV production directory.
UKscreen.com Film makers, actors and Musician directory. There are over 30000 members, mainly from the UK. Also broadcast short films and music.
The New Producers Alliance This is a UK-based organisation.
Raindance The UK response to Sundance has become a film festival, a centre for film courses and a resource for filmmakers.
Making the Movie Blog Contains a diary of independent feature film "Rain in the Mountains" plus helpful movie-making tips and reviews of movie-making websites.
Rain in the Mountains Contains the post-production diary of the independent feature film "Rain in the Mountains."
SimplyScripts Database of movie scripts and screenplays to popular, mainstream movies. Resource for screenwriters.
Skillset Film A one stop shop for all information on getting in and getting on in film careers.
Trigger Street Trigger Street is a collection of scripts and shorts online. Members rate each other's films and scripts and give one another feedback. Set up by Kevin Spacey.
Wikiversity's film department has a free class on basic filmmaking. Though still under construction, lessons are now available for script formatting and creating thumbnail storyboards for the short movie called Seduced by the Dark Side!.
Wikiversity' music department has a free class in film scoring for non-musicians (such as filmmakers.)
Blogs (news, views & film making techniques)
Forums and mailing lists
The Cinematography Mailing List (aka CML) An excellent mailing list for discussing all-things-cinematography. Frequented by high-end DPs. Very high quality responses.
UKfilm.org Advice, Discussion, News, Comment and Events Calendar for the UK film maker
Cinematography.com Another great cinematography forum.
Creative Cow A fantastic forum. There's a section for every software title you can think of and many other issues too (e.g. "Adobe After Effects", "HDV" etc). Packed with very knowledgable people. If you're having a software problem then check here first.
Movie Making Manual Section on Watching Films on the Internet
This is the weekly trials and tribulations of a filmmaker who took the plunge and shot a $50K dollar short film in an attmept to get into the Hollywood game. It's very entertaining, but gives you a great insight into what it means to be a filmmaker.
VFX links
http://www.vfxpodcast.com/ (XML)
Film-related podcasts
For film-makers
Creative Cow Useful creative tech news. In depth interviews.
Filmmaking Central Podcast from an independent filmmaker, good on the filmmaking process itself.
KCRW's The Business US-centric high-quality podcast about the movie industry.
KCRW's The Treatment Interesting discussions with screenwriters
Film Review podcasts
Mark Kermode's film reviews Reviews current releases
DVD Weekly podcast Reviews current DVDs and has a 'featured DVD of the week' which they review in more depth
Reel Review Radio Reviews classic films including M, Rear Window, etc. Made by a film buff.