< Mirad Grammar
Lesson 1: What is this?
- In this lesson, you will learn how to ask what an object is and to reply correctly. You will also learn how to say the plural of nouns and to describe them with adjectives.
Dialog 1 MIRAD ENGLISH 1. Hos se his? What is this? 2. His se drar. This is a pencil. 3. Hos se hus? What is that? 4. Hus se dresem. That's a desk. 5. Hua dresem se aga. That desk is big. 6. Hia drar se oga. This pencil is small. 7. Hos se aga? What is big? 8. Hua dresem se aga. That desk is big. 9. Hos se oga? What is small? 10. Hia drar se oga. This pencil is small. 11. Hoa drari se oga? Which pencils are small? 12. Hia drari se oga. These pencils are small. 13. Ha dresemi se aga. Ha drari se oga. The desks are big. The pencils are small. 14. Hua drari se oga. Husi se oga. Those pencils are small. Those are small.
- In the above dialog, you see words that begin with the letter h. These are a special type of word called determiners, or more specifically deictic determiners. These are words which point out the context of something, for example, where something is located relative to the speaker. Such determiners can be pronouns or adjectives modifying a noun that follows. The h is pronounced just as in American English. The chart below show the deictic (pointing) determiners used in the dialog:
Dialog 1 Determiners TYPE PRONOUN ADJECTIVE INTERROGATIVE hos?....what? hoa....which DEFINITE has....it ha....the PROXIMATE his....this hia....this, these DISTAL hus....that hua....that, those
- Deictic ("pointing") determiners always begin with the consonant h and are followed by a vowel that indicates whether it is interrogative, proximate (near the speaker), distal (away from the speaker), and more categories that will be learned later. The final letter, if s signals that the determiner is a pronoun referring to a thing. If the final consonant is a, it means that the determiner is an adjective that modifies the following noun. In fact, all adjectives in Mirad end in -a.
- This may seem a little confusing to the learner at first, because in English, this as a pronoun (this [ = thing]) is not distinguished from this as a adjective (this [desk]). The two are distinguished in Mirad (his (this [thing]) vs. hia drar (this pencil).
- Mirad students who speak Latin-based languages like French and Spanish need to know that adjectives in Mirad do not agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. So, hia (this) and hia (that) do not change form no matter what the object or person noun they modify. The same applies to descriptive adjectives like aga (big) and oga (small).
- Another matter that Latin-based language speakers need to realize is that adjectives in Mirad come BEFORE the noun they modify. Furthermore, deictic determiners acting as adjectives precede any descriptive adjectives. So, these1 small2 desks would be expressed in Mirad as hia1 oga2 dresemi.
Pluralizing Nouns and Pronoun Determiners
- Nouns, which always end in a consonant, are made plural by suffixing the vowel i to the noun. dresem = a desk, dresemi = desks; drar = a pencil, drari = pencils.
- The pronoun determiners has, his, and hus are also pluralized by suffixing the vowel i. For example, Hisi se oga.....these are small.
- The adjectival determiners and descriptive adjectives modifying the noun do not change form, i.e. they do not agree in number as in English and Latin-based languages, eg. hua drar....that pencil vs. hua drari....those pencils. This includes the definite adjectival determiner ha....the, which never changes form.
Dialog 1 Pluralizing Nouns SINGULAR PLURAL hoa drar?....which pencil? hoa drari?....which pencils? hia dresem....this desk hia dresemi....these desks hua drar....that pencil hua drari....those pencils hua aga dresem....that big desk hua aga dresemi....those big desks hua oga drar....that little pencil hua oga drari....those little pencils ha drar....the pencil ha drari....the pencils Hos?....What (thing)? Hosi?....What (things)? His.....This (thing). Hisi.....These (things) Hus.....That (thing). Husi.....Those (things) Has....It. Hasi.....They, the things
Modifying Nouns with Articles
- In Mirad, there is no equivalent of the English indefinite article a or an. This article is left unexpressed. So aga drar means a big pencil. oga drari means little pencils.
- The equivalent of the definite article the, however, is rendered by the adjectival deictic determiner ha. So, the desk and the desks are expressed by Mirad ha dresem and ha dresemi. Again, ha does not change form when modify a singular or plural noun. The definite article ha (which is really the definite adjectival deictic determiner, is used exactly as the English article the (which is quite different from the use of the definite article in many other languages).
Adjective Opposites
- Note that aga and oga are opposite in meaning. The stem vowels a and o spell the difference. If the stem vowel of a descriptive adjective is a, then its opposite will be o and the adjective with a will be the positive, greater, or better of the two values. In fact, there is an "in-between" values represented by the vowel e, as in the chart below:
Dialog 1 Three-Way Descriptive Adjectives POSITIVE INTERMEDIATE NEGATIVE aga....big ega....normal oga....small aza....strong eza....moderate oza....weak
Verb to be in the Present
- The verb form used in the above dialog is se, which is the simple present tense form of the verb infinitive ser meaning to be. The form se is used with singular or plural subjects and therefore means am, is or are. Mirad does not normally make a distinction between the the being of essence and the being of circumstance as does Spanish with ser and estar. (And, by the way, the similarity in form between the ser of Mirad and the ser of Spanish is purely coincidental. Vocabulary in Mirad is a priori, that is, created from scratch and not based on any existing human language.)
Lesson 1 Vocabulary
- Nouns
- drar....pencil
- dresem....desk
- Pronouns
- hos? / his / hus / has....what? / this (thing) / that (thing) / it (the thing)
- Adjectives
- hoa? / hia / hua / ha....which? / this / that / the
- aga / ega / oga....big / normal / little
- aza / eza / oza....strong / moderate / weak
- Verbs
- ser....to be
- se....is / am / are (simple present tense)
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