< Monkey < Language
What are Maps?
Maps are lists that require a key-value relationship.
How to Create a Map?
Maps in monkey are created by extending the Map class. The extended map class *MUST* implement the Compare() method.
Maps are able to use any type, including objects.
The Compare() method in Monkey returns a "0" if the values are equal, a "1" or greater if the values are higher, or a "-1" or less if the values are lower. Some objects are difficult to compare, but the method must return a value for each field needed in the key.
Class VectorMap <Vector> Extends Map<Vector, Vector>
Method Compare:Int( lhs:Vector,rhs:Vector )
If lhs.x<rhs.x Return -1
If lhs.x>rhs.x Return 1
If lhs.y<rhs.y Return -1
If lhs.y>rhs.y Return 1
If lhs.z<rhs.z Return -1
Return lhs.z>rhs.z
Local mymap:VectorMap<Vector> = New VectorMap<Vector>
Maps are used with Get() and Set() methods.
Local somevector:Vector = New Vector(1,2,3)
Local somevalue:Vector = New Vector(4,5,6)
mymap.Set( somevector, somevalue)
Local returnvalue:Vector = mymap.Get(somevector)
Monkey includes built-in maps which offer use for setting objects, by using integer, floats, and strings as keys: IntMap, FloatMap, StringMap
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