Non-Union Contract
"Wake-Up" Entertainment Company
I, __________________________ do hereby confirm the consent heretofore given you with respect to your photographing me in connection with your motion picture/video: Title: apocalypse Z! and I hereby grant to you, your successors, assigns and licensees the perpetual right to use, in any manner or in any media currently existing or which may be developed in the future, as "Wake-up" Entertainment may desire, all video, still and motion pictures and sound track recordings and records which you may make of me or of my voice, and the right to use my name or likeness in or in connection with the exhibition, advertising, exploitation or any other use of such motion picture or recording. I understand that "Wake-Up" Entertainment will provide to me a copy of the film on DVD or other media for my personal use only. I will not sell said copy or use it for any commercial purposes such as broadcasting, streaming online or Home Video- DVD releases. I shall receive a limited license to use the copy for personal promotional purposes, which shall be limited to using a maximum of 30 seconds of the film on my personal website. I also understand that it takes a significant amount of time to complete a film – and in some cases student films are abandoned and not completed at all. If the filmmaker has promised a tape of the film I agree to allow a reasonable amount of time to elapse after the performance for completion (i.e. six months). I agree that should the film/tape not be completed I will take no action against "Wake-Up" Entertainment or its President.
I am over eighteen years of age. (initial here) _____
I am under eighteen years of age. (initial here) _____ Parent/Guardian signature required.
Signature : _______________________________
(Parent/Guardian if under eighteen years of age)
Name (print) : _______________________________
Home address : _______________________________
Phone number : _______________________________
Character name: _______________________________
Date: _______________________________
release form revised 11/04
Union Contract
The contract above is for non-union actors. For actors who belong to a union (in the USA and Canada, the Screen Actors Guild), you must talk to a SAG representative (lawyer). For low budget movies, there are special agreements. But understand that when you sign most of the SAG agreements (which appear very simple), you also agree to the SAG Basic Agreement which is not simple and is not available to the public. There are restrictions which are not obvious. Signer beware!!!