This book applies to version 2010 of Microsoft Office.

This book applies to version 2011 of Microsoft Office for Mac.
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Welcome to the Microsoft Office wikibook. This book aims to be a comprehensive reference for the use of Microsoft Office for Windows, Microsoft Office for Mac, and Microsoft’s Office Online and Office 365 services. While this book doesn’t teach basic computer skills or general Windows or OS X usage, this book will cover a few core techniques that complement the use of Microsoft Office. In addition, many of the concepts in this book can be applied to other office packages; however, please note that the Microsoft Office user interface is relatively unique, so if you use another office package, you’ll need to find ways of performing the same task that work in that program.
Table of Contents
Computing Basics
- Windows 7 vs. Windows 8
- Logging In & Out (Windows • OS X)
- File Management Techniques
- Create and Edit a Document
- Spacing and Special Characters
- Create and Edit a Flier
- Create and Edit a Research Paper in MLA format
- Create and Edit a Research Paper in APA format
- Create and Edit a Cover Letter
- Create and Edit a Resume
- Opening a Word File as Read Only
- Create a Proposal with collaboration
- Edit your Cover Letter into a form letter with mailing labels
- Create a Newsletter
- Ribbon Reference (Windows • Mac)
- Excel Terminology
- Navigating Cells
- Working with Data
- Working with Formulas
- Making Beautiful Charts
- Printing in Excel
- Create a Workbook to Analyze your Field of Interest with Embedded Chart
- Create a Personal Budget with functions
- Create a College Expense Analysis Workbook
- Troubleshooting Excel Errors
- Loan Payment Amortization Schedule
- Create a Pivot Table
- Create a spreadsheet with lists
- Create a spreadsheet with multiple worksheets
- Excel Basic Exam
- Create a basic two table database with reports
- Create queries for a database
- Using and updating a database
- Creating Forms and Reports from multiple tables
- Creating Sub-forms
- Creating a data access point for the internet
- Reports
- Access Basic Exam
- Create a Greeting Card
- Create a Business Card
- Create a Poster
- Create a Banner